Under American law, every four years the US Defence Department must present to Congress a comprehensive review of the security threats and challenges to America. The security picture presented in the review provides the justification for planning and creating the appropriate military forces and capabilities.
However, it's not what is in the document that surprises the reader - it's what was left out. There presence of two elephants in their living room apparently escaped the notice of American's top civilian and military leaders. Islamic radicalism does not receive any mention whatsoever in the American Defence Review and the threat posed by a nuclear Iran is mentioned in only one general sentence at the end of a document (page 101). To put this lack of discussion in proportion, contrast this non-discussion with other security issues mentioned in the document. For example, the security effects of climate change are highlighted and discussed in depth in eight pages of the document.
However, President Obama HAS finally found the place to cut waste defence! In late January he demanded that Congress cut $2.5 billion from the defence budget for the purchase of C-17 transport planes. Obama declared the money for military transport was waste, pure and simple.
Of course, waste is a matter of interpretation. No one says that the C-17 is a bad aircraft or doesnt do its job very effectively. In fact, its probably the best and safest large transport plane in the world today, and has done sterling service in Afghanistan and Haiti. But, according to Obamas Pentagon officials, there is just no need to maintain such a large military transport fleet.
Obama?s National Defence Review ignores Iran and Islam in favour of… climate change! – Telegraph Blogs
I feel safer already
However, it's not what is in the document that surprises the reader - it's what was left out. There presence of two elephants in their living room apparently escaped the notice of American's top civilian and military leaders. Islamic radicalism does not receive any mention whatsoever in the American Defence Review and the threat posed by a nuclear Iran is mentioned in only one general sentence at the end of a document (page 101). To put this lack of discussion in proportion, contrast this non-discussion with other security issues mentioned in the document. For example, the security effects of climate change are highlighted and discussed in depth in eight pages of the document.
However, President Obama HAS finally found the place to cut waste defence! In late January he demanded that Congress cut $2.5 billion from the defence budget for the purchase of C-17 transport planes. Obama declared the money for military transport was waste, pure and simple.
Of course, waste is a matter of interpretation. No one says that the C-17 is a bad aircraft or doesnt do its job very effectively. In fact, its probably the best and safest large transport plane in the world today, and has done sterling service in Afghanistan and Haiti. But, according to Obamas Pentagon officials, there is just no need to maintain such a large military transport fleet.
Obama?s National Defence Review ignores Iran and Islam in favour of… climate change! – Telegraph Blogs
I feel safer already