Unemployment, The UNREPORTED TRUTH!


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

I am getting about sick and tired of Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPES filling this USMB Economy Forum with Liberal/Fascist Propaganda and Hype, as if the U.S. Economy is getting better; when in reality things are getting worse.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W85bzNL_8I0"]Unemployment, The UNREPORTED TRUTH![/ame]

The fact is that the real unemployment rate has been at 17.5 percent (story) and that number has escalated beyond 20 percent (story). The fact that the corrupt U.S. Govt keeps multiple sets of unemployment statistics tells you that things are FAR worse than officially reported. The number of U.S. Cities with a official unemployment rate above 15 percent has grown to more than 35 (story) and escalating higher every month, because the Bush/Obama Stimulus Debacles are only making things worse.

The USA needs to create 125,000 jobs every month just to break even (Harry Reid Is Clueless), but America continues to shed real jobs every month; which means things are only getting worse. The masonry company where a member of my family has worked since 1964 once had 350 employees and today is working only a handful of workers. Our two biggest competitors had 300 and 250 employees and today both companies are out of business. My brother runs the estimating department and he must lower his prices to 30 percent below cost just to get one job out of thirty, because the competition is using far too many illegal aliens that Obama and Reid want to make legal. That will kick the back door wide open to the next 20 Million Goddamned Illegal Aliens coming in to take those jobs ...

We The Sheeple should not expect things to get better in the USA, so long as Washington D.C. is filled with bought-and-paid-for corrupt politicians working for the Open Border Lobby and other factions conspiring together for the destruction of this once-great nation ...


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Greetings to All:

I am getting about sick and tired of Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPES filling this USMB Economy Forum with Liberal/Fascist Propaganda and Hype, as if the U.S. Economy is getting better; when in reality things are getting worse.

Unemployment, The UNREPORTED TRUTH!


It is a horrible mess and things are not getting better. The degree of collapse is less than it was a year ago, but we are still collapsing never the less. Obama has not done anything substantive and the Depression is getting deeper.
so how long before weimar inflation and the american hitler that follows?
Greetings to All:

I am getting about sick and tired of Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPES filling this USMB Economy Forum with Liberal/Fascist Propaganda and Hype, as if the U.S. Economy is getting better; when in reality things are getting worse.

Unemployment, The UNREPORTED TRUTH!

The fact is that the real unemployment rate has been at 17.5 percent (story) and that number has escalated beyond 20 percent (story). The fact that the corrupt U.S. Govt keeps multiple sets of unemployment statistics tells you that things are FAR worse than officially reported. The number of U.S. Cities with a official unemployment rate above 15 percent has grown to more than 35 (story) and escalating higher every month, because the Bush/Obama Stimulus Debacles are only making things worse.

The USA needs to create 125,000 jobs every month just to break even (Harry Reid Is Clueless), but America continues to shed real jobs every month; which means things are only getting worse. The masonry company where a member of my family has worked since 1964 once had 350 employees and today is working only a handful of workers. Our two biggest competitors had 300 and 250 employees and today both companies are out of business. My brother runs the estimating department and he must lower his prices to 30 percent below cost just to get one job out of thirty, because the competition is using far too many illegal aliens that Obama and Reid want to make legal. That will kick the back door wide open to the next 20 Million Goddamned Illegal Aliens coming in to take those jobs ...

We The Sheeple should not expect things to get better in the USA, so long as Washington D.C. is filled with bought-and-paid-for corrupt politicians working for the Open Border Lobby and other factions conspiring together for the destruction of this once-great nation ...



you are soooooooo right!

things in the good ole US of A have practically reached bottom....

I don't know how they could possible get worse....


just yesterday.....

i wanted to drive over to the mall to pick up some food..


I couldn't get there because ALL the gas stations were closed...

I couldn't get any gas!

so I traded my car to a guy for a bicycle and rode over to the supermarket with the few pennies I had managed to save over the past couple of years....

on my way I noticed...

there were absolutely NO CARS on the roads at all!


and on the sides of the roads there were hundreds of people....

living in poverty begging for food

houses were empty with foreclosure signs everywhere

the restaurants were empty...
and closed

every store I passed was boarded up....

there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth

I could hear the screams of innocent people being raped
and robbed
and mugged

for the few pennies they may have had on them

i got to the mall

the parking lot was empty!

the mall was all locked up!

poor and starving people were wailing as they sat along the outside walls of the mall

praying for food and water

of course
I blame liberals
and obama
and democrats
and rinos
and muslims
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Hi Neubarth:

It is a horrible mess and things are not getting better. The degree of collapse is less than it was a year ago, but we are still collapsing never the less. Obama has not done anything substantive and the Depression is getting deeper.

The Obama Administration is doing everything to prop up an imploding economy with stimulus/bailouts. Then we see that the Housing Market is heading for a double dip:

MoneyWeek.com Story

US housing market heads for a double-dip

Apr 02, 2010

The recovery in the US housing market over the past few months is tapering off. The Case-Shiller Index of prices in 20 major cities rose by 0.3% in January, an eighth successive monthly increase. But another widely monitored house price gauge, the FHFA index, has been falling on an annual basis since late last year. Sales of existing homes fell for a third month in a row in February. New home sales also declined for the sixth month in seven and are now running at an annual rate of 308,000 – a record low.

What the commentators said

The US housing market "is still in a mess fully three years after the collapse", said David Rosenberg of Gluskin Sheff. Government efforts to stem the tide have "at best cushioned the blow". And now they are on the way out. A tax credit for first-time homebuyers is set to expire in June, while the Fed's $1.25trn programme of buying up mortgage-related securities, to keep a lid on mortgage rates, ended this Wednesday.

The danger is that mortgage rates will head up again quite fast. Even if they don't, "they have only one direction to go" longer-term as they are at historic lows, said Michael O' Callaghan of Harvest Financial Group. Not that there's much demand for housing debt among the deleveraging population, said Rosenberg. It's now taking homebuilders 14.4 months on average to find a buyer once they've completed a unit.

On the supply side things look even worse. The government's latest plan, aimed at helping borrowers in trouble, is to encourage banks to forgive some principal mortgage debt. But this, like previous measures, will "merely delay the reckoning", said Lex in the FT. It's hard to see it putting much of a dent in the sharp rise in troubled borrowers. The number who have missed a payment hit a record 13.6% in the fourth quarter, up from 12.8% in the third. Overall, one in seven households with a mortgage is either in the foreclosure process or in arrears. [More]
The bad housing market is just one reason that the stock markets have been going higher, even though things 'are' getting worse. The FED is printing up dollars so fast that the real value of each greenback is going DOWN, which means you need more dollars to buy each share of stock. Therefore, while the price is going up for all commodities and stocks, the real value is continuing TO GO DOWN right along with house prices.

The USA can NEVER begin fixing the Economic MESS, until someone starts enforcing the Immigration/Employment Laws that is allowing 'worker displacement' to destroy the Consumer/Tax Base; while kicking the bottom right out of the local housing markets. Then we need to stop all the outsourcing of jobs to India and everywhere else, but that is not going to happen anytime soon; which is just one more reason that things will continue to get worse in the USA. Watch and see ...


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Recession hurtin' homebuilders...
Why homebuilders may never fully recover
March 23, 2011 -- The housing market, to put it mildly, still stinks. But have homebuilder stocks finally hit bottom?
New home sales in February plummeted 17% from January to hit a record low. Year-over-year, sales were down 28%. Still, shares of PulteGroup were up 3% Wednesday afternoon thanks to an analyst upgrade at Goldman Sachs. Rival builders Ryland, KB Home, Lennar and MDC Holdings were all flat to slightly higher as well. It could be a good sign that builders are hanging in there despite more bad news about housing sales.

"I'm not saying you should go buy a house because nobody knows where prices are going," said Ryan Detrick, senior technical strategist with Schaeffer's Investment Research in Cincinnati. "But even though the data is terrible, builder stocks are holding up." Detrick said builders could be poised for big gains later this year since all it may take is just a whiff of positive news to drive them higher. He conceded this is a contrarian bet, however. But investors may need to tread cautiously though.

We've been here before. Builder stocks rise on optimism that the worst is over -- only to find out the worst is yet to come. Just last Tuesday, for example, builder stocks rose (despite broader market turmoil tied to Japan) because an index of builder sentiment ticked higher. A day later, the government reported housing construction permits hit an all-time low and builders fell.


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