Under-Reported Details of the Migrant Caravans

Lol the election’s over, guy. Caravan’s are no longer “news.”

Yeah they are and will probably be back on the board tomorrow.

To good of a story to waste.
It already served its purpose. You and your fellows crapped your pants in agony and made sure to get to the polls. Now the GOP elite can go back to figuring out how to increase spending while cutting taxes for themselves. Nobody will care about caravans again.

LMAO boy are you out to lunch.

No one crapped their pants in agony. What an idiot you are.

We have over 7,000 invaders headed our way and if you think no one cares then it just shows what an idiot you are.

Yeah Republicans crapped their pants, and ensured their won't be any crap filled legislation passing to the Presidents desk. The Senate Holds a lot of power over the approval of legislation I don't think there will be any back door deals as occurred with O bomb A care. A six seat majority in the Senate is A dead end for a lot of the Lefts agenda. RED WALL
It already served its purpose. You and your fellows crapped your pants in agony and made sure to get to the polls. Now the GOP elite can go back to figuring out how to increase spending while cutting taxes for themselves. Nobody will care about caravans again.

LMAO boy are you out to lunch.

No one crapped their pants in agony. What an idiot you are.

We have over 7,000 invaders headed our way and if you think no one cares then it just shows what an idiot you are.
Last I checked the caravan was 800 miles away and there are 1100 arrests a day at the border. That means you ignored 10’s of thousands of illegals trying to get through the border during the time you spent crapping your pants in agony over a politically convenient caravan.

The only person I see crapping his pants in agony is you.

Nothing politically convenient about 7,000 assholes headed to our border.

If that's how you see it then it just shows what a moron you are.

Okay in a couple weeks I’ll ask you what happened to this caravan and you’ll have no idea. I wonder what the echo chaber will have you shitting your panties about then.

Nah. Check the board tomorrow and also the news. The closer those assholes get to our border the more you will see them on the news. The story will be back front and center.

The left gained the House, they will try to promote legislation to allow open Borders. Little did they know the Wall was a Euphemism for Majority Control of the Senate. The Wall to Socialism and Open borders is a Six seat Majority in the Senate and it is finished.
LMAO boy are you out to lunch.

No one crapped their pants in agony. What an idiot you are.

We have over 7,000 invaders headed our way and if you think no one cares then it just shows what an idiot you are.
Last I checked the caravan was 800 miles away and there are 1100 arrests a day at the border. That means you ignored 10’s of thousands of illegals trying to get through the border during the time you spent crapping your pants in agony over a politically convenient caravan.

The only person I see crapping his pants in agony is you.

Nothing politically convenient about 7,000 assholes headed to our border.

If that's how you see it then it just shows what a moron you are.

Okay in a couple weeks I’ll ask you what happened to this caravan and you’ll have no idea. I wonder what the echo chaber will have you shitting your panties about then.

Nah. Check the board tomorrow and also the news. The closer those assholes get to our border the more you will see them on the news. The story will be back front and center.

The left gained the House, they will try to promote legislation to allow open Borders. Little did they know the Wall was a Euphemism for Majority Control of the Senate. The Wall to Socialism and Open borders is a Six seat Majority in the Senate and it is finished.
Lol the election’s over, guy. Caravan’s are no longer “news.”

Good so it won't make a difference to anybody when they are denied access, arrested and deported sounds like a good plan because we shouldn't care about the rights of people who are not subject to our laws treat them humanely and send them home. IMMEDIATELY. Better yet Send a lot of assets and prevent them from entering. It's cheaper than paying for them in Custody
Lol the election’s over, guy. Caravan’s are no longer “news.”

Good so it won't make a difference to anybody when they are denied access, arrested and deported sounds like a good plan because we shouldn't care about the rights of people who are not subject to our laws treat them humanely and send them home. IMMEDIATELY. Better yet Send a lot of assets and prevent them from entering. It's cheaper than paying for them in Custody
Yeah, sure, it won't "make a difference" :laugh:
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