US freezes funding for Syria White Helmets


The White Helmets are anything but unbiased. They work for the rebels/terrorists...period.

And it has become pretty clear that they completey fabricated the last supposed gas attack.
Got a link or proof the White Helmets are unbiased and work for the rebels/terrorists? From my understanding, they pull people from the rubble and save lives. Kinda goes against what rebels/terrorists want, don't you think?
Got a link or proof the White Helmets are unbiased and work for the rebels/terrorists? From my understanding, they pull people from the rubble and save lives. Kinda goes against what rebels/terrorists want, don't you think?

'In November 2016, the Revolutionaries of Syria Media Office, a Syrian media organisation, published a video showing two White Helmet volunteers performing a staged rescue operation for the Mannequin Challenge meme. The organisation apologised for their volunteers' error of judgement and said it had not shared the recording on their official channels.[95][96]

In June 2017, a member of the White Helmets was suspended indefinitely after he was discovered to have assisted armed militants in the burial of mutilated corpses of soldiers belonging to pro-government forces.'

White Helmets (Syrian Civil War) - Wikipedia

Plus, the fact that so far, pretty much all the evidence points to the White Helmets bribing children with food to lie about the gas attack.

Journalists Find Boy in White Helmets Chemical Attack Video, Concludes He Was Bribed With Food

If this is not enough for you...than clearly your mind is closed on this and I try not to waste my time on such people.

And BTW, 'unbiased' means they are not biased. I said the White Helmets were NOT unbiased.

We are done here.

Good day.
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