UFO in Ft Myers Sky the Last 16 Nights in a Row


Active Member
Jul 11, 2016
Brightest star/planet in the sky(about 60 degrees) examined with binoculars proves to be some sort of Super Secret experiment perhaps a HALE(High Altitude Long Endurance platform with future mission to act as a 15-G WiFi link or a microwave or solar power beaming platform. In sky apx 8:10 PM at 60-80,000 ft in the stratosphere over Cape Coral in what appears to be a geosynchronous orbit(stationary) for about 1 1/2 hours and then retreats back to its base(Pine Island, North Captiva??) disappearing into the horizon around 10:30PM.

Go outside and look for yourselves. I had an "ET" moment when I realized it wasn't a star/planet but a man/alien made object. I reported this phenomenon to local paper NewsPressGannett) reporter self- nicknamed "Doubting Thomas" more than a week ago and so far they have failed to report it.


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