"Unity" is Bullshit


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
There is no room in our political system for Unity, except in cases of war of national emergency, neither of which exists right now. The Democrats' call for "unity" is nothing more than a demand that those who disagree with them simply shut up.

The actions and positions of the former President were by no means "extreme" or outrageous. Enforce the existing immigration laws. Solve today's energy issues before worrying about what the world might look like a hundred years out. Insist that international relations be based on reasonable, equitable principles. And so on.

The appropriate goal is not "unity," but rather bi-partisanship, and bi-partisanship can only arise out of reasonable compromise. It cannot arise in an environment where the opposing party is daily and emphatically described as lunatics and similar terms.

Biden's initial shot at an immigration policy showed glimmers of compromise - not demanding that 30 million illegals be given voter registration cards by 2022, as he hinted at in his campaign.

But everything else has been an in-your-face demand that the Republicans just GTF out of the way.

By saying that they want "unity," the Leftists lay the groundwork for claiming that any opposition by Republicans is obstructing the national goal, which is bullshit.

Leftists are masters at manipulating words to accommodate their nefarious demands. Fuck Unity.
There is no room in our political system for Unity, except in cases of war of national emergency, neither of which exists right now. The Democrats' call for "unity" is nothing more than a demand that those who disagree with them simply shut up.

The actions and positions of the former President were by no means "extreme" or outrageous. Enforce the existing immigration laws. Solve today's energy issues before worrying about what the world might look like a hundred years out. Insist that international relations be based on reasonable, equitable principles. And so on.

The appropriate goal is not "unity," but rather bi-partisanship, and bi-partisanship can only arise out of reasonable compromise. It cannot arise in an environment where the opposing party is daily and emphatically described as lunatics and similar terms.

Biden's initial shot at an immigration policy showed glimmers of compromise - not demanding that 30 million illegals be given voter registration cards by 2022, as he hinted at in his campaign.

But everything else has been an in-your-face demand that the Republicans just GTF out of the way.

By saying that they want "unity," the Leftists lay the groundwork for claiming that any opposition by Republicans is obstructing the national goal, which is bullshit.

Leftists are masters at manipulating words to accommodate their nefarious demands. Fuck Unity.

Unity, one might argue, is no greater joining than the ability to walk through one's own neighborhood without neighbors trying to kill you. At length, no unity will exist, can exist, between an American who cherishes life and one who is fine with the mass murder of the unborn. Sooner or later two people divided by such stark moral differences are going to cut each other up. I am rooting for sooner. Fuck Unity.
There is no room in our political system for Unity, except in cases of war of national emergency, neither of which exists right now.
Such a case and general state of martial law has absolutely been in effect ever since the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001, whether people choose to admit it or not.

The Democratic Party had taken advantage the continual state of martial law in time of war or public danger as a grand opportunity to implement absolute despotism in the United States with a Marxist dictatorship of the proletariat.
There is no room in our political system for Unity, except in cases of war of national emergency, neither of which exists right now. The Democrats' call for "unity" is nothing more than a demand that those who disagree with them simply shut up.

The actions and positions of the former President were by no means "extreme" or outrageous. Enforce the existing immigration laws. Solve today's energy issues before worrying about what the world might look like a hundred years out. Insist that international relations be based on reasonable, equitable principles. And so on.

The appropriate goal is not "unity," but rather bi-partisanship, and bi-partisanship can only arise out of reasonable compromise. It cannot arise in an environment where the opposing party is daily and emphatically described as lunatics and similar terms.

Biden's initial shot at an immigration policy showed glimmers of compromise - not demanding that 30 million illegals be given voter registration cards by 2022, as he hinted at in his campaign.

But everything else has been an in-your-face demand that the Republicans just GTF out of the way.

By saying that they want "unity," the Leftists lay the groundwork for claiming that any opposition by Republicans is obstructing the national goal, which is bullshit.

Leftists are masters at manipulating words to accommodate their nefarious demands. Fuck Unity.
Which is why the government thrives on a crisis, whether it be manufactured or naturally occurring.

“Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of 'emergency'. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback. And 'emergency' became the justification of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains.”
~ Herbert Hoover
(1874-1964), 31st US President
There is no room in our political system for Unity, except in cases of war of national emergency, neither of which exists right now. The Democrats' call for "unity" is nothing more than a demand that those who disagree with them simply shut up.

The actions and positions of the former President were by no means "extreme" or outrageous. Enforce the existing immigration laws. Solve today's energy issues before worrying about what the world might look like a hundred years out. Insist that international relations be based on reasonable, equitable principles. And so on.

The appropriate goal is not "unity," but rather bi-partisanship, and bi-partisanship can only arise out of reasonable compromise. It cannot arise in an environment where the opposing party is daily and emphatically described as lunatics and similar terms.

Biden's initial shot at an immigration policy showed glimmers of compromise - not demanding that 30 million illegals be given voter registration cards by 2022, as he hinted at in his campaign.

But everything else has been an in-your-face demand that the Republicans just GTF out of the way.

By saying that they want "unity," the Leftists lay the groundwork for claiming that any opposition by Republicans is obstructing the national goal, which is bullshit.

Leftists are masters at manipulating words to accommodate their nefarious demands. Fuck Unity.
Republicans enabled and aggressively supported one of the worst dictator wannabes in the history of the planet, certainly in the history of the United States. And, despite two very incriminating impeachments, most of they still support him.

In so doing, they show their utter disdain for the American people and their love and respect for a complete traitor working tirelessly to further racism and white nationalism in this country and to also serve the best interests of Russia and Putin to relegate the United States to a third world country.

There is no reconciliation or unity with Republicans; they should be opposed fully at every step, and treated as the evil outcasts they are.
There is no room in our political system for Unity, except in cases of war of national emergency, neither of which exists right now. The Democrats' call for "unity" is nothing more than a demand that those who disagree with them simply shut up.

The actions and positions of the former President were by no means "extreme" or outrageous. Enforce the existing immigration laws. Solve today's energy issues before worrying about what the world might look like a hundred years out. Insist that international relations be based on reasonable, equitable principles. And so on.

The appropriate goal is not "unity," but rather bi-partisanship, and bi-partisanship can only arise out of reasonable compromise. It cannot arise in an environment where the opposing party is daily and emphatically described as lunatics and similar terms.

Biden's initial shot at an immigration policy showed glimmers of compromise - not demanding that 30 million illegals be given voter registration cards by 2022, as he hinted at in his campaign.

But everything else has been an in-your-face demand that the Republicans just GTF out of the way.

By saying that they want "unity," the Leftists lay the groundwork for claiming that any opposition by Republicans is obstructing the national goal, which is bullshit.

Leftists are masters at manipulating words to accommodate their nefarious demands. Fuck Unity.

29 States have a minimum wage higher than the federal minimum wage. Flordia (Trump's home state) raise theirs to $15 an hour. If done correctly, raising the FMW won't raise wages one iota in the states that are already there and drag the impoverished backwater states (all red ones by the way) kicking and screaming into the 19th century.

Its fertile ground to raise the federal minimum wage ... and republican voters are already there in most cases.

Will Republican leaders stand in the way?

Of course they will. Why? Because it means that Biden may get credit. We can't have that...no.
The insanity of the Trump cult seems to be spreading since the inauguration
There is no room in our political system for Unity, except in cases of war of national emergency, neither of which exists right now. The Democrats' call for "unity" is nothing more than a demand that those who disagree with them simply shut up.

The actions and positions of the former President were by no means "extreme" or outrageous. Enforce the existing immigration laws. Solve today's energy issues before worrying about what the world might look like a hundred years out. Insist that international relations be based on reasonable, equitable principles. And so on.

The appropriate goal is not "unity," but rather bi-partisanship, and bi-partisanship can only arise out of reasonable compromise. It cannot arise in an environment where the opposing party is daily and emphatically described as lunatics and similar terms.

Biden's initial shot at an immigration policy showed glimmers of compromise - not demanding that 30 million illegals be given voter registration cards by 2022, as he hinted at in his campaign.

But everything else has been an in-your-face demand that the Republicans just GTF out of the way.

By saying that they want "unity," the Leftists lay the groundwork for claiming that any opposition by Republicans is obstructing the national goal, which is bullshit.

Leftists are masters at manipulating words to accommodate their nefarious demands. Fuck Unity.
Why do you political weirdos act like you're finding out life's most basic, basic bitch shit for the first time all of the time.
29 States have a minimum wage higher than the federal minimum wage. Flordia (Trump's home state) raise theirs to $15 an hour. If done correctly, raising the FMW won't raise wages one iota in the states that are already there and drag the impoverished backwater states (all red ones by the way) kicking and screaming into the 19th century.

Its fertile ground to raise the federal minimum wage ... and republican voters are already there in most cases.

Will Republican leaders stand in the way?

Of course they will. Why? Because it means that Biden may get credit. We can't have that...no.
And the party that is trying to claim the working man...is going to screw the working man
The demonRats want "unity" after they stole an election?

what a stupid joke that is.

They will NEVER have that. NEVER.
I think you're just dumb. Maybe no politics for a little, silly...maybe sell kitchen gadgets and chat with folks about handbags.
If unity meant that we are all Americans first and foremost but could settle our differences for the common good, that would be one thing.

With the Dems playing the game of identity politics where we are NOT Americans first and foremost, but members of splintered identity groups, instead, unity is impossible.

What they ACTUALLY mean by "unity" is more closely akin to fascism where everybody must all think the same way and individuality is punished.
There is no room in our political system for Unity, except in cases of war of national emergency, neither of which exists right now. The Democrats' call for "unity" is nothing more than a demand that those who disagree with them simply shut up.

The actions and positions of the former President were by no means "extreme" or outrageous. Enforce the existing immigration laws. Solve today's energy issues before worrying about what the world might look like a hundred years out. Insist that international relations be based on reasonable, equitable principles. And so on.

The appropriate goal is not "unity," but rather bi-partisanship, and bi-partisanship can only arise out of reasonable compromise. It cannot arise in an environment where the opposing party is daily and emphatically described as lunatics and similar terms.

Biden's initial shot at an immigration policy showed glimmers of compromise - not demanding that 30 million illegals be given voter registration cards by 2022, as he hinted at in his campaign.

But everything else has been an in-your-face demand that the Republicans just GTF out of the way.

By saying that they want "unity," the Leftists lay the groundwork for claiming that any opposition by Republicans is obstructing the national goal, which is bullshit.

Leftists are masters at manipulating words to accommodate their nefarious demands. Fuck Unity.

Unity, one might argue, is no greater joining than the ability to walk through one's own neighborhood without neighbors trying to kill you. At length, no unity will exist, can exist, between an American who cherishes life and one who is fine with the mass murder of the unborn. Sooner or later two people divided by such stark moral differences are going to cut each other up. I am rooting for sooner. Fuck Unity.

I agree! ^^^

If they want "unity" after stealing an election.....and if they want everyone who goes to a MAGA rally to be labeled as terrorists, they are out of their stupid minds.

It won't happen.
fuck them.

You WILL be assimilated!

There is no room in our political system for Unity, except in cases of war of national emergency, neither of which exists right now. The Democrats' call for "unity" is nothing more than a demand that those who disagree with them simply shut up.

The actions and positions of the former President were by no means "extreme" or outrageous. Enforce the existing immigration laws. Solve today's energy issues before worrying about what the world might look like a hundred years out. Insist that international relations be based on reasonable, equitable principles. And so on.

The appropriate goal is not "unity," but rather bi-partisanship, and bi-partisanship can only arise out of reasonable compromise. It cannot arise in an environment where the opposing party is daily and emphatically described as lunatics and similar terms.

Biden's initial shot at an immigration policy showed glimmers of compromise - not demanding that 30 million illegals be given voter registration cards by 2022, as he hinted at in his campaign.

But everything else has been an in-your-face demand that the Republicans just GTF out of the way.

By saying that they want "unity," the Leftists lay the groundwork for claiming that any opposition by Republicans is obstructing the national goal, which is bullshit.

Leftists are masters at manipulating words to accommodate their nefarious demands. Fuck Unity.
DGS49 speakum truth!
There is no room in our political system for Unity, except in cases of war of national emergency, neither of which exists right now. The Democrats' call for "unity" is nothing more than a demand that those who disagree with them simply shut up.

The actions and positions of the former President were by no means "extreme" or outrageous. Enforce the existing immigration laws. Solve today's energy issues before worrying about what the world might look like a hundred years out. Insist that international relations be based on reasonable, equitable principles. And so on.

The appropriate goal is not "unity," but rather bi-partisanship, and bi-partisanship can only arise out of reasonable compromise. It cannot arise in an environment where the opposing party is daily and emphatically described as lunatics and similar terms.

Biden's initial shot at an immigration policy showed glimmers of compromise - not demanding that 30 million illegals be given voter registration cards by 2022, as he hinted at in his campaign.

But everything else has been an in-your-face demand that the Republicans just GTF out of the way.

By saying that they want "unity," the Leftists lay the groundwork for claiming that any opposition by Republicans is obstructing the national goal, which is bullshit.

Leftists are masters at manipulating words to accommodate their nefarious demands. Fuck Unity.
Asking the american people to forgive Nazis and help them find their wicked ways back to reality, is like asking a white woman to give up black dicks....NOT HAPPENING!!
The ultimate fuck you from Donald Trump to his bad boys supporters.....he pardon, lil Wayne, he pardon a drug dealer that founded Def Row records....he pardon so many black thug mf's and his criminal buddies....AND LEFT THESE RIGHT WING RIDE OR DIE STUPID WHITE MOTHERFUCKERS OUT TO DRY.....THAT TO ME, IS THE ULTIMATE FUCK YOU DUMB STUPID SUCKERS OF ALL TIME!!!

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