Unemployment rate offically rockets over 10%!!!!

Still waiting for Ollie to provide proof that the Carter Recession was worse than the Bush Recession

I just read something about that somewhere today......

Seems the numbers are almost identical except when Reagan took over; inflation was in double digits and interest was somewhere around 20%. Compare that with todays rates if you would.

Most people don't even need to look this up, we lived it.

I lived through both. Different economic factors were lower for Carter some were higher

Still looking for a neutral link. I provided mine.

"I lived it" is not proof
You can't compare the two.
Under Carter the US was getting its butt kicked across the globe by the Soviets, who appeared unstoppable. Our industry was reeling from the oil price spikes. The Japanese were putting all out manufacturers out of business. The car companies were about to go under. The general sense was our best days were behind us. Inflation was double digits, unemployment was double digits. There was stagflation, which no economist had predicted.

Today the US is still the undisputed super power. Our industry competes well against foreign companies. We gain net jobs by other countries outsourcing to us. Inflation has been low for years. Unemployment was low for years.
Bush took a financial crisis and turned it into a mild recession. Obama has doubled down on that, increasing the deficit massively, taking over American companies, introducing legislation that will punish business and kill jobs, and raising our deficit to the highest percentage of GDP since WW2.

I said before the election that Obama would be the Jimmy Carter of the 21st century. How true it was.
No need to even reply to this

Because you know you have been caught... as stated SO many fucking times, you winger moron... . when looking at all of the factors including consumer confidence, various interest rates, inflation, etc... it is absolutely fucking clear (except to a hyper-partisan winger moron like yourself), that the economy under Carter and what he left the country to deal with was the absolute worst we have had at any time since the FDR days

But nice try and thank you for playing... no go fuck off back under your blinded world of partisan delusions

I provided proof from Forbes magazine stating the Bush recession is the worst recession since the Depression

Welcome To Forbes.com

Burden of proof is on you to prove that the Carter recession was worse

No... you did not provide proof.. you provided an article... an article which you hit selective passages that SEEMED to you to support your ASSERTION... however.. you did not take into accounts the other factors on the total economy.... as stated, in the overall picture, the overall economy was horrid under Carter and thus horrid under the early part of Reagan's first term... Reagan had a hard time trying to balance reducing rates, roping in inflation, dealing with huge increases in unemployment, and dealing with a punishment tax system that was hurting us even more on top of the other factors such as oil...

The burden of proof is still on you there, winger... as you never met it in the first place
You can't compare the two.
Under Carter the US was getting its butt kicked across the globe by the Soviets, who appeared unstoppable. Our industry was reeling from the oil price spikes. The Japanese were putting all out manufacturers out of business. The car companies were about to go under. The general sense was our best days were behind us. Inflation was double digits, unemployment was double digits. There was stagflation, which no economist had predicted.

Today the US is still the undisputed super power. Our industry competes well against foreign companies. We gain net jobs by other countries outsourcing to us. Inflation has been low for years. Unemployment was low for years.
Bush took a financial crisis and turned it into a mild recession. Obama has doubled down on that, increasing the deficit massively, taking over American companies, introducing legislation that will punish business and kill jobs, and raising our deficit to the highest percentage of GDP since WW2.

I said before the election that Obama would be the Jimmy Carter of the 21st century. How true it was.

Did you totally miss out on American history?

The US NEVER got its butts kicked by the Soviets, they were never close. "Unstoppable"?? Did you totally sleep through the 90s? Like it or not, Jimmy Carter was part of the Soviet collapse. So was Ford, Nixon, JFK and Ike.
Carters oil price spikes raised prices from 30 cents to 60 cents. Bush price spikes raised gas prices from under a dollar to over four dollars a gallon.
The unbeatable Japanese have been replaced with the unbeatable Chinese.
The car companies were "about" to go under under Carter, they did go under with Bush

Again, if any of you think the Carter recession was worse than the Bush recession...please provide an impartial, credible link
Were you even alive then?
The Soviets had control of E.Europe and were making inroads into Ethiopia, south west Africa, and other places through their Cuban proxies. Afghanistan was the last major such move, which was to prop up their puppet regime there.
Your comparisons leave out the psychological factors, namely that the US had never faced those problems before.
But 10 months into it I see things worse not better. And all of it is from Obama's stupid policies, taking what should have been a small recession and turning it into a depression.
The US Misery Index by President
January 1948 to September 2009
Misery Index = Unemployment rate + Inflation rate
President Time Period Start End Change Avg.

Richard M. Nixon 1969-01 - 1974-07 7.80 17.01 9.21 10.57
James E. Carter, Jr. 1977-01 - 1980-12 12.72 19.72 7.00 16.26
Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953-01 - 1960-12 3.28 7.96 4.68 6.26
Lyndon B. Johnson 1963-11 - 1968-12 7.02 8.12 1.10 6.77
Barack H. Obama 2009-01 - 2009-09 7.63 8.51 0.88 8.05
George H.W. Bush 1989-01 - 1992-12 10.07 10.30 0.23 10.68
George W. Bush 2001-01 - 2008-12 7.93 7.29 -0.64 8.10
John F. Kennedy 1961-01 - 1963-10 8.31 6.82 -1.49 7.14
William J. Clinton 1993-01 - 2000-12 10.56 7.29 -3.27 7.80
Gerald R. Ford 1974-08 - 1976-12 16.36 12.66 -3.70 16.00
Ronald W. Reagan 1981-01 - 1988-12 19.33 9.72 -9.61 12.19
Harry S. Truman 1948-01 - 1952-12 13.63 3.45 -10.18 7.88

Notice GW Bush is at a negative .64 Misery index while Carter is at a positive 7.

Of course I know the haters will not accept that unemployment and inflation added together makes people miserable, or is any other type of indication. :eusa_whistle:

The United States Misery Index By President
The hard rightists here attempt to rewrite history. They are absolutely laughable.
Why does it seem Liberals are only happy when they tear down or take from others? I get a great deal of enjoyment out of seeing people build themselves up through positive effort and determination.
Were you even alive then?
The Soviets had control of E.Europe and were making inroads into Ethiopia, south west Africa, and other places through their Cuban proxies. Afghanistan was the last major such move, which was to prop up their puppet regime there.
Your comparisons leave out the psychological factors, namely that the US had never faced those problems before.
But 10 months into it I see things worse not better. And all of it is from Obama's stupid policies, taking what should have been a small recession and turning it into a depression.

Overly dramatic aren't we Rabbi?

You call Angola getting your butt kicked?

Didn't history teach you anything?
Were you even alive then?
The Soviets had control of E.Europe and were making inroads into Ethiopia, south west Africa, and other places through their Cuban proxies. Afghanistan was the last major such move, which was to prop up their puppet regime there.
Your comparisons leave out the psychological factors, namely that the US had never faced those problems before.
But 10 months into it I see things worse not better. And all of it is from Obama's stupid policies, taking what should have been a small recession and turning it into a depression.

Overly dramatic aren't we Rabbi?

You call Angola getting your butt kicked?

Didn't history teach you anything?

If you were a South African you did....
It really is simple in the end. According to the warped Hopey Changeys it's...4% Unemployment and Record High Stock Markets under Bush = BAAAAD! but 10.2% Unemplyment and Tanking Stock Markets under Hopey Changey = GOOOOD! So don't even bother discussing reality with these people. Their Hopey Changey can literally do no wrong as far as they're concerned. We've seen these kind of mindless sheep before and as always,you're not going to get anywhere with them. So just save your breath and typing.
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The hopelesschangeless libertarians are trying to suggest that this recession is the liberals fault. It is not. It is in the domain of both parties from the 1990s on. The admin that had the last chance to change things was GWB's, but the fools kicked the errors into high gear.

The great majority of Americans find libertarain and far right reactionary talking points an absolute hoot!
The hopelesschangeless libertarians are trying to suggest that this recession is the liberals fault. It is not. It is in the domain of both parties from the 1990s on. The admin that had the last chance to change things was GWB's, but the fools kicked the errors into high gear.

The great majority of Americans find libertarain and far right reactionary talking points an absolute hoot!

That should help you sleep tonight, but eventually it will be November, 2010.
The hopelesschangeless libertarians are trying to suggest that this recession is the liberals fault. It is not. It is in the domain of both parties from the 1990s on. The admin that had the last chance to change things was GWB's, but the fools kicked the errors into high gear.

The great majority of Americans find libertarain and far right reactionary talking points an absolute hoot!

That should help you sleep tonight, but eventually it will be November, 2010.

Yes, it will, and I have no doubt that the Dems will control the Presidency, the House, the Senate, and will have appointed 20 to 25 federal judges by December 2010. And I will remind you of your post above.
The hopelesschangeless libertarians are trying to suggest that this recession is the liberals fault. It is not. It is in the domain of both parties from the 1990s on. The admin that had the last chance to change things was GWB's, but the fools kicked the errors into high gear.

The great majority of Americans find libertarain and far right reactionary talking points an absolute hoot!

That should help you sleep tonight, but eventually it will be November, 2010.

Yes, it will, and I have no doubt that the Dems will control the Presidency, the House, the Senate, and will have appointed 20 to 25 federal judges by December 2010. And I will remind you of your post above.

Cool, it is always easier to win if you catch your opponent napping. Sleep well.
So, the unemployment rate fell.

That's a good news, but I don't understand their math. If last month unemployment was 10.2% and we lost 11,000 jobs last month, how is possible that unemployment fell?

Could someone explain?
Ame®icano;1797238 said:
So, the unemployment rate fell.

That's a good news, but I don't understand their math. If last month unemployment was 10.2% and we lost 11,000 jobs last month, how is possible that unemployment fell?

Could someone explain?

And at the same time they extended benefits......Can we now say fuzzy math?
Ame®icano;1797238 said:
So, the unemployment rate fell.

That's a good news, but I don't understand their math. If last month unemployment was 10.2% and we lost 11,000 jobs last month, how is possible that unemployment fell?

Could someone explain?

If we gained more than 11k jobs then the unemployment rate would go down. It's possible, especially if those are gov't jobs, i.e. unproductive.

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