Unprecedented Disrespect

Really? So when was the last time you bragged to someone that "...when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything"

When was the last time you heard one of your friends brag and say something like that?
I do not know where you operate from
Almost every day I will encounter a male who comments "check out the rack....feeding time mommy....would like to tap that...." On and on
Now there has been a lot of neutering proposed for heterosexual male guy talk but we will hold onto it thank you
Perhaps you too wear a helmet on your tricycle or are Betty Blind who thinks "my man would never say that"

What Trump said as a one time generality to one guy about nobody in particular and happened to be recorded is NOTHING compared to Colberts base and specific reference to POTUS with malicious pre planning to millions

Well of course regular guys fantasize about women and talk trash about what they'd like to do (and visa versa), but the Gumpster, caught on tape, was bragging about what he has done. Not only that but he also told us why he feels he is entitled to grab and go. He is a POS and should expect no respect from anyone.
yeah so fk his constitutional right to privacy right?

He deserves a private cell because everybody know what happens to sexual predators in the general population.
so nothing eh? who'd have figured that from you? :desk::desk:

Poor Donnie Dangerously. Everybody's always poking him.



A Snowflake triggered Raindrop.
I do not know where you operate from
Almost every day I will encounter a male who comments "check out the rack....feeding time mommy....would like to tap that...." On and on
Now there has been a lot of neutering proposed for heterosexual male guy talk but we will hold onto it thank you
Perhaps you too wear a helmet on your tricycle or are Betty Blind who thinks "my man would never say that"

What Trump said as a one time generality to one guy about nobody in particular and happened to be recorded is NOTHING compared to Colberts base and specific reference to POTUS with malicious pre planning to millions

Well of course regular guys fantasize about women and talk trash about what they'd like to do (and visa versa), but the Gumpster, caught on tape, was bragging about what he has done. Not only that but he also told us why he feels he is entitled to grab and go. He is a POS and should expect no respect from anyone.
yeah so fk his constitutional right to privacy right?

He deserves a private cell because everybody know what happens to sexual predators in the general population.
so nothing eh? who'd have figured that from you? :desk::desk:

Poor Donnie Dangerously. Everybody's always poking him.



A Snowflake triggered Raindrop.
so nothing eh? who'd have figured that from you? :desk::desk:
Trump made a private offhand remark to one person about no one in particular

Colbert crafted and delivered a deliberative grotesque and most astoundingly homophobic remark to millions on TV
Where are all the wedding cake wailers now ???
Trump made a private offhand remark to one person about no one in particular

Colbert crafted and delivered a deliberative grotesque and most astoundingly homophobic remark to millions on TV
Where are all the wedding cake wailers now ???

Yes because Do Gooder Donnie has never been caught being unfaithful or anything.......:eek:

Colbert should have a weekly segment devoted exclusively to exposing the enormous amount of BS our Grabber in Chief deposit on America. In fact he deserves a special award for his commentary.....;)
Liberals could be even more retarded and disrespectful by claiming for years that the President was born in Kenya.
Yeppers, questioning his birthplace that he obviously promoted is exactly the same as talk of assignation. You nailed it.

Questioning his eligibility- because of his skin color was of course exactly what Trump was all about.

But snowflakes like you forget that there was plenty of assasination talk about President Obama as well.

The difference is that President Obama has not suggested assassination- while Donald Trump actively tried to undermine the credibility of a sitting President with racist Birther bullshit.
Trump made a private offhand remark to one person about no one in particular

Colbert crafted and delivered a deliberative grotesque and most astoundingly homophobic remark to millions on TV
Where are all the wedding cake wailers now ???

Trump said he can grab women by the pussy- and that he wanted to fuck married women.

Colbert mentioned sucking cock.

Yeah- its enjoyable watching the Conservative double standard- about how its okay for a man to suggest grabbing a woman by the pussy- but not okay to suggest a man sucking another man's cock.
Liberals could be even more retarded and disrespectful by claiming for years that the President was born in Kenya.

Obama said so in his Bio, are you calling him a LAIR!


You Birthers can't even spell when you lie.

We are calling you a liar.

President Obama has never said he was born in Kenya.

In his own autobiography he said he was born in Hawaii- but Birthers can't be expected post facts when you can lie.
Obama was a fucking nobody when the publishing house sent his "born in Kenya" bio around. All the info came from Obama who was either actually born in Kenya and should never have been President or lied about it and would never have gotten into college

Well that is a nice fantasy that you have created in your head Frankie.

But as you know- Barack Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

The only one we know for certain is lying- is you.

I'm just reading what Obama wrote, are you calling him a liar?

As always I am calling you a liar.

Because that is what you do.

The question is whether you lie about President Obama because of his skin color?

Or just because you are an asshole?
Trump made a private offhand remark to one person about no one in particular

Colbert crafted and delivered a deliberative grotesque and most astoundingly homophobic remark to millions on TV
Where are all the wedding cake wailers now ???

The pussy grabber said more of the garbage he has always said. Are you aware that at the time his bragging that he's a serially sexual predator, his wife was at home, pregnant. Then, years later, she heard what he had said while she was at home, pregnant. IOW, even though she already knew he was chronically unfaithful, she heard him actually bragging about it. That also means she knew he had also bragged about being unfaithful to her.

All those years, she knew he was screwing anything and everything, now she had to face the world with that. She could never again pretend they have a normal and loving marriage.

Then, how many women came forward to corroborate what the pussy grabber said.

Even his daughter agreed he he's "a sexual predator". It's on You Tube, on one of his many Howard Stern gigs. And the fact that he did not know he was being recorded just reinforces what he has said for years.


All he did was tell the truth, just as his own sons have said.

Get a grip cupcake. Your cheeto is pure sleaze. He's trailer trash with money and he's corrupt, a common criminal who is stealing us blind. And you know it.

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Liberals could be even more retarded and disrespectful by claiming for years that the President was born in Kenya.

Obama said so in his Bio, are you calling him a LAIR!


You Birthers can't even spell when you lie.

We are calling you a liar.

President Obama has never said he was born in Kenya.

In his own autobiography he said he was born in Hawaii- but Birthers can't be expected post facts when you can lie.
Obama was a fucking nobody when the publishing house sent his "born in Kenya" bio around. All the info came from Obama who was either actually born in Kenya and should never have been President or lied about it and would never have gotten into college

Ya know, you Froot Loops could make this a lot easier if you would list the really stupid nutter crap you believe.

Other burfur crap
Coming for our guns
Infecting us all with Ebola
Re-education camps
Bought up all the ammo
Bought millions of coffins
Jade Helm
Loves ISIL
Secret Muslim

Wow. Listing all those reminded me of just how utterly stupid and ant-America you dunderheads really are.

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easyt65 "unprecedented disrespect" is BS. You were tight up in front when your fellow RWNJ Pootarian traitors were (and still are) saying the worst lies about a good decent man and excellent president. Stop pretending you're not the worst kind of lying hypocrite.

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Libs make the living, poor as it is, by presenting non comparables as comparables
It fools no one
On the heels of Colbert's vulgar homophobic, profanity-laced assault on President Trump, Congresswoman Maxine Waters openly disrespected the sitting President.

"Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man"

Can you imagine if a WHITE female Congresswoman would have said such a thing about President Obama?! The outrage would have been swift and brutal. She would have been called a racist, and the All-In media would have been calling for her to step down from Congress.

Just yesterday Buzzfeed was openly joking about Trump being assassinated ("Somebody's going to assassinate him" followed by laughter).

The disgusting display is not Trump but the completely deranged, un-hinged, 'triggered' liberals who have removed their disguises and have revealed their true selves.

Maxine Waters has demonstrated she can't even tell the difference between CRIMEA and NORTH KOREA; yet she is an expert at one thing: Hate / Disrespect for the current President.

One of the amazing things is that after saying such despicable things like this about President Trump, in the next breath they demand that he work with them.

I got a message for you, Maxine:


Maxine Waters tells pro-choice activists Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man’
Were you awake during the Obama administration?

Do you think these are respectful?....or just expressions of the First Amendment?:



Trump has completely soiled the office. Completely.

He deserves every speck of mud which sticks to him.
...and he's still better than Hillary! Sad, isn't it?
He is no different than Hillary. Sad, isn't it?
He's better by virtue of the facts 1) Most Americans feel our nation is going in the wrong direction and 2) Hillary campaigned upon going the same direction. Trump, regardless if he really planned to be President or not, was not promising to keep everything the same, but more so. Oddly, more Democrats are dissatisfied than Republicans according to the poll below....of course, that's a surge post-election. :D

Still, the fact remains most Americans are unhappy with the direction of the nation and have been unhappy for several years.

Americans' Satisfaction With Direction of US Remains Low
A majority of Republicans, 54%, say they are satisfied with the direction of the U.S., while 13% of Democrats say the same.

Americans' Satisfaction With U.S. Drops Sharply
Trump made a private offhand remark to one person about no one in particular

Colbert crafted and delivered a deliberative grotesque and most astoundingly homophobic remark to millions on TV
Where are all the wedding cake wailers now ???

The pussy grabber said more of the garbage he has always said. Are you aware that at the time his bragging that he's a serially sexual predator, his wife was at home, pregnant. Then, years later, she heard what he had said while she was at home, pregnant. IOW, even though she already knew he was chronically unfaithful, she heard him actually bragging about it. That also means she knew he had also bragged about being unfaithful to her.

All those years, she knew he was screwing anything and everything, now she had to face the world with that. She could never again pretend they have a normal and loving marriage.

Then, how many women came forward to corroborate what the pussy grabber said.

Even his daughter agreed he he's "a sexual predator". It's on You Tube, on one of his many Howard Stern gigs. And the fact that he did not know he was being recorded just reinforces what he has said for years.


All he did was tell the truth, just as his own sons have said.

Get a grip cupcake. Your cheeto is pure sleaze. He's trailer trash with money and he's corrupt, a common criminal who is stealing us blind. And you know it.

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I love when fucking shit for brains spew their emotion based crap and then add at the end, as if a reinforcement to themselves, "and you know I'm right"
Well my goodness Suzie , being told that you are right has just changed everything!!!!!!
Liberals could be even more retarded and disrespectful by claiming for years that the President was born in Kenya.
Yeppers, questioning his birthplace that he obviously promoted is exactly the same as talk of assignation. You nailed it.

Questioning his eligibility- because of his skin color was of course exactly what Trump was all about.

But snowflakes like you forget that there was plenty of assasination talk about President Obama as well.

The difference is that President Obama has not suggested assassination- while Donald Trump actively tried to undermine the credibility of a sitting President with racist Birther bullshit.
Noppers, it is your snowflake side that keeps bring up race. Obama just happened to be a black person who made the claim of Kenyan birth, until it got in the way. Why is it always race with you people?
On the heels of Colbert's vulgar homophobic, profanity-laced assault on President Trump, Congresswoman Maxine Waters openly disrespected the sitting President.

"Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man"

Can you imagine if a WHITE female Congresswoman would have said such a thing about President Obama?! The outrage would have been swift and brutal. She would have been called a racist, and the All-In media would have been calling for her to step down from Congress.

Just yesterday Buzzfeed was openly joking about Trump being assassinated ("Somebody's going to assassinate him" followed by laughter).

The disgusting display is not Trump but the completely deranged, un-hinged, 'triggered' liberals who have removed their disguises and have revealed their true selves.

Maxine Waters has demonstrated she can't even tell the difference between CRIMEA and NORTH KOREA; yet she is an expert at one thing: Hate / Disrespect for the current President.

One of the amazing things is that after saying such despicable things like this about President Trump, in the next breath they demand that he work with them.

I got a message for you, Maxine:


Maxine Waters tells pro-choice activists Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man’
We can thank Joe Wilson, (R) South Carolina for escalating the unprecedented disrespect during an early Obama address.

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