UK : Pakistani men sexually abused 1400 young/minor girls

how could I compare the practices of a third world country to the same practices in the greatest and most advanced country in the world, shirley that would be unfair

Perhaps I should ask Mitt Romney:badgrin:

ps have you an answer yet?
If you would ask those 6 victims how their treatment is, then you will very likely hear a different side than the comparative you are using.

Regardless of America.

An answer?

The women of Pakistan?

They should be so lucky as to be American. Your comparative fails on that alone. Your attempt to apologize for (the Pakistani abuse) by using comparatives fails as well.
how could I compare the practices of a third world country to the same practices in the greatest and most advanced country in the world, shirley that would be unfair

Perhaps I should ask Mitt Romney:badgrin:

ps have you an answer yet?

Well, you could always try honest and intelligent comparisons instead of the ones you are making.

Comparing practices which are commonplace and accepted in one culture with those that are rare and frowned upon in another is stupid as well as dishonest.

Instead of just acting out as a child, have you ever considered thinking for a change? Notions such as prevalence and degree completely escape your ability to understand.
This thread is about abuse of women in UK. The report compiled by NY Times mentions the involvement of British men of Pakistani origin in this racket. Pakistan has no control over these men. These men are a product of British society. So the discussion should not take a direction where Pakistan and its culture are being bashed. We should keep the focus on Britain/UK because it is not a Pakistani issue.

You are a wise man for not supporting these Nazis. After they are done with Muslims, they will come after Jews. These people are haters and they will always find someone to hate.

The Jews are not a problem, and have not been for thousands of years, but from day one of muslim migration they have been a problem. They caused two riots that resulted in deaths within 50 miles of were I live and these happened last century. Remove islam from the civilised world and let them kill each other and good luck to them. Why should we be expected to pick up the pieces and take in the cowards who ran when they were beat.
But Goy those Icons of British traditions and culture the Royal family disagree with a snotty benefit cheat like you. I take my hat off to the late Diana mother of two heirs to the throne for banging Dodi al Fayed, I believe Wills and Harry liked him a lot.

Why do you think the men in Grey Suits had her eliminated, could it have something to do with she was pregnant and did not know which muslim knocked her up. By the way I am not a "snotty benefit cheat" unlike the vast majority of you muslims that only come here for the jizya seekers allowance

Are you implying that Princess Diana was assassinated because she had sex with Muslim men?
This thread is about abuse of women in UK. The report compiled by NY Times mentions the involvement of British men of Pakistani origin in this racket. Pakistan has no control over these men. These men are a product of British society. So the discussion should not take a direction where Pakistan and its culture are being bashed. We should keep the focus on Britain/UK because it is not a Pakistani issue.

and here I thought the apologists had already scraped the bottom of the barrel in their desperation.

I guess I was wrong.
Cultures clash over forced child marriages in Pakistan

Advocates for harsher laws against child marriage argue that it's an oppressive practice that traumatizes young girls, while traditionalists say it goes against the Koran to pass such a law. According to the Muslim holy book, the Prophet Muhammad married minors.

More than 140 million girls younger than 18 will be married to men as old as 60 in the next decade, the United Nations Human Rights Council estimated recently. About 50% of the marriages will occur in South Asia, the council found.

In Pakistan, poor families commonly marry off girls as young as 10, shifting the cost of supporting them to their new husbands.

Secular-minded lawmakers want to amend Pakistani law to impose two-year jail sentences and $1,000 fines for child marriage. Current penalties for breaking the law are only a month in jail and a $10 fine. The laws, which are rarely enforced, apply to parents and clerics who perform marriages.

Officials in Sindh province — where Karachi, Pakistan's largest city, is located — have strengthened local laws against the tradition. Police there have raided wedding parties to enforce it, shocking Pakistani conservatives.

Traditionalists are now mounting an effort to prevent the bill. The Council of Islamic Ideology, an official panel that advises the government on Islamic law, recently ruled that the 1929 law, as well as the proposed amendments, was "un-Islamic."

"Girls as young as 9 years old are eligible to be married if the signs of puberty are visible," said Council Chairman Maulana Muhammad Khan Shirani. "Parliament should not create laws which are against the teachings of the Koran."

Anti-child marriage advocates lamented how Shirani is allowed a say in the measure.Rubina Saigol, a Lahore-based activist, said the council is a legacy of Pakistan's authoritarian past.
and in Israel to use pro-lifes vernacular between 20 to 40,000 "babies" were "murdered" last year in a country with one of the most Liberal abortion laws in the world. Your comments @ChrisL

This thread has nothing to do with abortion. :rolleyes-41: I guess you feel the need to change topics because of your big fat fail of rebuttal.
ah I see you meant comparatives. Any form of abuse is evil.I am passionate about women's rights, in particular there right to choose to have an abortion. What say you Rupee my old mucker?

You are passionate about women's rights? :neutral: Could have fooled me! :lol: If you were "passionate" then stuff like this would be pissing you off beyond BELIEF, as it does myself. I could strangle those pigs with my bare hands.
Here's another. They actually had to make laws, because this was SO prevalent, that you cannot trade or sell your daughters to pay off debts!!!

Child Marriages in Pakistan The Institute for Social Justice ISJ

Yes, there are problems in some parts of the world, including some Muslim communities.

Child-sex tourism in South-East Asia Unwanted visitors The Economist

South-East Asia has many of the world's most popular tourist attractions, and some large populations of Western expatriates. But it also has weak law enforcement, a large sex industry and much poverty. So it has become a favoured destination for paedophiles.

Child prostitution rampant in tourist destinations AsiaOne Asia News

Indonesia trying to protect children from western child sex perverts

"Bali and some other major cities have turned into child-sex tourism destinations because there are facilities that support the practices," Irwanto, the president of ECPAT Indonesia, said on Wednesday on the sidelines of the conference "Legal Protection for Victims of Sexual Exploitation against Children in South East Asia" held in Nusa Dua. - See more at: Child prostitution rampant in tourist destinations AsiaOne Asia News

I don't deny for a moment, there is a problem in some sections of the Muslim world, especially Yemen and Pakistan, but there is just as big a problem with western perverts going into Asia, fucking little children.

If you want these problems to stop, it's no good using racist bollocks to do so, you have to face up to the truth - every community has its perverts, and you must root out the causes and the most likely to offend, not just blame Muslims.

That is always the big thing with the politically stupid extremists - they don't actually care about child abuse, but just want to blame Muslims for everything.

Frankly, that lot are pretty much as disgusting as the men who actually abuse the kids, because the extremists attempt to distort the truth, thus leaving children at further risk.
every community has its perverts, and you must root out the causes and the most likely to offend, not just blame Muslims

One job at a time. Learn from the Left. First blacks, then the disabled, then the homosexuals, then the transsexuals, then the polgymasts, then the pedophiles, then the bestialists, etc. One group at a time gets elevated to normality.

Condemnation works the same way. First the Muslims. Once that mission has been accomplished, then we can pick the next target.
If you would ask those 6 victims how their treatment is, then you will very likely hear a different side than the comparative you are using.

Regardless of America.

An answer?

The women of Pakistan?

They should be so lucky as to be American. Your comparative fails on that alone. Your attempt to apologize for (the Pakistani abuse) by using comparatives fails as well.
Fails whom Rupee? I stated I was not comparing the practice of child marriage, I am however pointing out the hypocrisy of selective indignation.

The question is where do you stand on a woman's rights to choose to have an abortion.

No one is claiming that other people don't molest children too. The point is, it is not acceptable and is a crime in our country, in our culture. In their culture (the ones who immigrate from ME countries anyways), it is an acceptable part of their culture. Child marriages are common in many of those countries in the ME.

I have condemned every barbaric act against children whether it be by a Muslim or Christian.
It is claimed that sadomasochism and flagellation have been an enduring part of English male culture for centuries.I dont care as long as they stay within the law.
Gay marriage is now part of our culture. I dont care its legal..
The minimum age for marriage in the UK is 16.
The minimum age for sexual consent in the UK is 16, it is now part of our culture that this is broken frequently.
The lowest minimum age for sexual consent in Europe is catholic Spain at 13, Muslim Turkey has the highest at 18yrs .
I come from a standpoint that all religions are an evil load of bollocks, but singling only one group of religious criminal goes against the wonderful culture of fair play in Great Britain.
Any legal resident of the UK who commits any form of crime should be prosecuted.
I would like to see the culture of the Catholic Confessional banned for obvious reasons, how about you?

I don't see how any of this addresses the fact that child marriage (children as young as 9 years old) is common place in many Muslim countries. That is regardless of the "law." And it is still culturally acceptable. I've posted MUCH evidence in this regard, including documents and articles from the Human Rights Watch. If you need to see the proof that these "men" are marrying children in LARGE numbers, then I would be happy to find the articles and post them. It is a fact that child marriage is an acceptable part of Islam and is even ENCOURAGED by their leaders and imams. Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed is taken with literal meaning.

Perhaps you could mention the age of consent in Muslim countries, and compare that to the same in Christian countries.
With a few exceptions, Christian countries have a lower age of consent.
Now, whilst we're on the go, perhaps you could take the level of teenage mothers into account in both Muslim and Christian countries - the number of single parent families and the STD rates of Christian and Muslim countries.

The Vatican was the lowest in Europe, and far lower than most Muslim countries.
Vatican City raises age of consent from 12 to 18 following scandals Gay Star News

In all Islamic countries the age of consent is that laid down in the Koran and sharia law, 9 years old for the child to consent and no age limit for the father to consent. This is why in the UK we see so many 11 and 12 year old Pakistani girls being admitted to hospitals with pregnancy complications, all hushed up by the government because it could cause social unrest.
Cultures clash over forced child marriages in Pakistan

Advocates for harsher laws against child marriage argue that it's an oppressive practice that traumatizes young girls, while traditionalists say it goes against the Koran to pass such a law. According to the Muslim holy book, the Prophet Muhammad married minors.

More than 140 million girls younger than 18 will be married to men as old as 60 in the next decade, the United Nations Human Rights Council estimated recently. About 50% of the marriages will occur in South Asia, the council found.

In Pakistan, poor families commonly marry off girls as young as 10, shifting the cost of supporting them to their new husbands.

Secular-minded lawmakers want to amend Pakistani law to impose two-year jail sentences and $1,000 fines for child marriage. Current penalties for breaking the law are only a month in jail and a $10 fine. The laws, which are rarely enforced, apply to parents and clerics who perform marriages.

Officials in Sindh province — where Karachi, Pakistan's largest city, is located — have strengthened local laws against the tradition. Police there have raided wedding parties to enforce it, shocking Pakistani conservatives.

Traditionalists are now mounting an effort to prevent the bill. The Council of Islamic Ideology, an official panel that advises the government on Islamic law, recently ruled that the 1929 law, as well as the proposed amendments, was "un-Islamic."

"Girls as young as 9 years old are eligible to be married if the signs of puberty are visible," said Council Chairman Maulana Muhammad Khan Shirani. "Parliament should not create laws which are against the teachings of the Koran."

Anti-child marriage advocates lamented how Shirani is allowed a say in the measure.Rubina Saigol, a Lahore-based activist, said the council is a legacy of Pakistan's authoritarian past.
and in Israel to use pro-lifes vernacular between 20 to 40,000 "babies" were "murdered" last year in a country with one of the most Liberal abortion laws in the world. Your comments @ChrisL

Posting what you have heard is not the same as posting the evidence from a non partisan source is it...................
how could I compare the practices of a third world country to the same practices in the greatest and most advanced country in the world, shirley that would be unfair

Perhaps I should ask Mitt Romney:badgrin:

ps have you an answer yet?

Well, you could always try honest and intelligent comparisons instead of the ones you are making.

Comparing practices which are commonplace and accepted in one culture with those that are rare and frowned upon in another is stupid as well as dishonest.

Instead of just acting out as a child, have you ever considered thinking for a change? Notions such as prevalence and degree completely escape your ability to understand.
Did you major in bloviation lickspittle? why not mention that a vast number of Pakistani people are against child marriage and that laws have been introduced in Pakistan that make the practice illegal with a 3yrs jail time?
ah I see you meant comparatives. Any form of abuse is evil.I am passionate about women's rights, in particular there right to choose to have an abortion. What say you Rupee my old mucker?

Depends on the reasons for the termination, if it is just a form of birth control or to increase athletic performance then they should be banned in all nations. A common trait in the Eastern European nations to increase their gymnasts performance before big events, get them pregnant and then terminate 1 week before the event.
Rupee I realise Pakistan is a third world country and there are probably far more cases of child brides there.
But America is the most advanced nation in the world, and yet you have cults/religions that practise this barbaric behaviour. Women We were child brides in U.S. -

We have the same in the UK, in fact the government had to enact a law to stop it from happening a few years back. They made it illegal for any person to take a child under the age of 16 out of the country to be married and they faced prison if they were caught doing so.
Cultures clash over forced child marriages in Pakistan

Advocates for harsher laws against child marriage argue that it's an oppressive practice that traumatizes young girls, while traditionalists say it goes against the Koran to pass such a law. According to the Muslim holy book, the Prophet Muhammad married minors.

More than 140 million girls younger than 18 will be married to men as old as 60 in the next decade, the United Nations Human Rights Council estimated recently. About 50% of the marriages will occur in South Asia, the council found.

In Pakistan, poor families commonly marry off girls as young as 10, shifting the cost of supporting them to their new husbands.

Secular-minded lawmakers want to amend Pakistani law to impose two-year jail sentences and $1,000 fines for child marriage. Current penalties for breaking the law are only a month in jail and a $10 fine. The laws, which are rarely enforced, apply to parents and clerics who perform marriages.

Officials in Sindh province — where Karachi, Pakistan's largest city, is located — have strengthened local laws against the tradition. Police there have raided wedding parties to enforce it, shocking Pakistani conservatives.

Traditionalists are now mounting an effort to prevent the bill. The Council of Islamic Ideology, an official panel that advises the government on Islamic law, recently ruled that the 1929 law, as well as the proposed amendments, was "un-Islamic."

"Girls as young as 9 years old are eligible to be married if the signs of puberty are visible," said Council Chairman Maulana Muhammad Khan Shirani. "Parliament should not create laws which are against the teachings of the Koran."

Anti-child marriage advocates lamented how Shirani is allowed a say in the measure.Rubina Saigol, a Lahore-based activist, said the council is a legacy of Pakistan's authoritarian past.
and in Israel to use pro-lifes vernacular between 20 to 40,000 "babies" were "murdered" last year in a country with one of the most Liberal abortion laws in the world. Your comments @ChrisL

This thread has nothing to do with abortion. :rolleyes-41: I guess you feel the need to change topics because of your big fat fail of rebuttal.
@ChrisL You introduced child marrtage in Pakistan what has that got to do with the OP, the whole thread relates to women's human rights. You obviously do not support the rights of a female to determine what happens to her body.

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