Unemployment benefits cost: $520 billion


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Unemployment benefits cost: $520 billion
CNN Money ^ | 11/30/2012 | Tami Luhby

Unemployment benefits cost: $520 billion - Nov. 29, 2012

Jobless Americans have collected more than half a trillion dollars in benefits over the past five years.

State and federal unemployment insurance programs have cost roughly $520 billion, according to a Congressional Budget Office report released Wednesday.

The price of continuing this safety net will be the subject of intense debate in Congress as lawmakers decide whether to extend the deadline to file for federal benefits beyond year's end as part of the fiscal cliff negotiations. Extending federal jobless insurance next year could cost as much as $30 billion, according to the CBO analysis.

The federal government has spent far more on unemployment insurance in recent years than it had in previous economic downturns because of the unprecedented response to the Great Recession. Federal benefits were extended to a record 99 weeks in November 2009. That safety net was extended multiple times until this year, when Congress extended the deadline to file but shortened the duration the jobless can receive checks.

Here's how it works now: The jobless generally receive up to 26 weeks of state benefits and then shift to federal emergency unemployment compensation, which is broken into four tiers and lasts up to 47 weeks. There is a separate federal extended benefits program, which provides up to 20 weeks, but only New Yorkers are eligible for it at this time.
shit, thats still 2.5 Trillion less than a 10 year war in Iraq cost.

When Republicans can admit the failure of their recent past and come to terms with their failed ideology, maybe just maybe they will see the benefits of a social safety net. till then, its Fox news feel good news stories and apple pie.
What 520 million in UE benefits put back into the economy: $317,200,000

An effective stimulus :thup:
shit, thats still 2.5 Trillion less than a 10 year war in Iraq cost.

When Republicans can admit the failure of their recent past and come to terms with their failed ideology, maybe just maybe they will see the benefits of a social safety net. till then, its Fox news feel good news stories and apple pie.

Lets not forget your dems voted for it too. Damnit, I thought your ass dissappeared :(
It is needed. ALOT of money but it still went back in the economy. Might not have been as much, but still, the poeple needed it. Where is that unemployment rate obama promised us?
shit, thats still 2.5 Trillion less than a 10 year war in Iraq cost.

When Republicans can admit the failure of their recent past and come to terms with their failed ideology, maybe just maybe they will see the benefits of a social safety net. till then, its Fox news feel good news stories and apple pie.

Lets not forget your dems voted for it too. Damnit, I thought your ass dissappeared :(

No, the Dems voted to give the President the option to go to war, IF NECCESSARY. Remember the warnings about the mushroom cloud? It was not neccessary, there was no nuclear program or WMD in Iraq. It was a war based on lies manufactured by the Bush adminstration.
What 520 million in UE benefits put back into the economy: $317,200,000

An effective stimulus :thup:

No.. it shows money wasted in government bureaucracy and red tape... on something the government has no business doing... again, your personal situation is nobody's responsibility but your own..

I have a job. I don't currently need UE benefits; but since I pay into it, you're damn right I'll take advantage of it if needed. Why don't you go kick a homeless person and make yourself feel better, you greedy, heartless SOB?

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