

Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
I really haven't anything to add to this, it's what is:

No budget? No problem! The strange politics behind a budgetless America. - CSMonitor.com

I think I agree that the problem is that the public haven't reacted to this in any meaningful way:

No budget? No problem! The strange politics behind a budgetless America.

President Obama has proposed a federal budget. Congress looks sure to ignore it, and Senate Democrats show no desire to pass any budget. It would be the fourth straight budgetless year.

By Gail Russell Chaddock, Staff writer / February 14, 2012

...Unless the public reacts to the lack of a budget – which is seen as unlikely for such a seemingly arcane issue – there’s little pressure on lawmakers to commit to votes on a comprehensive budget plan before November. And Congress has other issues on its mind.

Both Democrats and Republicans are already looking ahead to even tougher tax-and-spend decisions outside the budget process that come due after November. Here are the top tax-and-spend measures to be decided by Dec. 31, most likely in a lame-duck session of Congress.

* The Bush-era tax cuts are set to expire on Dec. 31. The Obama budget for fiscal year 2013 proposes extending tax breaks only for people with incomes less than $250,000. Many Democrats, especially from high-cost-of-living states like New York, want to see those tax breaks extended for incomes up to $1 million.
* A 2 percentage point cut in Social Security payroll taxes, extended unemployment insurance, and the “doc fix” to avert cuts in reimbursement rates to doctors treating Medicare patients are all set to expire on Feb. 29. If extended, as expected, Congress will face another decision point on the entire $160 billion package on Dec. 31.
* The debt-limit deal mandates that Congress begin $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts, to be divided between defense and domestic spending, in January 2013. Congress has 10 months to come up with an alternative deficit-reduction package. Any agreement before the elections is seen as unlikely....
I'm thinking more that most families don't have a budget, though they should. They're not casting stones that should be cast, at Congress and themselves.
It is a legal requirement that the senate has ignored for the last four years. there is no legal way to compel them to do it. Could we fine them 10% of their salary for failure? Nope, the constitution forbids it.

For most of my adult life the budget process has been an asinine kabuki drama that had no point. I am not sorry to see it fall into the pile of laws that have become dead letters
'Generation Gimme' doesn't give a shit about Budgets. All they want to know is, what are you gonna give em. These idiots make up most of the Democratic Voting base. Just keep stealing from fellow Citizens and spending more of their money. That's what the Democrats are all about. They just don't care about Budgets. It is what it is.
People dont save and prepare for the future.libtards teach theres always a magic rainbow with a pot of gold.
It is a legal requirement that the senate has ignored for the last four years. there is no legal way to compel them to do it. Could we fine them 10% of their salary for failure? Nope, the constitution forbids it.

For most of my adult life the budget process has been an asinine kabuki drama that had no point. I am not sorry to see it fall into the pile of laws that have become dead letters

That's why you are a mod, you know the basics. ;)

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