United Nations Wants 10 Percent of World’s Income to Fight COVID-19

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
It figures it'd be something like that.

Avowed socialist and United Nations Secretary General António Guterres has announced the creation of a global fund meant to address the coronavirus pandemic. He is asking for all nations to contribute the equivalent of 10 percent of all global GDP to fund a gigantic “human-centered, innovative and coordinated stimulus package,” which would be administered by a global authority, presumably the UN itself.

The plan calls for a massive global stimulus in order to “restore confidence in the future.”

Needless to say, it also calls for a massive redistribution of the planet’s wealth.

“To be effective, the stimulus package will need to focus on direct and targeted transfer of resources...

It’s almost as if these plans preexisted the Chinese virus — as if the plans were waiting for the just the right crisis in order to be unveiled.

Continued - United Nations Wants 10 Percent of World’s Income to Fight COVID-19
It figures it'd be something like that.

Avowed socialist and United Nations Secretary General António Guterres has announced the creation of a global fund meant to address the coronavirus pandemic. He is asking for all nations to contribute the equivalent of 10 percent of all global GDP to fund a gigantic “human-centered, innovative and coordinated stimulus package,” which would be administered by a global authority, presumably the UN itself.

The plan calls for a massive global stimulus in order to “restore confidence in the future.”

Needless to say, it also calls for a massive redistribution of the planet’s wealth.

“To be effective, the stimulus package will need to focus on direct and targeted transfer of resources...

It’s almost as if these plans preexisted the Chinese virus — as if the plans were waiting for the just the right crisis in order to be unveiled.

Continued - United Nations Wants 10 Percent of World’s Income to Fight COVID-19

Typical left-wing crap.

We already fund the almost 22% of the entire UN budget by ourselves. But now they need 10% of the GDP of the planet? Yeah I don't think so.
Then again they could just be following the US and throw money at it besides all they can do is ask. I don't have a problem with asking and its up to each country to decided what they want to do.
I got some glow ball fun I can give them.
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They are going to get that global tax to continue the advances of world government if 90% of the people have to be killed.
It figures it'd be something like that.

Avowed socialist and United Nations Secretary General António Guterres has announced the creation of a global fund meant to address the coronavirus pandemic. He is asking for all nations to contribute the equivalent of 10 percent of all global GDP to fund a gigantic “human-centered, innovative and coordinated stimulus package,” which would be administered by a global authority, presumably the UN itself.

The plan calls for a massive global stimulus in order to “restore confidence in the future.”

Needless to say, it also calls for a massive redistribution of the planet’s wealth.

“To be effective, the stimulus package will need to focus on direct and targeted transfer of resources...

It’s almost as if these plans preexisted the Chinese virus — as if the plans were waiting for the just the right crisis in order to be unveiled.

Continued - United Nations Wants 10 Percent of World’s Income to Fight COVID-19
I suggest we leave the UN. They can headquarter in Wuhan for all I care.
I wonder if they just changed "global warming" to "Covid-19" in all of their 'let's redistribute all the money' docs. Must've saved a shit ton of time......
It figures it'd be something like that.

Avowed socialist and United Nations Secretary General António Guterres has announced the creation of a global fund meant to address the coronavirus pandemic. He is asking for all nations to contribute the equivalent of 10 percent of all global GDP to fund a gigantic “human-centered, innovative and coordinated stimulus package,” which would be administered by a global authority, presumably the UN itself.

The plan calls for a massive global stimulus in order to “restore confidence in the future.”

Needless to say, it also calls for a massive redistribution of the planet’s wealth.

“To be effective, the stimulus package will need to focus on direct and targeted transfer of resources...

It’s almost as if these plans preexisted the Chinese virus — as if the plans were waiting for the just the right crisis in order to be unveiled.

Continued - United Nations Wants 10 Percent of World’s Income to Fight COVID-19

Great more social services for foreigners run by useless money sucking authoritarian burrecracies .If you believe in the bill of rights we must pay cause all men are created equal derp...

Libertarians and a leftist masquerading as a libertarian told me I'm pro police state and a bigot because I'm against illegals collecting benefits from authoritarian state burrecracies lol

And theyll barely make a dent ....itll be an economic gain !derp

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