UN statement ignores crimes of terrorists in Syria


Nov 14, 2012
So, the truth may not reach the sheep in the western hemisphere?

Minister of Social Affairs Kinda al-Shammat said that the Ministry has not been able, for five months, to deliver humanitarian aid to the eastern regions due to the armed terrorist groups' repeated attacks on the convoys, adding that work is underway to deliver them through al-Yarubea crossing border with Iraq. The Minister was speaking at a session of the people's Assembly on Thursday, headed by Speaker Mohammad Jihad al-Laham to listen to answers of a number of ministers on questions raised by the MPs.
"The latest presidential statement of the UN Security Council on the humanitarian files in Syria has ignored crimes of the armed terrorist groups being carried out in a number of regions," al-Shammat said.
She affirmed that all accusations against the Syrian government on that file are presented by countries involved in the crisis in Syria and seeks training and financing terrorists with weapons and money.
" A big number of schools came out of services due to the terrorist attacks and changing parts of them to temporary shelters for the displaced, while other schools have received more than 2 million students… and this refutes the accusations of the statement," the Minister said.
She added that the UN statement has turned a blind eye on the flagrant violations of the terrorists in the domain of human trafficking and involving the children in the fighting.
Al-Shammat concluded that the average of the humanitarian aid offered by the international organizations won't exceed 25% of the overall aid, affirming that the Syrian government assumes the biggest part of the aid.
The Peoples' Assembly also approved a draft law on establishing the Higher Judicial Institute. The Institute aims at qualifying and training law students, lawyers and judges in various specializations.
Minister of Justice Najm al-Ahmad said the institute is a pioneer experience on the Arab region's level particularly in terms of specialized judiciary, clarifying that lawyers and judges will work in their specific specialization since their appointment in the lowest rung of the judicial ladder until retirement.
I have no problem with Syrian terrorists massacring each other. In fact, I fully support & encourage it for sake of peace. However, I am appaled with innocent Syrian children being victims of all factions of their terrorists. And I am grateful to Israel for saving lives of innocent Syrian children in Israel. Who in their right mind wouldn't bless Israel for this humanitarian effort at Israel's expense?

So, the truth may not reach the sheep in the western hemisphere?

Minister of Social Affairs Kinda al-Shammat said that the Ministry has not been able, for five months, to deliver humanitarian aid to the eastern regions due to the armed terrorist groups' repeated attacks on the convoys, adding that work is underway to deliver them through al-Yarubea crossing border with Iraq. The Minister was speaking at a session of the people's Assembly on Thursday, headed by Speaker Mohammad Jihad al-Laham to listen to answers of a number of ministers on questions raised by the MPs.
"The latest presidential statement of the UN Security Council on the humanitarian files in Syria has ignored crimes of the armed terrorist groups being carried out in a number of regions," al-Shammat said.
She affirmed that all accusations against the Syrian government on that file are presented by countries involved in the crisis in Syria and seeks training and financing terrorists with weapons and money.
" A big number of schools came out of services due to the terrorist attacks and changing parts of them to temporary shelters for the displaced, while other schools have received more than 2 million students… and this refutes the accusations of the statement," the Minister said.
She added that the UN statement has turned a blind eye on the flagrant violations of the terrorists in the domain of human trafficking and involving the children in the fighting.
Al-Shammat concluded that the average of the humanitarian aid offered by the international organizations won't exceed 25% of the overall aid, affirming that the Syrian government assumes the biggest part of the aid.
The Peoples' Assembly also approved a draft law on establishing the Higher Judicial Institute. The Institute aims at qualifying and training law students, lawyers and judges in various specializations.
Minister of Justice Najm al-Ahmad said the institute is a pioneer experience on the Arab region's level particularly in terms of specialized judiciary, clarifying that lawyers and judges will work in their specific specialization since their appointment in the lowest rung of the judicial ladder until retirement.
I have no problem with Syrian terrorists massacring each other. In fact, I fully support & encourage it for sake of peace. However, I am appaled with innocent Syrian children being victims of all factions of their terrorists. And I am grateful to Israel for saving lives of innocent Syrian children in Israel. Who in their right mind wouldn't bless Israel for this humanitarian effort at Israel's expense?

You have not been paying attention. The only reason ANYONE is being killed
in Syria is because Jews have told the muslims to kill each other and have
even been handing guns to any muslim who is willing and able to kill any other
muslim of any age or gender------ask sherri
I have no problem with Syrian terrorists massacring each other. In fact, I fully support & encourage it for sake of peace. However, I am appaled with innocent Syrian children being victims of all factions of their terrorists. And I am grateful to Israel for saving lives of innocent Syrian children in Israel. Who in their right mind wouldn't bless Israel for this humanitarian effort at Israel's expense?
Indeed! Israel is known for its sheer endless charitableness and humanity in foreign affairs. The world complains of Israel always turning the other cheek.
Look at this! How can they do it? Are they simply mindless?
It certainly proves that Golda Meir was right when she said "Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us."

Look at this! How can they do it? Are they simply mindless?

FEAR NOT-----rosie is here. Weapons are very symbolic in the meccaist
culture. A well dressed meccaist ----proudly wears a huge dagger thrust into
his belt or sash----it is considered "manly" ------If you get to know muslims from
other parts of the world you will note pictures of adolescent boys----very frequently
feature the kid posed with a RIFLE ------in fact even babies. I have to admit ---
having girls so posed------seems to be the islamic nod to FEM LIB....

Weapons are so ISLAMICALLY symbolic that in shariah cesspits----the ONLY
PEOPLE WHO CAN OWN THEM ------are muslims In the shariah cesspit----
in which hubby was born-------there were wild animals out in the hills----
making travel dangerous------the ONLY way to be safe for a jew was TO
PAY AN ESCORT-------since jew could not carry a knife even for self protaction
against mountain lions and-----(this is for sunni) HYENAS

Now for the good part-----large daggers are so ISLAMICALLY IMPORTANT---
that they are highly decorated with silver filagree handles------the people
who did the silver filagree-------were customarily ----jews. For some reason
that I do not know------metallurgy is looked down upon by muslims-------
well----make that the work of a SMITH. Egyptians sometimes insult
people by calling them ------a "SMITH"------???? ie the guy who makes
shoes for horses-----but somehow all of SMITHY work got thrown in
----including those fancy dagger handles
How can any parents of any children anywhere allow such disgrace to them as this photo upon their own offspring?

It certainly proves that Golda Meir was right when she said "Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us."

Look at this! How can they do it? Are they simply mindless?

FEAR NOT-----rosie is here. Weapons are very symbolic in the meccaist
culture. A well dressed meccaist ----proudly wears a huge dagger thrust into
his belt or sash----it is considered "manly" ------If you get to know muslims from
other parts of the world you will note pictures of adolescent boys----very frequently
feature the kid posed with a RIFLE ------in fact even babies. I have to admit ---
having girls so posed------seems to be the islamic nod to FEM LIB....

Weapons are so ISLAMICALLY symbolic that in shariah cesspits----the ONLY
PEOPLE WHO CAN OWN THEM ------are muslims In the shariah cesspit----
in which hubby was born-------there were wild animals out in the hills----
making travel dangerous------the ONLY way to be safe for a jew was TO
PAY AN ESCORT-------since jew could not carry a knife even for self protaction
against mountain lions and-----(this is for sunni) HYENAS

Now for the good part-----large daggers are so ISLAMICALLY IMPORTANT---
that they are highly decorated with silver filagree handles------the people
who did the silver filagree-------were customarily ----jews. For some reason
that I do not know------metallurgy is looked down upon by muslims-------
well----make that the work of a SMITH. Egyptians sometimes insult
people by calling them ------a "SMITH"------???? ie the guy who makes
shoes for horses-----but somehow all of SMITHY work got thrown in
----including those fancy dagger handles
Look at this! How can they do it? Are they simply mindless?

How can any parents of any children anywhere allow such disgrace to them as this photo upon their own offspring?

Here is a utube that is in a very real sense, more terrifying than yours. This is a two year old Muslim girl who has been brainwashed. As she recites her answers on cue, like a trained seal, she has no idea what she has memorized, but she is brainwashed for life.

Listen to the pride in the father's voice as he questions her. The child may be cute, but she is a viable enemy of the west. Soon she will be holding the weapons of the child in your photo.

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Look at this! How can they do it? Are they simply mindless?

How can any parents of any children anywhere allow such disgrace to them as this photo upon their own offspring?

Here is a utube that is in a very real sense, more terrifying than yours. This is a two year old Muslim girl who has been brainwashed. As she recites her answers on cue, like a trained seal, she has no idea what she has memorized, but she is brainwashed for life.

Listen to the pride in the father's voice as he questions her. The child may be cute, but she is a viable enemy of the west. Soon she will be holding the weapons of the child in your photo.


Oh my god!
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Look at this! How can they do it? Are they simply mindless?

How can any parents of any children anywhere allow such disgrace to them as this photo upon their own offspring?

Here is a utube that is in a very real sense, more terrifying than yours. This is a two year old Muslim girl who has been brainwashed. As she recites her answers on cue, like a trained seal, she has no idea what she has memorized, but she is brainwashed for life.

Listen to the pride in the father's voice as he questions her. The child may be cute, but she is a viable enemy of the west. Soon she will be holding the weapons of the child in your photo.


Oh my god!

I warned that utube is unsettling!


Muhammad, casual dress.
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When Assad wins the war every rebel should be put against a wall and SHOT. Saudi Arabia should be bombed into the stone age, and Israeli dogs should be blockaded, and sanctioned to the point of starvation. Every person who ever enabled these terrorists should be tried and executed.

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