URGENT: Rudy Rochman, Israeli filmmaker detained on a trip to learn about the Jews of Nigeria


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015

Rudy is a very talented and promising figure in the Israeli youth,
he was going on a trip to film and connect with the Jewish communities in Africa.

Just a couple days ago Nissim Black was talking about joining as well,
saw this just now, not much details yet.

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@NaftaliBennet @BinyaminNetanyahu

Photo of Edouard David Benaym (L.), Rudy Rochman (C.), and Andrew Leibman (R.)
with the Sefer Torah. (Photo: Courtesy of the families)

Pass their names in the community,
to pray for them and do Hesed on their behalf

Edouard David Benaym
Rudy Rochman
Andrew Leibman

Say Tehilim,
give Tzdakah on their behalf...
learn Torah for their quick return
anything, no matter how big or seemingly small deed.

May the God of Israel merit us all for the great Kidush HaShem that they devote themselves,
to witness His miraculous guard and quickly return all the distant of His nation Israel,
from the four corners of the earth to their land, in health and peace.


I hope that Nigeria will have the good sense to release those gentlemen.

Maybe Nigeria should remember what Israel did when many years ago Uganda was unwise enough to hold some Israelis as prisoners.

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