Ukrainian border more important than U.S. boundary to nearly 6 of 10 Dems


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
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Ukrainian border more important than U.S. boundary to nearly 6 of 10 Dems

The Ukrainian border is more important to nearly 6 of 10 Democrats in America than the United States’ own border with Mexico.
That’s confirmed by a poll from Rasmussen Reports, which said 57% of responding Democrats said the Ukrainian boundary is more important to protect than the American border.
As Russian President Vladimir Putin this week was dispatching thousands of soldiers into Ukraine to attack and kill its citizens, a full 57% of Democrats said protecting Ukraine’s border is a priority.
The poll also showed even though Brain-Dead Biden has claimed, based on his decades as a Washington insider in the Senate and as vice president, expertise in foreign policy, Americans disagree with him.
Joining the 57% of Democrats who chose the Ukrainian border were 67% of those who called themselves liberals, the report said.

Just another instance of Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Leftist "Woke Global" hegemony at home and abroad.
Certainly, The Quisling Media Complex agrees, given their breathless coverage of the war.
Hmm..., One would think the QMC would find Biden, despotic, xenophobic and mentally impaired for not understanding, or thinking he can understand another people on the other side of the earth.
Why the dichotomy? He wants to give guns to people, like “Gun Violence” and ask them to go all George Zimmerman on people of the human race.
Would Biden send his kid out there with zero experience, well maybe that’s not a good example.
Hopefully Kamala advances to the point to squeezing young girls and disarming the press with snappy comments, like, what am I supposed to do now? And she can take over.
The event finally got the Orange Blob to stop reiterating his historic loss at the polls in 2020.

Ukrainian border more important than U.S. boundary to nearly 6 of 10 Dems

The Ukrainian border is more important to nearly 6 of 10 Democrats in America than the United States’ own border with Mexico.
That’s confirmed by a poll from Rasmussen Reports, which said 57% of responding Democrats said the Ukrainian boundary is more important to protect than the American border.
As Russian President Vladimir Putin this week was dispatching thousands of soldiers into Ukraine to attack and kill its citizens, a full 57% of Democrats said protecting Ukraine’s border is a priority.
The poll also showed even though Brain-Dead Biden has claimed, based on his decades as a Washington insider in the Senate and as vice president, expertise in foreign policy, Americans disagree with him.
Joining the 57% of Democrats who chose the Ukrainian border were 67% of those who called themselves liberals, the report said.

Just another instance of Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Leftist "Woke Global" hegemony at home and abroad.
Certainly, The Quisling Media Complex agrees, given their breathless coverage of the war.
Hmm..., One would think the QMC would find Biden, despotic, xenophobic and mentally impaired for not understanding, or thinking he can understand another people on the other side of the earth.
Why the dichotomy? He wants to give guns to people, like “Gun Violence” and ask them to go all George Zimmerman on people of the human race.
Would Biden send his kid out there with zero experience, well maybe that’s not a good example.
Hopefully Kamala advances to the point to squeezing young girls and disarming the press with snappy comments, like, what am I supposed to do now? And she can take over.
Your "gun" comments. Are you anti-gun? Or, is that one of those "only for me and not for you" kinda deals?

Ukrainian border more important than U.S. boundary to nearly 6 of 10 Dems

The Ukrainian border is more important to nearly 6 of 10 Democrats in America than the United States’ own border with Mexico.
That’s confirmed by a poll from Rasmussen Reports, which said 57% of responding Democrats said the Ukrainian boundary is more important to protect than the American border.
As Russian President Vladimir Putin this week was dispatching thousands of soldiers into Ukraine to attack and kill its citizens, a full 57% of Democrats said protecting Ukraine’s border is a priority.
The poll also showed even though Brain-Dead Biden has claimed, based on his decades as a Washington insider in the Senate and as vice president, expertise in foreign policy, Americans disagree with him.
Joining the 57% of Democrats who chose the Ukrainian border were 67% of those who called themselves liberals, the report said.

Just another instance of Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Leftist "Woke Global" hegemony at home and abroad.
Certainly, The Quisling Media Complex agrees, given their breathless coverage of the war.
Hmm..., One would think the QMC would find Biden, despotic, xenophobic and mentally impaired for not understanding, or thinking he can understand another people on the other side of the earth.
Why the dichotomy? He wants to give guns to people, like “Gun Violence” and ask them to go all George Zimmerman on people of the human race.
Would Biden send his kid out there with zero experience, well maybe that’s not a good example.
Hopefully Kamala advances to the point to squeezing young girls and disarming the press with snappy comments, like, what am I supposed to do now? And she can take over.
I think Dems are divided. I am a democrat and I honestly don't give two shits about Ukraine, as far as I am concerned Russia can have it back. I don't think we should get involved, I think the further we try to influence Putin the more likely he will think about using Nukes and launching Europe into World War III. We don't need that, Europe doesn't need that. Sometimes sacrafices need to be made to prevent war. If giving Ukraine away to Putin prevents nukes and a World War III then I think that would be the best idea.
I think Dems are divided. I am a democrat and I honestly don't give two shits about Ukraine, as far as I am concerned Russia can have it back. I don't think we should get involved, I think the further we try to influence Putin the more likely he will think about using Nukes and launching Europe into World War III. We don't need that, Europe doesn't need that. Sometimes sacrafices need to be made to prevent war. If giving Ukraine away to Putin prevents nukes and a World War III then I think that would be the best idea.
Give away? And to a bluff. C'mon man.
Your "gun" comments. Are you anti-gun? Or, is that one of those "only for me and not for you" kinda deals?
No, I'm not anti-gun in fact I'm a life-time member of the NRA, shoot regularly at the range with everything from .22 cal. to 30-06 from pistol to long range rifle targets.
I was remarking on the dichotomy of Progressive Maoist/DSA Demo Left anti-gun stance in America and their applauding the distribution of firearms to Ukrainian civilians.
If something like that were to happen here, thousands of us would be prepared with our own personal weapons and ammo.
Heavier weapons of course would have to come from the military.
I think Dems are divided. I am a democrat and I honestly don't give two shits about Ukraine, as far as I am concerned Russia can have it back. I don't think we should get involved, I think the further we try to influence Putin the more likely he will think about using Nukes and launching Europe into World War III. We don't need that, Europe doesn't need that. Sometimes sacrafices need to be made to prevent war. If giving Ukraine away to Putin prevents nukes and a World War III then I think that would be the best idea.
Then you should be questioning why Joey Xi Bai Dung has made the incompetent moves on foreign policy since Jan 2021.
Joey Xi has been the proverbial clusterfuck of America and the world sees him as incompetent and weak.
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