Unprecedented: 40% Of Blacks Line Up Behind Trump- 45% Of Hispanics

They recognize Trump has the White Power to get things done to make this country great again.

92 black people were surveyed. The margin of error is humongous. Not a representative sample.

No, they weren't. Here's the actual poll.


The total sample for all black folks.....was 10 people. See page 5 of 7.
It sampled 82% republicans and 4% democrats with only 14% independents in a supposedly 'random' polling sample.

That's a sampling error of up to 750%.

The poll is a fucking mess.
I see you don't like the poll either cause it doesn't represent your side favorably. Interesting how you all never seem to care when it does favor your side right? when it is 85% democrat and 4% repubs, then it's a great poll. :badgrin:

A polling error of 750% is ridiculous. As the actual number for democrats, republicans and independents is completely different:

GOP: 26%
Democrat: 30%
Independents 43%

In U.S., New Record 43% Are Political Independents

Oh, and its '40% of black folks'? That was 4 guys. As their entire polling sample of all black folks everywhere......was 10 people.

10. And yet you can't drop to your knees fast enough for WND.
what is the percentage of blacks in the country?

Blacks are representitve of 2.27% in this poll. Of course, since this is a primary poll (sort of) that maybe about right for the GOP.
not what i asked i asked what is the percentage of blacks in the country? you don't have to post your stupid again, i get that you are.

More than 2.27%
OMG, how did I miss this thread? Same stupid poll, same stupid people touting it.

Neat, Trump is even nodding in agreement.
I'd say he's booging quite nicely. Sorry you got powder burns.

Because you can't read a poll or comprehend a poll?

Unprecedented: 40% Of Blacks Line Up Behind Trump- 45% Of Hispanics

How many voted for Clinton? Can you tell me who got the other 60%? I
Neat, Trump is even nodding in agreement.
I'd say he's booging quite nicely. Sorry you got powder burns.

Because you can't read a poll or comprehend a poll?

Unprecedented: 40% Of Blacks Line Up Behind Trump- 45% Of Hispanics

How many voted for Clinton?
not enough?

Who got the other 60%? Why don't you take a look at the poll and tell me. I don't think you will as either you just don't know how or you're very dishonest.
I'd say he's booging quite nicely. Sorry you got powder burns.

Because you can't read a poll or comprehend a poll?

Unprecedented: 40% Of Blacks Line Up Behind Trump- 45% Of Hispanics

How many voted for Clinton?
not enough?

Who got the other 60%? Why don't you take a look at the poll and tell me. I don't think you will as either you just don't know how or you're very dishonest.
most likely the other GOP candidates.
Because you can't read a poll or comprehend a poll?

Unprecedented: 40% Of Blacks Line Up Behind Trump- 45% Of Hispanics

How many voted for Clinton?
not enough?

Who got the other 60%? Why don't you take a look at the poll and tell me. I don't think you will as either you just don't know how or you're very dishonest.
most likely the other GOP candidates.

So, in a poll that under represents blacks and Democrats, doesn't provide an option to vote for any Democrats, a polling company who has a dubious background, somehow you still believe this poll is evidence that Trump is winning the black vote by 40%? Four black people like Trump and you say what?

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