Ultra-conservative Trump ally Tom Cotton says he will NOT support challenge to electoral college


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
This Hawley guy is such a clown that his goofy opposition to the electoral college can't even convince one of the most conservative people in this country.
Tom Cotton (1/3/2021):
“Nevertheless, the Founders entrusted our elections chiefly to the states—not Congress. They entrusted the election of our president to the people, acting through the Electoral College—not Congress.”
This Hawley guy is such a clown that his goofy opposition to the electoral college can't even convince one of the most conservative people in this country.
Tom Cotton (1/3/2021):
“Nevertheless, the Founders entrusted our elections chiefly to the states—not Congress. They entrusted the election of our president to the people, acting through the Electoral College—not Congress.”

A voice of reason from the Republican Party during the era of the impeached president trump is not going to win Tom Cotton any votes from the tOP (the trump Owned Party) cultists.

This Hawley guy is such a clown that his goofy opposition to the electoral college can't even convince one of the most conservative people in this country.
Tom Cotton (1/3/2021):
“Nevertheless, the Founders entrusted our elections chiefly to the states—not Congress. They entrusted the election of our president to the people, acting through the Electoral College—not Congress.”

A lot of Republicans will vote for the states. Come Wednesday we will be waiting for the inauguration of Biden.

This has been a locked up done deal since November and yet Democrats are all concerned and Republicans think there is a glint of hope. Not sure why any of this is news worthy.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a possible contender for the GOP presidential nomination in 2024, broke with his rivals Sunday night by announcing he will not object to the counting of electoral votes on Jan. 6.

Cotton warned that an effort spearheaded by Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), two other 2024 White House hopefuls, to challenge the electoral votes of several swing states that went for President-elect Joe Biden could “establish unwise precedents.”

While Cotton said he is concerned about how the 2020 presidential election was carried out, such as changes to election law allowing mail-in ballots arriving after Election Day to be counted, he argued it is up to the states and the courts — not Congress — to handle election laws.

“The Founders entrusted our elections chiefly to the states — not Congress. They entrusted the election of our president to the people, acting through the Electoral College — not Congress. And they entrusted the adjudication of election disputes to the courts — not Congress,” he said in a statement released Sunday evening.

“Under the Constitution and federal law, Congress’s power is limited to counting electoral votes submitted by the state,” he said.

Cotton warned that if Congress threw out the electoral votes of states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where President Trump has alleged without evidence widespread election fraud, it would “take away the power to choose the president from the people.”

He said it would imperil the Electoral College and the voice it gives to smaller states like Arkansas and help Democrats “achieve their longstanding goal of eliminating the Electoral College.”

He said Congress if overrides the Electoral College’s vote, it would “take another big step toward federalizing election law.”

“Thus, I will not oppose the counting of certified electoral votes on Jan. 6,” he said.

Cotton said he is disappointed in the election results and grateful for what Trump accomplished during his four years in office, but argued, “objecting to certified electoral votes won’t give him a second term — it will only embolden those Democrats who want to erode further our system of constitutional government.”

Cotton is doing this because of his future Presidential run.
He doesn’t want this stain on his record.
So for personal reasons, Cotton is making this choice.
, where President Trump has alleged without evidence widespread election fraud,
...without evidence...
Let's see, thousands of sworn affidavits stating eyewitness accounts of widespread fraud, plus statistical analysis that is absolutely convincing, plus actual video of actual fraud as it's being committed, and the lying left is like "Trump alleges without evidence..."

Fucking contemptible liars...
Although I don't agree with some of cotton's positions, he's correct on this one. The house members and senators who are going to challenge the results, even though it will fail are doing it for one reason only their playing to Trumps delusional base not all conservative republicans are participating because they have a duty to uphold the constitution. They know Trumps baseless claims of widespread voter fraud comes from the mouth of a pathological liar, egotist, vindictive sob who will go down in the history books as one of the worst presidents and a supreme loser.
Wamose, Cotton doesn't have to address voter fraud because there wasn't any. Biden won fairly in Georgia if you can wrap your brain around that. If there was rampant voter fraud especially in Georgia how come the Democratic running Senators didn't get as many votes as the Republicans and only a state law saying a candidate must recive more than 50% of the vote to win or there will be a runoff. Trump in his dispicable call on Saturday to Georgia officials, shows just how immoral and dispicable the man is. He is essentially threatening Cotton, because lying, climate denier and vindictive bastard thinks he is the king of the Republican party and if the party doesn't right its ship they wil never win another presidential electiion. where are the George Will's and the Robert F Buckley's when you truly need sensible conservatives.
, where President Trump has alleged without evidence widespread election fraud,
...without evidence...
Let's see, thousands of sworn affidavits stating eyewitness accounts of widespread fraud, plus statistical analysis that is absolutely convincing, plus actual video of actual fraud as it's being committed, and the lying left is like "Trump alleges without evidence..."

Fucking contemptible liars...
Said affidavits were considered crappy by judges.
Cotton obviously doesn't have the balls to address voting fraud so he'll never have the balls to be President. People who try to assume the high ground by ignoring corruption are anti American losers.
Under the bus goes another ultraconservative.
, where President Trump has alleged without evidence widespread election fraud,
...without evidence...
Let's see, thousands of sworn affidavits stating eyewitness accounts of widespread fraud, plus statistical analysis that is absolutely convincing, plus actual video of actual fraud as it's being committed, and the lying left is like "Trump alleges without evidence..."

Fucking contemptible liars...

The number of votes and the number of voters match. There is no evidence of fraud and no0 videos. Your saying so does not make it true.
Cotton obviously doesn't have the balls to address voting fraud so he'll never have the balls to be President. People who try to assume the high ground by ignoring corruption are anti American losers.

Trump- supporters are the corrupt bastards. Trump supporters are anti-America losers. You keep accusing others of what you people are trying to do.

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