Under American law, every four years


Jul 14, 2009
Under American law, every four years the US Defence Department must present to Congress a comprehensive review of the security threats and challenges to America. The security picture presented in the review provides the justification for planning and creating the appropriate military forces and capabilities.


However, it's not what is in the document that surprises the reader - it's what was left out. There presence of two elephants in their living room apparently escaped the notice of American's top civilian and military leaders. Islamic radicalism does not receive any mention whatsoever in the American Defence Review and the threat posed by a nuclear Iran is mentioned in only one general sentence at the end of a document (page 101). To put this lack of discussion in proportion, contrast this non-discussion with other security issues mentioned in the document. For example, the security effects of climate change are highlighted and discussed in depth in eight pages of the document.

However, President Obama HAS finally found the place to cut waste – defence! In late January he demanded that Congress cut $2.5 billion from the defence budget for the purchase of C-17 transport planes. Obama declared the money for military transport was “waste, pure and simple”.
Of course, “waste” is a matter of interpretation. No one says that the C-17 is a bad aircraft or doesn’t do its job very effectively. In fact, it’s probably the best and safest large transport plane in the world today, and has done sterling service in Afghanistan and Haiti. But, according to Obama’s Pentagon officials, there is just no need to maintain such a large military transport fleet.

Obama?s National Defence Review ignores Iran and Islam in favour of… climate change! – Telegraph Blogs

I feel safer already
About the author: James Corum
James Corum is Dean of the Baltic Defence College in Estonia. He has taught at American and British staff colleges and is the author of seven books on military history and counter-insurgency. He is a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army Reserve (rtd) and has 28 years' experience as an army officer.
Under American law, every four years the US Defence Department must present to Congress a comprehensive review of the security threats and challenges to America. The security picture presented in the review provides the justification for planning and creating the appropriate military forces and capabilities.


However, it's not what is in the document that surprises the reader - it's what was left out. There presence of two elephants in their living room apparently escaped the notice of American's top civilian and military leaders. Islamic radicalism does not receive any mention whatsoever in the American Defence Review and the threat posed by a nuclear Iran is mentioned in only one general sentence at the end of a document (page 101). To put this lack of discussion in proportion, contrast this non-discussion with other security issues mentioned in the document. For example, the security effects of climate change are highlighted and discussed in depth in eight pages of the document.

However, President Obama HAS finally found the place to cut waste – defence! In late January he demanded that Congress cut $2.5 billion from the defence budget for the purchase of C-17 transport planes. Obama declared the money for military transport was “waste, pure and simple”.
Of course, “waste” is a matter of interpretation. No one says that the C-17 is a bad aircraft or doesn’t do its job very effectively. In fact, it’s probably the best and safest large transport plane in the world today, and has done sterling service in Afghanistan and Haiti. But, according to Obama’s Pentagon officials, there is just no need to maintain such a large military transport fleet.

Obama?s National Defence Review ignores Iran and Islam in favour of… climate change! – Telegraph Blogs

I feel safer already

You and your much relied-upon right wing 'sources' are full of shit. Start reading at Page 34. This report never details classified information regarding specific strategies, you dope.

At Page 34, et seq., the report does indeed mention the threat from Islamic terrorist groups (although named therein as The Taliban and al-Qaeda, probably because there are so many wannabes to identify more specifically). The review correctly brings to the fore the threat of cyber warfare, something omitted in past reports, as well as detailed goals for better protecting (defending) our own country, rather than ONLY marching across the Middle East and shooting at people. Also, the report mentions a second report which will be forthcoming, entitled "Nuclear Position Review," in which I have no doubt the threat from Iran will be covered.

About the author: James Corum
James Corum is Dean of the Baltic Defence College in Estonia. He has taught at American and British staff colleges and is the author of seven books on military history and counter-insurgency. He is a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army Reserve (rtd) and has 28 years' experience as an army officer.

Estonia? :lol: If he's that credentialed, you'd think he could find a job in a higher profile college.
Under American law, every four years the US Defence Department must present to Congress a comprehensive review of the security threats and challenges to America. The security picture presented in the review provides the justification for planning and creating the appropriate military forces and capabilities.


However, it's not what is in the document that surprises the reader - it's what was left out. There presence of two elephants in their living room apparently escaped the notice of American's top civilian and military leaders. Islamic radicalism does not receive any mention whatsoever in the American Defence Review and the threat posed by a nuclear Iran is mentioned in only one general sentence at the end of a document (page 101). To put this lack of discussion in proportion, contrast this non-discussion with other security issues mentioned in the document. For example, the security effects of climate change are highlighted and discussed in depth in eight pages of the document.

However, President Obama HAS finally found the place to cut waste – defence! In late January he demanded that Congress cut $2.5 billion from the defence budget for the purchase of C-17 transport planes. Obama declared the money for military transport was “waste, pure and simple”.
Of course, “waste” is a matter of interpretation. No one says that the C-17 is a bad aircraft or doesn’t do its job very effectively. In fact, it’s probably the best and safest large transport plane in the world today, and has done sterling service in Afghanistan and Haiti. But, according to Obama’s Pentagon officials, there is just no need to maintain such a large military transport fleet.

Obama?s National Defence Review ignores Iran and Islam in favour of… climate change! – Telegraph Blogs

I feel safer already

You and your much relied-upon right wing 'sources' are full of shit. Start reading at Page 34. This report never details classified information regarding specific strategies, you dope.

At Page 34, et seq., the report does indeed mention the threat from Islamic terrorist groups (although named therein as The Taliban and al-Qaeda, probably because there are so many wannabes to identify more specifically). The review correctly brings to the fore the threat of cyber warfare, something omitted in past reports, as well as detailed goals for better protecting (defending) our own country, rather than ONLY marching across the Middle East and shooting at people. Also, the report mentions a second report which will be forthcoming, entitled "Nuclear Position Review," in which I have no doubt the threat from Iran will be covered.


If you fail to address the underling rational behind "Al Queda" and its " allies" you are not making and progresses

This report is a step backward from already established fact.

Thus our strategy must match our means to two ends: dismantling the al
Qaeda network and, in the long term, prevailing over the ideology that contributes
to Islamist terrorism.
page 22 of 31 of 911 summary
In addition to making anticipated findings on the 2001 plot and recommendations for homeland security, the commission offered a series of foreign policy prescriptions to correct what it suggests is an unbalanced global strategy. The effort is to shift the government away from focusing on what the report calls a "generic evil," and toward a more precise definition of the threat.

The report argues that the nation's enemy consists of two parts: al Qaeda -- a stateless network of terrorists that is "weakened but continues to pose a grave threat" -- and a radical ideological movement in the Islamic world that "is gathering and will menace Americans and American interests long after" Osama bin Laden is gone.

"The enemy goes beyond al-Qaeda to include the radical ideological movement inspired in part by al-Qaeda that has spawned other terrorist groups," the report said. It calls not only for the dismantling of al-Qaeda but an ideological battle against fundamentalist Islam.
Doesn't take much to start another mud-slinging tennis match :lol:

:popcorn: and a Soda..........kick back and observe. This is better than FOX! :lol:
Under American law, every four years the US Defence Department must present to Congress a comprehensive review of the security threats and challenges to America. The security picture presented in the review provides the justification for planning and creating the appropriate military forces and capabilities.


However, it's not what is in the document that surprises the reader - it's what was left out. There presence of two elephants in their living room apparently escaped the notice of American's top civilian and military leaders. Islamic radicalism does not receive any mention whatsoever in the American Defence Review and the threat posed by a nuclear Iran is mentioned in only one general sentence at the end of a document (page 101). To put this lack of discussion in proportion, contrast this non-discussion with other security issues mentioned in the document. For example, the security effects of climate change are highlighted and discussed in depth in eight pages of the document.

However, President Obama HAS finally found the place to cut waste – defence! In late January he demanded that Congress cut $2.5 billion from the defence budget for the purchase of C-17 transport planes. Obama declared the money for military transport was “waste, pure and simple”.
Of course, “waste” is a matter of interpretation. No one says that the C-17 is a bad aircraft or doesn’t do its job very effectively. In fact, it’s probably the best and safest large transport plane in the world today, and has done sterling service in Afghanistan and Haiti. But, according to Obama’s Pentagon officials, there is just no need to maintain such a large military transport fleet.

Obama?s National Defence Review ignores Iran and Islam in favour of… climate change! – Telegraph Blogs

I feel safer already

You and your much relied-upon right wing 'sources' are full of shit. Start reading at Page 34. This report never details classified information regarding specific strategies, you dope.

At Page 34, et seq., the report does indeed mention the threat from Islamic terrorist groups (although named therein as The Taliban and al-Qaeda, probably because there are so many wannabes to identify more specifically). The review correctly brings to the fore the threat of cyber warfare, something omitted in past reports, as well as detailed goals for better protecting (defending) our own country, rather than ONLY marching across the Middle East and shooting at people. Also, the report mentions a second report which will be forthcoming, entitled "Nuclear Position Review," in which I have no doubt the threat from Iran will be covered.


If you fail to address the underling rational behind "Al Queda" and its " allies" you are not making and progresses

This report is a step backward from already established fact.

Thus our strategy must match our means to two ends: dismantling the al
Qaeda network and, in the long term, prevailing over the ideology that contributes
to Islamist terrorism.
page 22 of 31 of 911 summary
In addition to making anticipated findings on the 2001 plot and recommendations for homeland security, the commission offered a series of foreign policy prescriptions to correct what it suggests is an unbalanced global strategy. The effort is to shift the government away from focusing on what the report calls a "generic evil," and toward a more precise definition of the threat.

The report argues that the nation's enemy consists of two parts: al Qaeda -- a stateless network of terrorists that is "weakened but continues to pose a grave threat" -- and a radical ideological movement in the Islamic world that "is gathering and will menace Americans and American interests long after" Osama bin Laden is gone.

"The enemy goes beyond al-Qaeda to include the radical ideological movement inspired in part by al-Qaeda that has spawned other terrorist groups," the report said. It calls not only for the dismantling of al-Qaeda but an ideological battle against fundamentalist Islam.

I have no problem with that, why should you? This type of terrorism has expanded into realms that cannot be defeated with just weapons, so we need to rely more on global cooperation and global intelligence. It's a no-brainer.

"There are two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run, the sword is always beaten by the mind."
--Napoleon Bonaparte
Doesn't take much to start another mud-slinging tennis match :lol:

:popcorn: and a Soda..........kick back and observe. This is better than FOX! :lol:

Well, as I said, this is simply a REVIEW. I think Fitnah and his herd was looking for specific military and/or intelligence strategies which are NEVER included in this report.
You and your much relied-upon right wing 'sources' are full of shit. Start reading at Page 34. This report never details classified information regarding specific strategies, you dope.

At Page 34, et seq., the report does indeed mention the threat from Islamic terrorist groups (although named therein as The Taliban and al-Qaeda, probably because there are so many wannabes to identify more specifically). The review correctly brings to the fore the threat of cyber warfare, something omitted in past reports, as well as detailed goals for better protecting (defending) our own country, rather than ONLY marching across the Middle East and shooting at people. Also, the report mentions a second report which will be forthcoming, entitled "Nuclear Position Review," in which I have no doubt the threat from Iran will be covered.


If you fail to address the underling rational behind "Al Queda" and its " allies" you are not making and progresses

This report is a step backward from already established fact.

Thus our strategy must match our means to two ends: dismantling the al
Qaeda network and, in the long term, prevailing over the ideology that contributes
to Islamist terrorism.
page 22 of 31 of 911 summary
In addition to making anticipated findings on the 2001 plot and recommendations for homeland security, the commission offered a series of foreign policy prescriptions to correct what it suggests is an unbalanced global strategy. The effort is to shift the government away from focusing on what the report calls a "generic evil," and toward a more precise definition of the threat.

The report argues that the nation's enemy consists of two parts: al Qaeda -- a stateless network of terrorists that is "weakened but continues to pose a grave threat" -- and a radical ideological movement in the Islamic world that "is gathering and will menace Americans and American interests long after" Osama bin Laden is gone.

"The enemy goes beyond al-Qaeda to include the radical ideological movement inspired in part by al-Qaeda that has spawned other terrorist groups," the report said. It calls not only for the dismantling of al-Qaeda but an ideological battle against fundamentalist Islam.

I have no problem with that, why should you? This type of terrorism has expanded into realms that cannot be defeated with just weapons, so we need to rely more on global cooperation and global intelligence. It's a no-brainer.

"There are two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run, the sword is always beaten by the mind."
--Napoleon Bonaparte
The solution is education and supporting polices and regimes that act in accordance to liberty and free speech.

If Islam scripturally has a negative opinion of these core western tenants and that is not addressed at every point in the maneuvers . then the whole process is kick the can until in is time to surrender.

We can not be governed by those who ignore the threat because they believe the invisible man in the sky is going to save us.

Facts education and honesty
The truth will set you free.
is cyber attack on there? if not these people are fools. with our current critical infrastructure the entire country could be shut down by a dedicated hacking team in only a few hours
If you fail to address the underling rational behind "Al Queda" and its " allies" you are not making and progresses

This report is a step backward from already established fact.

Thus our strategy must match our means to two ends: dismantling the al
Qaeda network and, in the long term, prevailing over the ideology that contributes
to Islamist terrorism.
page 22 of 31 of 911 summary
In addition to making anticipated findings on the 2001 plot and recommendations for homeland security, the commission offered a series of foreign policy prescriptions to correct what it suggests is an unbalanced global strategy. The effort is to shift the government away from focusing on what the report calls a "generic evil," and toward a more precise definition of the threat.

The report argues that the nation's enemy consists of two parts: al Qaeda -- a stateless network of terrorists that is "weakened but continues to pose a grave threat" -- and a radical ideological movement in the Islamic world that "is gathering and will menace Americans and American interests long after" Osama bin Laden is gone.

"The enemy goes beyond al-Qaeda to include the radical ideological movement inspired in part by al-Qaeda that has spawned other terrorist groups," the report said. It calls not only for the dismantling of al-Qaeda but an ideological battle against fundamentalist Islam.

I have no problem with that, why should you? This type of terrorism has expanded into realms that cannot be defeated with just weapons, so we need to rely more on global cooperation and global intelligence. It's a no-brainer.

"There are two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run, the sword is always beaten by the mind."
--Napoleon Bonaparte
The solution is education and supporting polices and regimes that act in accordance to liberty and free speech.

If Islam scripturally has a negative opinion of these core western tenants and that is not addressed at every point in the maneuvers . then the whole process is kick the can until in is time to surrender.

We can not be governed by those who ignore the threat because they believe the invisible man in the sky is going to save us.

Facts education and honesty
The truth will set you free.

I have no idea how you were able to make those observations by reading the actual document. Just because we "support" nations who believe as we do doesn't mean they too aren't faced with the same type of invisible terrorism, which is a METHOD, not an enemy that can be defined by its borders.
is cyber attack on there? if not these people are fools. with our current critical infrastructure the entire country could be shut down by a dedicated hacking team in only a few hours

There's a whole section on potential cyber attacks.
I have no problem with that, why should you? This type of terrorism has expanded into realms that cannot be defeated with just weapons, so we need to rely more on global cooperation and global intelligence. It's a no-brainer.

"There are two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run, the sword is always beaten by the mind."
--Napoleon Bonaparte
The solution is education and supporting polices and regimes that act in accordance to liberty and free speech.

If Islam scripturally has a negative opinion of these core western tenants and that is not addressed at every point in the maneuvers . then the whole process is kick the can until in is time to surrender.

We can not be governed by those who ignore the threat because they believe the invisible man in the sky is going to save us.

Facts education and honesty
The truth will set you free.

I have no idea how you were able to make those observations by reading the actual document. Just because we "support" nations who believe as we do doesn't mean they too aren't faced with the same type of invisible terrorism, which is a METHOD, not an enemy that can be defined by its borders.
The enemy is not terrorism.It never was.
It has always been jihad .

Noble Qur’an 2:190 Footnote: “Jihad is holy fighting in Allah’s Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars. By Jihad Islam is established, Allah’s Word is made superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshiped), and Islam is propagated. By abandoning Jihad Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position; their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape from this duty, or does not fulfill this duty, dies as a hypocrite.”
The solution is education and supporting polices and regimes that act in accordance to liberty and free speech.

If Islam scripturally has a negative opinion of these core western tenants and that is not addressed at every point in the maneuvers . then the whole process is kick the can until in is time to surrender.

We can not be governed by those who ignore the threat because they believe the invisible man in the sky is going to save us.

Facts education and honesty
The truth will set you free.

I have no idea how you were able to make those observations by reading the actual document. Just because we "support" nations who believe as we do doesn't mean they too aren't faced with the same type of invisible terrorism, which is a METHOD, not an enemy that can be defined by its borders.
The enemy is not terrorism.It never was.
It has always been jihad .

Noble Qur’an 2:190 Footnote: “Jihad is holy fighting in Allah’s Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars. By Jihad Islam is established, Allah’s Word is made superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshiped), and Islam is propagated. By abandoning Jihad Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position; their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape from this duty, or does not fulfill this duty, dies as a hypocrite.”

The term "terrorism" has come to mean Islamic Jihad. Your point?
I have no idea how you were able to make those observations by reading the actual document. Just because we "support" nations who believe as we do doesn't mean they too aren't faced with the same type of invisible terrorism, which is a METHOD, not an enemy that can be defined by its borders.
The enemy is not terrorism.It never was.
It has always been jihad .

Noble Qur’an 2:190 Footnote: “Jihad is holy fighting in Allah’s Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars. By Jihad Islam is established, Allah’s Word is made superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshiped), and Islam is propagated. By abandoning Jihad Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position; their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape from this duty, or does not fulfill this duty, dies as a hypocrite.”

The term "terrorism" has come to mean Islamic Jihad. Your point?
Dont use fig leafs and dont make concessions with those who follow the ideology that spawns jihad.
We are fighting for effect , not to win.

The Front line is here in the USA where ever muslims insist on special rules at work school and in government.

We( politicians , media elitists ) have in the west failed to make the intellectual argument against Islam and its genocidal ideology and for western the superiority of freedom and liberty ,instead put Islam on a pedestal as an equal to the west, if not better in some peoples minds.
Last edited:
The enemy is not terrorism.It never was.
It has always been jihad .

Noble Qur’an 2:190 Footnote: “Jihad is holy fighting in Allah’s Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars. By Jihad Islam is established, Allah’s Word is made superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshiped), and Islam is propagated. By abandoning Jihad Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position; their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape from this duty, or does not fulfill this duty, dies as a hypocrite.”

The term "terrorism" has come to mean Islamic Jihad. Your point?
Dont use fig leafs and dont make concessions with those who follow the ideology that spawns jihad.
We are fighting for effect , not to win.

The Front line is here in the USA where ever muslims insist on special rules at work school and in government.

We( politicians , media elitists ) have in the west failed to make the intellectual argument against Islam and its genocidal ideology and for western the superiority of freedom and liberty ,instead put Islam on a pedestal as an equal to the west, if not better in some peoples minds.

And I say that America has and always will be a land of equality. To deny Muslims the tools to practice their faith (not their subversive activities) goes against the very principle of what this country is about. Isn't it you guys who are always screaming that everyone ought to look to the Constitution for guidance? Well equality is in there, in case you've forgotten.

Insisting that ALL Muslims are the enemy of the west is childish and stupid. Your footnoted quote exemplifies how the religion of Islam has been distorted by western fanatics. Did you know that of the 6,346 verses in The Qu'ran, only 111 refer to violence and Jihad? Yes, they're different: Their women wear funny head gear and Muslims pray on their knees twice a day. So what? Catholic priests swing these funny looking containers with smoke coming out during High Mass. Jews go to Synagogue on Saturday. Just because religious rituals are different and strange to someone who grew up singing songs in English and listening to a minister's sermon doesn't make believers in other rituals evil.
About the author: James Corum
James Corum is Dean of the Baltic Defence College in Estonia. He has taught at American and British staff colleges and is the author of seven books on military history and counter-insurgency. He is a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army Reserve (rtd) and has 28 years' experience as an army officer.

Estonia? :lol: If he's that credentialed, you'd think he could find a job in a higher profile college.

latvia has a hiring freeze.

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