Unrecognized Benefits of Death Penalty


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
No, I'm not talking about lowering the recidivism rate. I'm talking about the ability of prosecutors to offer life without parole as a bargaining chip for a guilty plea instead of going through a costly and often futile death penalty trial.

Otherwise, why should a defendant not want to enjoy the spectacle of a long trial, not to mention the inevitable appeals?
No, I'm not talking about lowering the recidivism rate. I'm talking about the ability of prosecutors to offer life without parole as a bargaining chip for a guilty plea instead of going through a costly and often futile death penalty trial.

Otherwise, why should a defendant not want to enjoy the spectacle of a long trial, not to mention the inevitable appeals?
At first, this made me think that you might have something here. But then I realized that there are a couple of problems with it.

1. If it is on the books, some prosecutors will use it and not offer a deal, and that is likely to disproportionately impact minorities and the poor.

2. With the death penalty an option, murder rates may go up.

Admittedly, a correlation does not prove causation . It could be that some states have the death penalty because of high murder rates , but there is also some evidence that committing murder can be a form of ritualistic suicide. It is not well documented, but it happens. It is a phenomenon similar to suicide by cop where someone sets themselves up to be shot by police.
" Wiling To Inflict Death But Too Cowardly To Accept It For Themselves "

* Reprobate Will Not Be Missed *

Otherwise, why should a defendant not want to enjoy the spectacle of a long trial, not to mention the inevitable appeals?
Why should the surviving family of the victims suffer to know the piece of shit is still breathing ?

Where evidence of homicide is without a doubt , appeals should be fast tracked and execution expedited .

A problem of life without parole is that a life sentence in the cry baby left wing banana republic is 20 years and then the retarded bastard gets to walk free .
1. If it is on the books, some prosecutors will use it and not offer a deal, and that is likely to disproportionately impact minorities and the poor.

2. With the death penalty an option, murder rates may go up.
1. Statutory death penalties are strongly correlated to sentence plea bargains.

2. I don't think the death penalty affects murder rates in either direction.
1. If it is on the books, some prosecutors will use it and not offer a deal, and that is likely to disproportionately impact minorities and the poor.

2. With the death penalty an option, murder rates may go up.
1. Statutory death penalties are strongly correlated to sentence plea bargains.

2. I don't think the death penalty affects murder rates in either direction.
Your point # 1 does not refute my point #1

You point # 2 is just your opinion and is refuted by the data that I presented
Why should the surviving family of the victims suffer to know the piece of shit is still breathing ?
The survivors likely suffer much more with a protracted death penalty trial and years of apples delaying closure as opposed to knowing that the perp will be locked away forever allowing them to move on to the extent possible. You might have heard that many survivors actually ask that death not be imposed for a variety of reasons.
The problem is that once it is realized that the Death Penalty is little more than a cudgel to intimidate and frighten someone. It loses that power.

Actually. There are several problems. That is but the first and the one we will focus on for now.

So to keep the cudgel working you are still going to have to go for and get the Death Penalty. It is pretty well established that the Death Penalty including trial and appeals costs more than a million dollars. We can not get rid of the appeals. The innocence project that has cleared more than a hundred wrongly convicted demonstrates the vital need for the appeals.

If you don’t then Life without Parole becomes the new cudgel for Life Sentence Plea Bargains.
A problem of life without parole is that a life sentence in the cry baby left wing banana republic is 20 years and then the retarded bastard gets to walk free .
WHAT?? Without parole means WITHOUT PAROLE. What the fuck are you talking about?

Laws can always be changed to benefit the convicted, they can't be changed to punish them more due to ex post facto.
" Dealing Honestly With Life For Death "

* Peculiar Oversight Unintended Qualifiers *

You're a wonderful example of a human being. Make that a subhuman being
... but there is also some evidence that committing murder can be a form of ritualistic suicide. It is not well documented, but it happens. It is a phenomenon similar to suicide by cop where someone sets themselves up to be shot by police.
The scope of my statements were intended to be for conditions where one had killed another and not simply for suspects seeking suicide by cop .

For example , it has always puzzled me why the psychopath nidal hasan was not shot on spot .

* The Value Of Witness To Daylight *
Yes like in China, N. Korea and Iran. Is it possible that you can't see any problem with that?
Developing a standard of " guilty without a doubt " does not seem to me to be out of the realm of reason .

Those using expense as an excuse not to implement capital punishment would do better to maintain for the prisoner an opportunity of suicide .

* Flimsy Standard Of Trust For Administrators Of Life Without Parole *

By removing an option for a death penalty and offering a plea deal for life without the possibility of parole , a finding by a jury that a perpetrator deserved the sentence could not be sustained upon appeal ; hence , pleading for life in prison without possibility of parole would subvert standards required to maintain the conviction .

There continues to be those who trivialize homicide and banter to release prisoners after a period of time , irrespective of their crimes , irrespective of whether they are sentenced to life without possibility of parole ; and , that is compounded by those unscrupulous in willing to listen to those please and set them free .

There are many U.S. states in which a convict can be released on parole after a decade or more has passed, but in California, people sentenced to life imprisonment can normally apply for parole after seven years[2]. The laws in the United States divide life sentences between "determinate life sentences" and "indeterminate life sentences," the latter indicating the possibility of an abridged sentence, usually through the process of parole. For example, sentences of "15 years to life," "25 years to life," or "life with mercy" are called "indeterminate life sentences", while a sentence of "life without the possibility of parole" or "life without mercy" is called a "determinate life sentence". Any potential for parole is not guaranteed but discretionary, making it an indeterminate sentence.[3] Even if a sentence specifically denies the possibility of parole, government officials may have the power to grant an amnesty, to reprieve, or to commute a sentence to time served.

* Expenses For Capital Punishment Process Seem Absurd *

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