Uniting US citizens or dividing them


Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2020
the blm people established a fund to help blacks. They gave out 1000.00 dollar checks to black folks. to get help from the blm fund you have to be black. Is that the way for US citizens to help other US citizens. Then white folks should only help white folks,hispanics should help hispanics, asian should help asians and so on. these bml people scream bloody hell about other people been racist. they should look at themselves . they are promoting and practicing racism.
Is it wrong to give to the Negro College fund that doesn't disburse any funds to anyone but black college kids? I don't think so..
Is it wrong to give to the Negro College fund that doesn't disburse any funds to anyone but black college kids? I don't think so..
Yes it is wrong.It is racist and discriminatory.That is helping someone based on skin color and race. What about if there was a White College Fund that would only help white college kids.That would be wrong too.It too would be racist and discriminatory too.
Is it wrong to give to the Negro College fund that doesn't disburse any funds to anyone but black college kids? I don't think so..
Yes it is wrong.It is racist and discriminatory.That is helping someone based on skin color and race. What about if there was a White College Fund that would only help white college kids.That would be wrong too.It too would be racist and discriminatory too.
it is only illegal when the govt. does it.
the blm people established a fund to help blacks. They gave out 1000.00 dollar checks to black folks. to get help from the blm fund you have to be black. Is that the way for US citizens to help other US citizens. Then white folks should only help white folks,hispanics should help hispanics, asian should help asians and so on. these bml people scream bloody hell about other people been racist. they should look at themselves . they are promoting and practicing racism.

Gotta love an OP who posta about "bml people [sic]" immediately followed by "they should look at themselves".
Is it wrong to give to the Negro College fund that doesn't disburse any funds to anyone but black college kids? I don't think so..
Yes it is wrong.It is racist and discriminatory.That is helping someone based on skin color and race. What about if there was a White College Fund that would only help white college kids.That would be wrong too.It too would be racist and discriminatory too.
If it keeps on, the white's will finally realize that they've been duped, and I mean duped big time because the double standard and hypocrisy is off the chain.

Now with this said, it is my hopes that Americans will unite by character, and let the idiot's from hell keep the color thing going as they are finally dwarfed by the numbers of Americans that have common sense to know better about such things.
the blm people established a fund to help blacks. They gave out 1000.00 dollar checks to black folks. to get help from the blm fund you have to be black. Is that the way for US citizens to help other US citizens. Then white folks should only help white folks,hispanics should help hispanics, asian should help asians and so on. these bml people scream bloody hell about other people been racist. they should look at themselves . they are promoting and practicing racism.
How is that any different tan any number of funds that give money to other ethnic groups or people of a specific religion?
the blm people established a fund to help blacks. They gave out 1000.00 dollar checks to black folks. to get help from the blm fund you have to be black. Is that the way for US citizens to help other US citizens. Then white folks should only help white folks,hispanics should help hispanics, asian should help asians and so on. these bml people scream bloody hell about other people been racist. they should look at themselves . they are promoting and practicing racism.
How is that any different tan any number of funds that give money to other ethnic groups or people of a specific religion?
Seeing how the question was regarding uniting or dividing, since BLM is discriminating by race, how is this not divisive. The OP was asking how it would be accepted if there was a similar WLM organization that distributed $$$ based on race. Your reply is not an answer only diversion. Religions do not dispense their charity based on ethnicity and if a white group did, there would be BLM riots throughout the country.

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