UK MP Rebukes Biden : “Those who have never fought for the colors they fly should be careful about criticizing those who have”


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

British MP: It's shameful to see Biden question
the courage of the Afghan troops I fought with

A quietly brutal speech, worth every minute of your time. Tom Tugendhat is a veteran of the British military who was stationed in Helmand province and is among the many, many people to take issue with Biden’s self-serving claim this week that Americans shouldn’t be asked to fight for people who won’t fight for themselves. They did fight, Tugendhat reminds him. In fact, they took 500 times more KIAs in the past six years than we did. The idea that Afghan troops failed because they lacked the guts rather than the logistical support to carry on is a useful deception for the White House in convincing Americans with misgivings that withdrawal wasn’t just strategically correct but morally correct.

Referring to the 'self-serving' speech Biden gave after returning to DC in the middle of his vacation as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban and thousands of Americans were left behind, Tom Tugendhat, a veteran of the British military who was stationed in Helmand province, Afghanistan, harshly - and appropriately - rebuked President Biden for blaming the Afghanis for HIS disastrous Afghanistan retreat.

It’s hard to believe that the president could have made this week’s humiliation worse by the speech he gave on Monday but he did. Tugendhat’s remarks make that clear:

“To see their commander in chief call into question the courage of men I fought with, is shameful.

“Those who have never fought for the colors they fly should be careful about criticizing those who have”



British MP: It's shameful to see Biden question
the courage of the Afghan troops I fought with

A quietly brutal speech, worth every minute of your time. Tom Tugendhat is a veteran of the British military who was stationed in Helmand province and is among the many, many people to take issue with Biden’s self-serving claim this week that Americans shouldn’t be asked to fight for people who won’t fight for themselves. They did fight, Tugendhat reminds him. In fact, they took 500 times more KIAs in the past six years than we did. The idea that Afghan troops failed because they lacked the guts rather than the logistical support to carry on is a useful deception for the White House in convincing Americans with misgivings that withdrawal wasn’t just strategically correct but morally correct.

Referring to the 'self-serving' speech Biden gave after returning to DC in the middle of his vacation as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban and thousands of Americans were left behind, Tom Tugendhat, a veteran of the British military who was stationed in Helmand province, Afghanistan, harshly - and appropriately - rebuked President Biden for blaming the Afghanis for HIS disastrous Afghanistan retreat.

It’s hard to believe that the president could have made this week’s humiliation worse by the speech he gave on Monday but he did. Tugendhat’s remarks make that clear:

“To see their commander in chief call into question the courage of men I fought with, is shameful.

“Those who have never fought for the colors they fly should be careful about criticizing those who have”


I have served in the Army, and I fly an America flag on my front porch, 24/7. I have it bunted and out of the weather, but I have it.
You don't have to have served to support this nation's finest.

God Bless them all.... except for that fat fuck Vindman
Agreed...but that is not what the Brit was saying, as i am sure you already know. He was calling out Joe Biden, who never served a day in his life, for questioning the bravery of the Afghanis, who DID fight and did end up with more casualties than the Brits they also fought beside.
I don't think Biden really cares what military or police personnel think. Biden's a self centered asshole. He is, however, devious enough to botch the Afghan withdraw intentionally to draw attention away from all his other ongoing failures as well as his sons laptop.
Thank you and right back at you.
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British MP: It's shameful to see Biden question
the courage of the Afghan troops I fought with

A quietly brutal speech, worth every minute of your time. Tom Tugendhat is a veteran of the British military who was stationed in Helmand province and is among the many, many people to take issue with Biden’s self-serving claim this week that Americans shouldn’t be asked to fight for people who won’t fight for themselves. They did fight, Tugendhat reminds him. In fact, they took 500 times more KIAs in the past six years than we did. The idea that Afghan troops failed because they lacked the guts rather than the logistical support to carry on is a useful deception for the White House in convincing Americans with misgivings that withdrawal wasn’t just strategically correct but morally correct.

Referring to the 'self-serving' speech Biden gave after returning to DC in the middle of his vacation as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban and thousands of Americans were left behind, Tom Tugendhat, a veteran of the British military who was stationed in Helmand province, Afghanistan, harshly - and appropriately - rebuked President Biden for blaming the Afghanis for HIS disastrous Afghanistan retreat.

It’s hard to believe that the president could have made this week’s humiliation worse by the speech he gave on Monday but he did. Tugendhat’s remarks make that clear:

“To see their commander in chief call into question the courage of men I fought with, is shameful.

“Those who have never fought for the colors they fly should be careful about criticizing those who have”


But........But......they told us that biden was the "adult," that he would be better than Trump.......


I don't think Biden really cares what military or police personnel think. Biden's a self centered asshole. He is, however, devious enough to botch the Afghan withdraw intentionally to draw attention away from all his other ongoing failures as well as his sons laptop.

Keep in mind.......biden and the democrats actually like what is happening in Afghanistan....remember, they think America is racist, the source of evil in the world, and that we need to be diminished to allow other countries to this mess works for them.....they want diminishes the weakens us at home and abroad, and it makes sure that other countries will not ally with or help is everything they wanted....and the cherry on top, it makes the U.S. military look ridiculous....

People have to understand that the democrats do not see the world the way normal people do....
This is going to come across as snarky and I don't mean it to be, I'm asking b/c I'm legitimately curious, but what 'logistical support' did the Taliban have going into these confrontation with the Afghani troops?
Keep in mind.......biden and the democrats actually like what is happening in Afghanistan....remember, they think America is racist, the source of evil in the world, and that we need to be diminished to allow other countries to this mess works for them.....they want diminishes the weakens us at home and abroad, and it makes sure that other countries will not ally with or help is everything they wanted....and the cherry on top, it makes the U.S. military look ridiculous....

People have to understand that the democrats do not see the world the way normal people do....

What an ignorant idiot you truly are.

For starters, American IS racist. You have people throughout the country trying to throw out black votes and not count votes from predominantly black neighbourhoods, and the Republican Party is passing laws to make that happen. You elected a white nationalist President.

You are already seriously weakened internationally by the 4 years of the white supremacist President, who continues to promote the lie that he won the election. Your allies no longer trust you as a result.

The rest of the world understands that the Republican Party of the United States is now an anti-democratic, fascist white supremacist party and your chances of winning any further elections get slimmer by the day.
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