Union workers protest, ask McCain for one of his homes

That's kinda....wow. Is this even worthy of a thread? So he has seven homes. That may signal that he is out of touch with the middle class Americans, but that is not really a new concept.
But local health-care union members and a national organizer did ask local Republicans to ask Republican presidential candidate John McCain on Wednesday to give them one of McCain’s several homes.

typical to socialist democrats , they think someone should give them something
gimmmme gimmmie gimmmie, that's a democrat,,,

Read my quote about generalizations. The people who say gimme are children and lazy adults, why do you think it is all Democrats? And are you confusing socialism with laziness?
Read my quote about generalizations. The people who say gimme are children and lazy adults, why do you think it is all Democrats? And are you confusing socialism with laziness?

not confused about anything, Democrats are a gimmme gimmme gimmme crowd. If obamalama ding dong is elected he plans to fund the global war on poverty, that means we the taxpayer get to buy everybody in the whole wide world a house...
Because democrats think they have the right to help themselves to the fruits of the labor of others, and to dictate who has the right to keep their property, and who should have to give it away.

I think perhaps they should demand that Michelle give back the $350,000 salary she stole to restructure that hospital that she raped,then deserted.
When they're at it, they should demand that she return her degree if it was based on that idiotic dissertataion, the hypothesis of which was "people relate to the people they hang out with."

Brilliant. My dog should be able to get a degree if that's all it takes.
not confused about anything, Democrats are a gimmme gimmme gimmme crowd. If obamalama ding dong is elected he plans to fund the global war on poverty, that means we the taxpayer get to buy everybody in the whole wide world a house...

First, that is not sociaism. Also I want proof of those accusations.
Because democrats think they have the right to help themselves to the fruits of the labor of others, and to dictate who has the right to keep their property, and who should have to give it away.

I think perhaps they should demand that Michelle give back the $350,000 salary she stole to restructure that hospital that she raped,then deserted.

I found a flaw in your logic, I do not believe that and I am a Democrat.
I don't believe you. You've already admitted you believe in income redistribution.
I'm still trying to get some democrat to tell me what they are going to do when there are more takers than givers. what is the backup plan??
I don't believe you. You've already admitted you believe in income redistribution.

It is all a matter of who pays the bills, the rich, the poor, or the middle class. I think I may have misstated my beliefs. I believe that the rich should foot the majority of the bill, not the middle class and poor, as is the current situation.
The rich already foot the majority of the bill. Where did you get the idea that the middle class and the poor do?

I appologise. The rich pay more even though they pay a smaller percent of their income. I would like to see the rich paying a larger pecent of their income than the others.

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