UK Moves to Deny Surgery to Smokers

I'm not sure, but last time I checked, most police activity was not done at the federal level, but at the state and local level.

Also I found the partial text of the book I mentioned earlier online, you can read it here:

The Tragedy of American Compassion

We do have a choice other than government programs and social darwinism.
Government run anything is a bad idea. Government has no accountability to anyone, not even its own people. People are pardoned and get away with things all time, and when either party gets into office, they are not saying, we must purge our party of corruption.

"The culture of corruption started when the first politician was elected"


Another reason why government run health care will not work

Smokers told to quit or surgery will be refused
By DAN NEWLING - More by this author »

Last updated at 16:02pm on 4th June 2007

Smokers are to be denied operations on the Health Service unless they give up cigarettes for at least four weeks beforehand.

Doctors will police the rule by ordering patients to take a blood test to prove they have not been smoking.

The ruling, authorised by Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt, comes after medical research conclusively showed smokers take longer to recover from surgery.

It is thought that 500,000 smokers a year will be affected.

However patients' groups argue that the move is about the NHS saving money rather than improving patient care.
Ahh so from now on when you or one of your allies INSISTS Bush is breaking the law, violating the Constitution etc etc, I can quote this post as proof your a whining little nobody with no right to your opinion?

I never said that you had no right to have an opinion. I just said that it was, in fact, worth nothing.

I think you would be hard pressed to find a post where I ever said that anything that Bush did was illegal beyond warrantless wiretapping.... and I will readily admit that that is my opinion.
The government has done such a great job at protecting our borders, re-forming social security, so we will still have in a hunrded years, reducing our dependance on foreign, and fixing welfare, that we want them to what? :cuckoo:

how about stay out of way, if they wont help the private sector.
whatever... the point being: YOU are not the arbiter of what is or is not constitutional, the supreme court is. Your opinion about the constitutionality of the powers of government is not worth a bucket of warm spit. Get over it... or get a law degree...get nominated to the supreme court...get confirmed, and THEN your opinion will be worth one ninth of something.

Okay. But neither is anyone else who (rightly) complains about the trampling of civil liberties. Should we all be silent until we can get a law degree and become a judge? If you don't like what the constitution says, that's fine. There's some things I'd like to change myself. That's why we have an amendment process. I dunno, I just think it's dangerous to ignore a large part of it, it sets a dangerous precedent for rulers who think "it's just a goddamn piece of paper".
I never said that you had no right to have an opinion. I just said that it was, in fact, worth nothing.

I think you would be hard pressed to find a post where I ever said that anything that Bush did was illegal beyond warrantless wiretapping.... and I will readily admit that that is my opinion.

So you admit YOUR opinion is all the things you claimed mine is? I will have to make a file to save these two posts to use every time you post any opinion any time in the future.
Okay. But neither is anyone else who (rightly) complains about the trampling of civil liberties. Should we all be silent until we can get a law degree and become a judge? If you don't like what the constitution says, that's fine. There's some things I'd like to change myself. That's why we have an amendment process. I dunno, I just think it's dangerous to ignore a large part of it, it sets a dangerous precedent for rulers who think "it's just a goddamn piece of paper".

there is a difference between ignoring it and interpreting it.

From the time of Plessy v. Ferguson to Brown v. Board of Education, separate but equal was constitutional....and the constitution did not change in the intervening years.... only the interpretation of it did. If you don't like how the constitution is being interpreted, elect presidents and senators that will nominate and confirm judges who think the way you do.
Government run anything is a bad idea. Government has no accountability to anyone, not even its own people. People are pardoned and get away with things all time, and when either party gets into office, they are not saying, we must purge our party of corruption.

"The culture of corruption started when the first politician was elected"


Here is another example as to why Hillarycare will not work
there is a difference between ignoring it and interpreting it.

From the time of Plessy v. Ferguson to Brown v. Board of Education, separate but equal was constitutional....and the constitution did not change in the intervening years.... only the interpretation of it did. If you don't like how the constitution is being interpreted, elect presidents and senators that will nominate and confirm judges who think the way you do.

Citing Brown v. Board of Education will piss off conservatives as they see it as a perfect example of judicial activism. It outrages most of them that the Constitution can be interpreted and applied to our changing times and they see Brown as an example of the Courts interpretating the Constitution in such a way to create something that isn't there. The conservatives who opposed Brown v. Board of Education cried foul when liberals fought for the right of blacks to attend the same schools as whites and they also used the same old argument of "if you don't like what the Constitution says than amend it" but these fuckers wouldn't let us amend it if they had their way.

Instead they prefer to apply their narrow interpretation of the Constitution upon our country and get upset when freedom loving Americans resist them and those who represent them. It offends them that we continue to fight for our rights, our liberties, and our way of life and that we will not remain silent as those who hate freedom vote for others who hate freedom unless it is their freedom to vote for jackasses who agree with them and who will then vote in the legislatures of this country to violate the rights of people who didn't vote for them or their representatives. It is the duty of every person to resist evil even if that evil occurs in the ballot box on election day by piss ant tyrants who get off on being able to vote and to oppress others through the democratic process. These tyrants whether monarchs, or republicans exist in every age of the world and it is the duty of liberals everywhere to resist them just like our liberal Founding Fathers did when they threw the tea over the side of the ships of these conservative jackasses and told their elected representatives in the British Parliment to go to hell.

Let the hateful conservatives vote for one another because there will always be resistance on the part of those who believe in the rule of law, and the ideals of our country and there will always be people who will fight for what is right even when opposed by those who seek to destroy this country and to make it and our Constitution in their image.

Speaking for myself, I will do everything in my power to make sure that these bitches do not get elected to public office in my district and state because the moment they do is the day that I lose representation and I will do all that I can and fight with every ounce of my strength to have my voice be heard in government and if that means these motherfuckers will lose elections than so be it because I will not stand by as these fuckers get a Senator or a Congressman while I am denied a voice simply because more bitches voted for the jackass who agree with them. Every November people are routinely denied a voice in their government and are deprived of representation and I don't intend to be one of those who are denied representation and I intend to deny every conservative representation when I cast my vote for liberals and if these bitches don't like it they can suck my fucking cock and eat their own damn shit.

I will not stand by and debate these assholes instead I will tell them and the bitches who they vote for to go to hell and cast my vote for my freedom and in order to prevent these whores from destroying this country with their sick, twisted, interpretation of the Constitution. So when all is said and done I intend to be represented and I intend for conservatives in my state and legislative district to have no voice in Congress or the State Legislature and if these bitches don't like it they can fuck off. :eusa_boohoo:
I'm not sure, but last time I checked, most police activity was not done at the federal level, but at the state and local level.

Also I found the partial text of the book I mentioned earlier online, you can read it here:

The Tragedy of American Compassion

We do have a choice other than government programs and social darwinism.

Why the hell would I read a book written by a retard? Why should I take the time to read the rantings of a cocksuckers such as yourself who had the time to actually sit down and write a book? I for one do not intend to read trash written from the minds of motherfuckers and I am not ashamed to say that I don't care to listen to your opinion or the opinions of motherfuckers such as yourself who write books, op-eds or post to a message board and I intend to do everything within my power to make sure that those who agree with your sick ass including the bitch who wrote the book you reference do not destroy this country and all that we stand for.

If this offends you then you can shut the fuck up and vote for some asshole who agrees with you because I for one will not sit back as retards like you destroy this country and write retarded books. You can now take the time to post some more shit to this message board or write it on your word processor so some bastard of a publisher can print it and then go vote on election day as if this gives you some power over the lives of others but there are those who will do the same on election day and if I have anything to do with it we will win and you fuckers will lose and we will have a voice in government and the bitch you voted for along with you will be denied representation. So fuck off cocksucker and go vote because if I have anything to do about it you and the ass you vote for will NOT HAVE A SAY WHILE ME AND THE PERSON I VOTE FOR WILL HAVE A SAY AND IF YOU CRY, WHINE OR MOAN ABOUT IT I WILL TELL YOU TO GO TO HELL.

Come November it is war bitch and you asses are going to lose, and come next November asshole you will lose again and this war will be fought on election day and the sick, fucking bastards who agree with you will lose and we will win. :eusa_boohoo: War is a bitch isn't it fucker? And I intend to win this war in the ballot. :bowdown:
Ahh so you know who I work for now? Did your little crystal ball tell you?

Did I say that I knew where you worked? No I didn't! I said that you should tell "that to the cocksuckers like you" who "work for insurance companies." I never said you worked for an insurance company but you are obviously a fucking retard who cannot read. Again, I never said you worked for an insurance company nor did I say I knew where you worked. Not once have I said I knew where you worked nor did I imply at any time that I knew where you worked. You can try to twist my words you stupid ass but I won't play that game and will gladly point out what I actually said while laughing my ass off at how stupid you are.

Also, what fucking crystal ball told you that I think I know where you work? Why don't you post some more retarded comments then make sure you vote on election day or better yet you can run for office so "assholes like you" can vote for you (do I need to translate that for you too because you think I am calling you an asshole and saying you should vote for yourself). :bowdown:

In case you can't read. I said that "assholes like you" can vote for you just like I said you should tell "that to the jackasses like you who work for insurance companies" and did not say you should vote for yourself or that you work for an insurance company. Now take your fucking stupid comments and shove them up your ass just like your fucking representatives in Congress can shove it up their retarded asses. I hope the bitches who represent you loses come the war next November and I will laugh my ass off as you and those fuckers you vote for are denied representation and I will mock you as we win the war. I hope you and your fucking family are denied representation just like the assholes you vote for are denied representation when their retarded asses lose. :evil:
Did I say that I knew where you worked? No I didn't! I said that you should tell "that to the cocksuckers like you" who "work for insurance companies." I never said you worked for an insurance company but you are obviously a fucking retard who cannot read. Again, I never said you worked for an insurance company nor did I say I knew where you worked. Not once have I said I knew where you worked nor did I imply at any time that I knew where you worked. You can try to twist my words you stupid ass but I won't play that game and will gladly point out what I actually said while laughing my ass off at how stupid you are.

Also, what fucking crystal ball told you that I think I know where you work? Why don't you post some more retarded comments then make sure you vote on election day or better yet you can run for office so "assholes like you" can vote for you (do I need to translate that for you too because you think I am calling you an asshole and saying you should vote for yourself). :bowdown:

In case you can't read. I said that "assholes like you" can vote for you just like I said you should tell "that to the jackasses like you who work for insurance companies" and did not say you should vote for yourself or that you work for an insurance company. Now take your fucking stupid comments and shove them up your ass just like your fucking representatives in Congress can shove it up their retarded asses. I hope the bitches who represent you loses come the war next November and I will laugh my ass off as you and those fuckers you vote for are denied representation and I will mock you as we win the war. I hope you and your fucking family are denied representation just like the assholes you vote for are denied representation when their retarded asses lose. :evil:

The retard would be you, unable to even understand the english language much less use it. Your foul mouthed tirades are an example of your ignorance. Unable to express yourself with words you resort to foul language, thinking it somehow appropriate. It is good to see you admit you do not give a rats ass about the Constitution or the rights and privelages of same.
My, the UK is having problems with the government running the health care system

Patients risking MRSA in crowded wards
By Graeme Wilson, Political Correspondent

Thousands of patients are at risk of contracting MRSA and other deadly "superbugs" because more than half of NHS hospitals are overcrowded, it is claimed today.

New figures show that 216 trusts in England - about 52 per cent of the total - have bed occupancy rates of 85 per cent or more - well above accepted safety levels.

The hospitals suffering overcrowding include 95 trusts where occupancy rates have soared to 90 per cent or more.

The Government's infection-control experts have warned that hospitals need to force occupancy rates below 85 per cent if they are to win the war against MRSA and other superbugs such as Clostridium difficile.

That message has been reinforced by the Department of Health, which found that MRSA infection rates are 42 per cent above average in hospitals with occupancy rates of 90 per cent or more.
Ahh so from now on when you or one of your allies INSISTS Bush is breaking the law, violating the Constitution etc etc, I can quote this post as proof your a whining little nobody with no right to your opinion?

Oh, please. People may still complain and criticize unethical and perhaps illegal activity but the proper avenue, when one is suspected of doing something illegal, is to go to court.

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