Unarmed exchange student killed by homeowner

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There you go again defending a common criminal.He was in the house to steal, that by definition is robbing. You claim it was a prank then claim you are not defending a common criminal. Theft is NOT a prank, further the little monster had done it twice before.

He wasn't in the house; he was in the garage. If it were me, I would lock the door from the house to the garage, make sure my family was in a safe room far from the garage, and call the police. The homeowner, however, did not do that. He lay in wait for the person who entered his garage and shot at him, in the dark, not seeing who it was or what they were doing, not even firing a warning shot or shouting a warning to get out. One time there was a bum digging through my garbage can. I didn't go out and shoot him (didn't have a gun but wouldn't have if I did). I had a big dog. I shouted at the bum from the window that I had a big dog and to get off my property. (I was a woman living alone and did not want a strange man on my property.) The warning was enough to make him leave. Had he not, I would have called the police. You don't just shoot someone and ask questions later: that's murder.

That's exactly what it is. We have a crisis of spirit in this country with the perverted worship of death and firearms, and it's being played out here.

Whenever there's a mass shooting the gun fetishists will be sure to make the point about addressing mental illness. And they're right on that point; they just forget to look in the mirror when they say that.

Some of the posts in this thread are really fucked up.

How about you stop making murder about the tool that is used, rather than the person that committed the act in the first place?
He wasn't in the house; he was in the garage. If it were me, I would lock the door from the house to the garage, make sure my family was in a safe room far from the garage, and call the police. The homeowner, however, did not do that. He lay in wait for the person who entered his garage and shot at him, in the dark, not seeing who it was or what they were doing, not even firing a warning shot or shouting a warning to get out. One time there was a bum digging through my garbage can. I didn't go out and shoot him (didn't have a gun but wouldn't have if I did). I had a big dog. I shouted at the bum from the window that I had a big dog and to get off my property. (I was a woman living alone and did not want a strange man on my property.) The warning was enough to make him leave. Had he not, I would have called the police. You don't just shoot someone and ask questions later: that's murder.

That's exactly what it is. We have a crisis of spirit in this country with the perverted worship of death and firearms, and it's being played out here.

Whenever there's a mass shooting the gun fetishists will be sure to make the point about addressing mental illness. And they're right on that point; they just forget to look in the mirror when they say that.

Some of the posts in this thread are really fucked up.

How about you stop making murder about the tool that is used, rather than the person that committed the act in the first place?

Murder isn't "about the tool that is used" -- it's about the fucked up attitude that thinks it's cool to do it in the first place. It's about a culture that worships death and violence.

Read much?
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Makes me wonder how bad shots some of these homeowners are. Though in a panic most people would be thinking about repelling the attacker/s, rather than wounding them. If someone breaks into your home and is damaging yourself and your property, then you have grounds to respond. In hindsight, this looks like an accident in the moment, rather than a revenge attack i.e. he shot the invader in a panic, didn't mean to kill the student, and feels terrible about it.
Only in a sick society such as this would a man be arrested for protecting his family from a burglar/home invader.

Contrary to what the OP thinks, what this story really reflects is an out of control and immoral police state which has no respect for the right of self defense, property rights, or family values.
Makes me wonder how bad shots some of these homeowners are. Though in a panic most people would be thinking about repelling the attacker/s, rather than wounding them. If someone breaks into your home and is damaging yourself and your property, then you have grounds to respond. In hindsight, this looks like an accident in the moment, rather than a revenge attack i.e. he shot the invader in a panic, didn't mean to kill the student, and feels terrible about it.

From what I read, the homeowner was lying in wait for someone to enter his garage. He left the garage door open (the one to the street) and left his wife's purse lying on the floor of the garage for bait. He waited with his gun for someone to enter his garage and then shot. Four times. One of the shots hit the intruder in the head and killed him.

This was never an accident. The homeowner didn't shoot in a panic. He did indeed mean to kill, shoot to kill. And no, he does not feel terrible. In the video I watched, he was being put in a police car and he was smiling and laughing. According to what he said, he felt he was completely in the right.

Police: Montana Man Laid Trap, Killed Teen
Newser ^ | 4/30/14 | Matt Cantor

Posted on Wednesday, April 30, 2014 8:01:39 PM by Impala64ssa

A Montana couple frustrated by recent thefts allegedly set a trap for potential burglars—and upon hearing a would-be intruder after midnight on Sunday, the husband fired four shots into the darkness, he says. Now, Markus Kaarma of Missoula has been charged in the death of German exchange student Diren Dede, 17, who was hit by bullets in the head and arm, the AP reports. The couple had set up sensors and cameras around their garage, whose door they left open; Kaarma's wife, Janelle Pflager, left her purse there "so they would take it," she said, per court documents. She reportedly told police the couple had been robbed twice in three weeks.

Documents say Kaarma, 29, told a hairstylist last Wednesday that he'd been waiting three days for another burglary, shotgun at the ready, the Washington Post reports. "I’m just waiting to shoot some [obscenity] kid," he allegedly told the stylist at Great Clips, which ended up calling police over his profane language and unruly behavior, Raw Story reports. Kaarma was yesterday charged with one count of felony deliberate homicide; it's unclear why Diren was in the garage.
Police: Montana Man Laid Trap, Killed Teen
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So it is just kids being kids breaking into peoples homes and stealing and the homeowner of course knew there was no threat to his family. You liberals defend criminals and THAT is why we have so many and they all play the victim card, because dumb asses like you will claim they were just pulling a prank. Theft is not a prank.

Further the man had NO WAY to know it was a 17 year old kid " pulling a prank" all he knew was someone broke into his property while his wife and child were home.

I suppose if the kid knifed someone you would claim it was his upbringing?

Who said I was defending him? If he was burglarising somebody's house and was caught he should be punished. Killed? No. The guy had a shotgun - he couldn't yell out to the guy he was armed? Couldn't have stayed indoors WITH is fully loaded shotgun and called the cops? There were many options open to him. As the saying goes "only in America"... What a shithole when it comes to firearms...Sounds like the home owner was just another chickenshit scaredy pants hiding behind his peashooter...Hope they throw the book at him...

So the homeowner has to put himself at a disadvantage just because? Its his house, and that asshole was on his property sneaking around.

How about we force cops to give skells the benefit of the doubt every time they pull someone over?
Makes me wonder how bad shots some of these homeowners are. Though in a panic most people would be thinking about repelling the attacker/s, rather than wounding them. If someone breaks into your home and is damaging yourself and your property, then you have grounds to respond. In hindsight, this looks like an accident in the moment, rather than a revenge attack i.e. he shot the invader in a panic, didn't mean to kill the student, and feels terrible about it.

From what I read, the homeowner was lying in wait for someone to enter his garage. He left the garage door open (the one to the street) and left his wife's purse lying on the floor of the garage for bait. He waited with his gun for someone to enter his garage and then shot. Four times. One of the shots hit the intruder in the head and killed him.

This was never an accident. The homeowner didn't shoot in a panic. He did indeed mean to kill, shoot to kill. And no, he does not feel terrible. In the video I watched, he was being put in a police car and he was smiling and laughing. According to what he said, he felt he was completely in the right.

Police: Montana Man Laid Trap, Killed Teen
Newser ^ | 4/30/14 | Matt Cantor

Posted on Wednesday, April 30, 2014 8:01:39 PM by Impala64ssa

A Montana couple frustrated by recent thefts allegedly set a trap for potential burglars—and upon hearing a would-be intruder after midnight on Sunday, the husband fired four shots into the darkness, he says. Now, Markus Kaarma of Missoula has been charged in the death of German exchange student Diren Dede, 17, who was hit by bullets in the head and arm, the AP reports. The couple had set up sensors and cameras around their garage, whose door they left open; Kaarma's wife, Janelle Pflager, left her purse there "so they would take it," she said, per court documents. She reportedly told police the couple had been robbed twice in three weeks.

Documents say Kaarma, 29, told a hairstylist last Wednesday that he'd been waiting three days for another burglary, shotgun at the ready, the Washington Post reports. "I’m just waiting to shoot some [obscenity] kid," he allegedly told the stylist at Great Clips, which ended up calling police over his profane language and unruly behavior, Raw Story reports. Kaarma was yesterday charged with one count of felony deliberate homicide; it's unclear why Diren was in the garage.
Police: Montana Man Laid Trap, Killed Teen

So anyone who sees a purse in a garage is automatically going to go there and try to take it?

This is also the older version of the story, where they didn't know the idiot was playing some game where they go into peoples houses and steal crap.
That's exactly what it is. We have a crisis of spirit in this country with the perverted worship of death and firearms, and it's being played out here.

Whenever there's a mass shooting the gun fetishists will be sure to make the point about addressing mental illness. And they're right on that point; they just forget to look in the mirror when they say that.

Some of the posts in this thread are really fucked up.

How about you stop making murder about the tool that is used, rather than the person that committed the act in the first place?

Murder isn't "about the tool that is used" -- it's about the fucked up attitude that thinks it's cool to do it in the first place. It's about a culture that worships death and violence.

Read much?

How about a culture that thinks its OK to go into someones house and steal stuff MULTIPLE TIMES?
Markus Kaarma, Montana man, pleads not guilty in shooting death of German exchange student - CBS News

Suspect in German exchange student killing pleads not guilty.

Another unarmed teenanger is sacraficed to the pro-gun pitbull grip on a literal interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

American is the only modern Western country where unarmed burglary seems to warrant a death sentence.

He broke into a house that he had no business in, what is the problem?

The problem is that though breaking into a house (actually it was the garage) is a crime, it is not a crime that warrants the death penalty. Also, it is extremely disturbing the joy and delight you people seem to take in the fact this young man was killed. Very disturbing.
You are wrong. If you break into someone home, and a garage is part of the home, then you do have the right to shoot, club, spear or otherwise defend your self.

The fact that he was young, mostly fucking around or looking for nick knacks is Monday morning quarterbacking. If there is an intruder in your home you are free to assume the worst or the best case scenario. Your choice. The "joy" you see is people who enjoy the fact that people like you haven't stripped them of the choice (yet).
Markus Kaarma, Montana man, pleads not guilty in shooting death of German exchange student - CBS News

Suspect in German exchange student killing pleads not guilty.

Another unarmed teenanger is sacraficed to the pro-gun pitbull grip on a literal interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

American is the only modern Western country where unarmed burglary seems to warrant a death sentence.
The best way to avoid such a fate is not to break into the premises.

No break-in, no risk of shooting.
He didn't have it coming. In no other modern, industrialzed first world nation in the world does breaking into a garage warrant the death penalty, and not even in our country as far as breaking and entering laws are concerned.

You people delight in killing people.

In killing criminals? Yes. Of course. They have a choice. They can stop committing crimes. They can stop committing crimes as a source of enjoyment.

what a douche. Kids being kids doing a prank called garage hoping now warrants the death sentence.
Apparently you aren't aware that shooting someone in self-defense is not the death sentence.
Do you choose to be ignorant of this, or do you come about it honestly?
It is America. You can shoot someone who looks at your house and claim you 'feared for your life'.

Ya lies will help your point, now won't they?

Few months ago a black kid was shot dead outside a white guys house.
Owner thought the kid stole from him.

White men have a problem with blacks. Racist pricks.

Are you trying to say this thief was black? I've heard of revisionist history, but this one takes the cake.
Markus Kaarma, Montana man, pleads not guilty in shooting death of German exchange student - CBS News

Suspect in German exchange student killing pleads not guilty.

Another unarmed teenanger is sacraficed to the pro-gun pitbull grip on a literal interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

American is the only modern Western country where unarmed burglary seems to warrant a death sentence.

It is America. You can shoot someone who looks at your house and claim you 'feared for your life'.
Oh look - more lies from Noomi, and more thumbs up from the mindless anti-gun loons like her.
Used to be you had to use the same amount of force to defend yourself as the attacker used against you.

Now, its pretty much open season, shoot anyone you want, lie about it and get off.

The gun nuts are cowards.

O.K., so the guy should of punched him in the face...then shot him. Anyone who violates the sanctity of a persons home by breaking-in with bad intent deserves a bullet right in their head.
Markus Kaarma, Montana man, pleads not guilty in shooting death of German exchange student - CBS News

Suspect in German exchange student killing pleads not guilty.

Another unarmed teenanger is sacraficed to the pro-gun pitbull grip on a literal interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

American is the only modern Western country where unarmed burglary seems to warrant a death sentence.

He broke into a house that he had no business in, what is the problem?

The problem is that though breaking into a house (actually it was the garage) is a crime, it is not a crime that warrants the death penalty.
Why do you refuse to understand that the death penatly was not involved in this?
He wasn't robbing.

There you go again defending a common criminal.He was in the house to steal, that by definition is robbing. You claim it was a prank then claim you are not defending a common criminal. Theft is NOT a prank, further the little monster had done it twice before.
He wasn't in the house; he was in the garage.
Its still frlony B+E and burglary.

If it were me, I would lock the door from the house to the garage, make sure my family was in a safe room far from the garage, and call the police.
That's nice.
You weren't there, however, and so any judgeement you bring in this resepct is based on nothing but ignorance.

The homeowner, however, did not do that. He lay in wait for the person who entered his garage and shot at him, in the dark, not seeing who it was or what they were doing, not even firing a warning shot or shouting a warning to get out.
Given what we've seen, all of this was within his rights.

That you might have done something different is meaningless.
He didn't have it coming.
When you present yourself as a threat to someone, you have it coming.

In no other modern, industrialzed first world nation in the world does breaking into a garage warrant the death penalty...
There ws no death penalty here.
Are you nuts? :cuckoo: That's exactly what it was.
The death penalty is an action taken by the state, after a conviction.
Why do you refuse to understand this?
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