United Methodism at a crossroads

God created man perfect and blameless, disease and death and everything else's is consequence of fall
God had to have created those things for man to fall into.
Actually, I believe that being created in GOD's image means that man is creative by design, and is now well adapt at designing sinful pursuits for himself, as he turns away from GOD.
We are all sinners but trying to change God's establishment just to get their way that's pathetic God will never change he is the same then, now and forever
It was said long ago give the gays an inch and they'll want 10 miles. now they want to go to church doing what God says is not right but yet they want to be in church how can you serve God and be that big of a sinner
I agree that gays are sinners, and all sexual sins are grievous. However, as long as any sinner willingly admits that he/she is a sinner and needs the Savior, then I do believe GOD will lead that individual into the light if he /she continues to reach out to Jesus.
But they're not reaching out to Jesus they are wanting the church to marry them how hypocritical is that
I TOTALLY agree. Jesus HIMSELF reiterated exactly what marriage entailed and HE never include what is how "fashionably" labeled "gay" marriage... CHRIST is also the CREATOR and without HIM was nothing created.
Biblically and what should be regarded by EVERYONE considering himself "Christian," is the understanding that the institution of marriage was not the invention of society but was the creative genius of the LORD HIMSELF. It is not for society or even the CHURCH to redefine.
Looks like a possible split over the issue of homosexuality.

One group says that Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the Garden. The other group disagrees.

The late, great Dr. Jerry Falwell- IMHO the greatest theologian of our time- researched this topic in the scriptures for more than half a century.

I know that our homosexual friends really like to take it in the butt, but that doesn't mean that its scriptural.

United Methodist Church on edge of breakup over LGBT stand

You lost me when you said Falwell was a great theologian

Yeah, he was a fund raiser.
Looks like a possible split over the issue of homosexuality.

One group says that Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the Garden. The other group disagrees.

The late, great Dr. Jerry Falwell- IMHO the greatest theologian of our time- researched this topic in the scriptures for more than half a century.

I know that our homosexual friends really like to take it in the butt, but that doesn't mean that its scriptural.

United Methodist Church on edge of breakup over LGBT stand
God made homosexuality, it can be found throughout nature.
God made Adam and Eve. Adam's failure to listen to GOD's warning brought about the sin that would eventually bring about Sodomy as one consequence.

Sodomy? Is that why God hates gays? The sodomy?
Looks like a possible split over the issue of homosexuality.

One group says that Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the Garden. The other group disagrees.

The late, great Dr. Jerry Falwell- IMHO the greatest theologian of our time- researched this topic in the scriptures for more than half a century.

I know that our homosexual friends really like to take it in the butt, but that doesn't mean that its scriptural.

United Methodist Church on edge of breakup over LGBT stand
God made homosexuality, it can be found throughout nature.
God made Adam and Eve. Adam's failure to listen to GOD's warning brought about the sin that would eventually bring about Sodomy as one consequence.

Sodomy? Is that why God hates gays? The sodomy?
God does not hate The Sinner only the sin
Looks like a possible split over the issue of homosexuality.

One group says that Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the Garden. The other group disagrees.

The late, great Dr. Jerry Falwell- IMHO the greatest theologian of our time- researched this topic in the scriptures for more than half a century.

I know that our homosexual friends really like to take it in the butt, but that doesn't mean that its scriptural.

United Methodist Church on edge of breakup over LGBT stand
God made homosexuality, it can be found throughout nature.
God made Adam and Eve. Adam's failure to listen to GOD's warning brought about the sin that would eventually bring about Sodomy as one consequence.

Sodomy? Is that why God hates gays? The sodomy?
During this Age of Grace, GOD hates no one ---- but HE forever hates all sin. However, GOD provided a means that man might be saved. Believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST and you shall be saved. However, this means one is now on a path of rejecting one's personal pursuits and has asked GOD to redirect one's ultimate goal.
Looks like a possible split over the issue of homosexuality.

One group says that Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the Garden. The other group disagrees.

The late, great Dr. Jerry Falwell- IMHO the greatest theologian of our time- researched this topic in the scriptures for more than half a century.

I know that our homosexual friends really like to take it in the butt, but that doesn't mean that its scriptural.

United Methodist Church on edge of breakup over LGBT stand

You lost me when you said Falwell was a great theologian
We do not consider any of the Mormon "prophets" as great theologians, only highly deceptive.

And why would anyone care about what you think of people you don’t know?
Looks like a possible split over the issue of homosexuality.

One group says that Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the Garden. The other group disagrees.

The late, great Dr. Jerry Falwell- IMHO the greatest theologian of our time- researched this topic in the scriptures for more than half a century.

I know that our homosexual friends really like to take it in the butt, but that doesn't mean that its scriptural.

United Methodist Church on edge of breakup over LGBT stand

You lost me when you said Falwell was a great theologian

Dr. Falwell has 3 doctorate degrees in both theology and divinity. Highly regarded, with one of the highest rated theology programs on TV.

Well if he has pieces of paper and goes on tv he must be the greatest theologian.

The scribes and Pharisees were the “great theologians” of their day. It seems prudent to stick with the fishermen from Galilee and those actually called of by God as Aaron was
Looks like a possible split over the issue of homosexuality.

One group says that Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the Garden. The other group disagrees.

The late, great Dr. Jerry Falwell- IMHO the greatest theologian of our time- researched this topic in the scriptures for more than half a century.

I know that our homosexual friends really like to take it in the butt, but that doesn't mean that its scriptural.

United Methodist Church on edge of breakup over LGBT stand
God made homosexuality, it can be found throughout nature.
God made Adam and Eve. Adam's failure to listen to GOD's warning brought about the sin that would eventually bring about Sodomy as one consequence.

Sodomy? Is that why God hates gays? The sodomy?

God doesn’t hate gays. God loves them. So much so that he died for them. He has blessed us all with the ability to repent of our sins. But if you don’t use the gift how do you benefit from it?
Looks like a possible split over the issue of homosexuality.

One group says that Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the Garden. The other group disagrees.

The late, great Dr. Jerry Falwell- IMHO the greatest theologian of our time- researched this topic in the scriptures for more than half a century.

I know that our homosexual friends really like to take it in the butt, but that doesn't mean that its scriptural.

United Methodist Church on edge of breakup over LGBT stand

You lost me when you said Falwell was a great theologian
We do not consider any of the Mormon "prophets" as great theologians, only highly deceptive.

And why would anyone care about what you think of people you don’t know?
And you knew Jerry Falwell?
The only salvation of the state of Korea is Blue-Light Elder's Presbyterianism. I'm gonna start speakin' in Scotch, ancient Scotch to the best o' my ability while I take you through Presbyterian History. First Born Saint Andrew did as First Apostle take, the true Spirit of the Lord, there wae a CAll a Macedonia , that guide the True Mission by the Spirit through the wee Greek Lands of the ancient Byzantines, aye did the Native folk , and their beliefs o the Zeus-Hercules open their eyes and ears to the True Lord of this universe and create the wind of chance up the glen, down the glen, up the glen again, as it spread to all the Nations in Great Commission. But Lo that by 800 ad did One evil nefarious Bishop plan to take over all Jesus hae made. Aye, my friend, this is the AntiChrist himself! The Pope in Rome! So, the Church suffered for a time and again and tuppence. But! At the same time, was their opportunity by Anne Boleyn and her line for the emergence of True Religion again! John Knox did bring the true Revelation to the people o' Scotland , St. Andrew's own, to bring about the Lord's will that all such Antichrist, that verily, Belong to the Fire! The true Church grows again renewed, with King and Christ's blessing! Now did that Blue-Light Elder Stonewall Jackson , try to mend the ways of the Americas, that evil Archbishop of Canterbury, all be told! Aye, so the Church of God moves to Korea for the Native sons of it, but we lass Myeunseung be taken out and slain and the land put in uproar! Dosan Ahn Changho aye did make provisional government that the True Church sees as did God sees , but alas, Eisenhower the Lord of shifty eyed deceptions did Strike Down Presbyterian Ecumenicism of Christendom. Bonnie. United Church of Canada , Uniting Church of Australia, United Presbyterian Church of capitalist-commie spies, well, every time something "united" Presbyterians lost 2 million congregants! ARR! UNITED! BREAK!

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They are homosexual fetishists, not 'gays'; please don't be manipulated into using euphemisms and fake terms for faggots.
Looks like a possible split over the issue of homosexuality.

One group says that Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the Garden. The other group disagrees.

The late, great Dr. Jerry Falwell- IMHO the greatest theologian of our time- researched this topic in the scriptures for more than half a century.

I know that our homosexual friends really like to take it in the butt, but that doesn't mean that its scriptural.

United Methodist Church on edge of breakup over LGBT stand

You lost me when you said Falwell was a great theologian
We do not consider any of the Mormon "prophets" as great theologians, only highly deceptive.

And why would anyone care about what you think of people you don’t know?
And you knew Jerry Falwell?

I met, him, several times. Very nice and intelligent man, and well educated as well. If he wasn't all those things then the Left wouldn't have hated him as much as they do.

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