UK Telegraph - Largest Bond Bubble in History - Armageddon when it bursts!

This is the result of abandoning sound Money (Gold and Silver Coin) as REQUIRED by the United States Constitution:

While you've all been distracted by Zimmerman and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Edward Snowden, here's the real F***ing scary news, that's now bursting into the main stream.

If this bubble bursts, we're talking 75-85% of the population dead (worldwide) within several months. This would be more devastating than a REAL-LIFE nuclear exchange.

What in high heaven are you babbling about?
If this bubble bursts, we're talking 75-85% of the population dead (worldwide) within several months. This would be more devastating than a REAL-LIFE nuclear exchange.

Whether it is Planet X, the Second Coming, or the Bond Bubble Bust, I can't help but notice that people who say the end of the world is coming soon always seem to be looking forward to it.
You betcha, the end of the world is near.

Sell the car, sell the house, sell the wife, sell the kids.
I'm refin'ing my house.

I'm signing up for another 30 year fixed rate mortgage at a lower rate than I currently have.

Apparently my bank hasn't heard about the end of the world, or perhaps they think it won't end for AT LEAST another 30 years.
So many of you will be the first to go down, when in the long run, you will suffer less than those of us who are prepared.

The inflationary currency bond collapse happened when all the bad sub-prime mortgage & government debt was created. Now the Fed is slowing the deflationary depression trap that had to follow. They are gaining power over the market by doing so.

They have managed to steer out ship from disaster. Government spending is down & government interest on the debt is down. We are just waiting for lending & hiring to pick back up. But that may not happen like it did before, because to many people are broke so demand will remain weaker than normal. People are broke from falling wages, large debts & rapid inflation during the housing & war boom.
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This is the result of abandoning sound Money (Gold and Silver Coin) as REQUIRED by the United States Constitution:

While you've all been distracted by Zimmerman and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Edward Snowden, here's the real F***ing scary news, that's now bursting into the main stream.

If this bubble bursts, we're talking 75-85% of the population dead (worldwide) within several months. This would be more devastating than a REAL-LIFE nuclear exchange.

A 'disorderly' bursting of biggest bond bubble in history is biggest risk to financial stability, say BoE's Andy Haldane - Telegraph

Controlling The Implosion Of The Biggest Bond Bubble In History | Zero Hedge

This Is No Doubt The Biggest Bond Bubble In History: The Bond Crash Is Already Worse Than 1994 Even Though There Is NO CHANCE of A Fed Funds Hike This Year!!! Fed Funds Were Hiked +75bp In 1994!!! | InvestmentWatch

Biggest Bond Bubble In History Is Turning Into Carnage | Zero Hedge

Bond bubble threatens financial system, Bank of England director warns | Business |

Farewell Bernanke ? Thanks For Inflating The Biggest Bond Bubble The World Has Ever Seen

Andy Haldane Fears Bond Bubble Bust - Business Insider

A 'disorderly' bursting of biggest bond bubble in history is biggest risk to financial stability, say BoE's Andy Haldane - Yahoo! Finance UK

Have Central Bankers Lost Control? Could The Bond Bubble Implode Even If There Is No Tapering? |

US Treasury Bonds - The Biggest Bubble In History - About to Pop

Treasury Bond-Greatest Asset Bubble in History-Jim Willie | Greg Hunter?s USAWatchdog

What will happen to the bond bubble? - The Drum (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Bond Bubble Threatens Global Financial System: Bank Of England's Andy Haldane Warns

Try Thorazine. Ask you psychiatrist? They probably have better medication that that these days.
This is the result of abandoning sound Money (Gold and Silver Coin) as REQUIRED by the United States Constitution:

While you've all been distracted by Zimmerman and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Edward Snowden, here's the real F***ing scary news, that's now bursting into the main stream.

If this bubble bursts, we're talking 75-85% of the population dead (worldwide) within several months. This would be more devastating than a REAL-LIFE nuclear exchange.

A 'disorderly' bursting of biggest bond bubble in history is biggest risk to financial stability, say BoE's Andy Haldane - Telegraph

Controlling The Implosion Of The Biggest Bond Bubble In History | Zero Hedge

This Is No Doubt The Biggest Bond Bubble In History: The Bond Crash Is Already Worse Than 1994 Even Though There Is NO CHANCE of A Fed Funds Hike This Year!!! Fed Funds Were Hiked +75bp In 1994!!! | InvestmentWatch

Biggest Bond Bubble In History Is Turning Into Carnage | Zero Hedge

Bond bubble threatens financial system, Bank of England director warns | Business |

Farewell Bernanke ? Thanks For Inflating The Biggest Bond Bubble The World Has Ever Seen

Andy Haldane Fears Bond Bubble Bust - Business Insider

A 'disorderly' bursting of biggest bond bubble in history is biggest risk to financial stability, say BoE's Andy Haldane - Yahoo! Finance UK

Have Central Bankers Lost Control? Could The Bond Bubble Implode Even If There Is No Tapering? |

US Treasury Bonds - The Biggest Bubble In History - About to Pop

Treasury Bond-Greatest Asset Bubble in History-Jim Willie | Greg Hunter?s USAWatchdog

What will happen to the bond bubble? - The Drum (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Bond Bubble Threatens Global Financial System: Bank Of England's Andy Haldane Warns

Try Thorazine. Ask your psychiatrist? They probably have better medication that that these days.

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