US companies have enjoyed the luxury of ALWAYS being supported by the GOP.

Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
That support is currently dancing on a knife's edge.
Trying to make money overseas is one thing.
Taking the side of Chinese oppression for the sake of making a buck will slice that support right in half.

The NBA, Blizzard, Van's and numerous other companies are currently engaged in the oppression of FREE SPEECH by siding with China in their ongoing attack on Hong Kong.

Chinas power comes from YOUR silence. Dont support any of the above named businesses. Ditch your Apple products. Do your part. Obviously our nation is inundated with Chinese products so filtering them all out is all but impossible.
This thread isn't about Trump or his trade war. It is about US based companies selling out American values for a buck.
Chinas censorship has gotten so bad that Hollywood film makers alter US films so as to not offend China. The latest is the remake of Red Dawn. The producers feared the backlash from China so much that the enemy is no longer Chinese. The Chinese have been written out of the script.

How far are you willing to bend over to accommodate Chinese censorship?

Capitalism has no loyalties and knows no borders.

Are you an anti-capitalist?

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