U.s. Invasion/u.s. Greed.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

We have been invaded by Illegal Aliens, drug cartels, drug and human smugglers and we need to wage war against them the same way we waged war against those who attacked us on 911. Illegal Aliens and Mexican drug cartels are more dangerous to Americans and the economy than Al Qaeda.

We have a drug problem because drugs are entering the country because we are not able to secure the border and causing a drug problem. If drug addicts can’t get drugs the drug addiction will go away. Legalizing Marijuana will do nothing to solve the cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine problem.

Illegal Aliens have killed more Americans and raped more children than terrorist and have contributed to the failing economy. Legalization with a path to citizenship is legalizing murder, rape, gangs and drug dealing.

Since the Radical Right lost the election they are embracing amnesty as a way to win over Latinos an Hispanics votes in 2016. Bush sacrificed our children for oil and millions for Cheney’s Halliburton and Backwater. The Radical Right is willing to sacrifice Americans for 20 million future Latino and Hispanic votes.

The Radical white man’s worse nightmare is coming true because they have failed to secure the border and enforce our immigration laws and are becoming a minority and losing control of the nation to Latinos and Hispanics. We are becoming more like south of the border with all the south of the border problems.

Americans greed will destroy America and we will never see it coming until it too late and it is already too late.

The economic impact of illegal immigration on taxpayers is catastrophic.
Ric Keller
There is a very easy answer to this problem. End the criminalization of drug users, and legalize the use of all drugs. It fixes a lot more problems than it creates.
There is a very easy answer to this problem. End the criminalization of drug users, and legalize the use of all drugs. It fixes a lot more problems than it creates.

That is not enough. US Senators should be allowed to take their daily dose of Oxycontin.

They are already doing it... this would only make it legal...
There is a very easy answer to this problem. End the criminalization of drug users, and legalize the use of all drugs. It fixes a lot more problems than it creates.

You mean legalizing Meth, Cocaine, Heroin, etc will not create more problems?:confused:
what problem will it fix?:confused:
wouldn't solve the problem We have a dem president advertizing in mexico to come to the US and get your free food stamps
Food stamps would be the new drug cartel
She's got a point. Why criminalize drugs when you can criminalize drug users for doing stupid shit.
Not all drug users are stupid shits.

I was once a smart drug user. Now I'm just stupid and straight.

We have been invaded by Illegal Aliens, drug cartels, drug and human smugglers and we need to wage war against them the same way we waged war against those who attacked us on 911. Illegal Aliens and Mexican drug cartels are more dangerous to Americans and the economy than Al Qaeda.

We have a drug problem because drugs are entering the country because we are not able to secure the border and causing a drug problem. If drug addicts can’t get drugs the drug addiction will go away. Legalizing Marijuana will do nothing to solve the cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine problem.

Illegal Aliens have killed more Americans and raped more children than terrorist and have contributed to the failing economy. Legalization with a path to citizenship is legalizing murder, rape, gangs and drug dealing.

Since the Radical Right lost the election they are embracing amnesty as a way to win over Latinos an Hispanics votes in 2016. Bush sacrificed our children for oil and millions for Cheney’s Halliburton and Backwater. The Radical Right is willing to sacrifice Americans for 20 million future Latino and Hispanic votes.

The Radical white man’s worse nightmare is coming true because they have failed to secure the border and enforce our immigration laws and are becoming a minority and losing control of the nation to Latinos and Hispanics. We are becoming more like south of the border with all the south of the border problems.

Americans greed will destroy America and we will never see it coming until it too late and it is already too late.

The economic impact of illegal immigration on taxpayers is catastrophic.
Ric Keller

You voted for Obama KNOWING he was for amnesty. In fact, he's already given one amnesty to buy some votes. You lost your right to complain when you cast that ballot. If you want to bitch about it, use your Obamaphone and call the Whitehouse.

We have been invaded by Illegal Aliens, drug cartels, drug and human smugglers and we need to wage war against them the same way we waged war against those who attacked us on 911. Illegal Aliens and Mexican drug cartels are more dangerous to Americans and the economy than Al Qaeda.

We have a drug problem because drugs are entering the country because we are not able to secure the border and causing a drug problem. If drug addicts can’t get drugs the drug addiction will go away. Legalizing Marijuana will do nothing to solve the cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine problem.

Illegal Aliens have killed more Americans and raped more children than terrorist and have contributed to the failing economy. Legalization with a path to citizenship is legalizing murder, rape, gangs and drug dealing.

Since the Radical Right lost the election they are embracing amnesty as a way to win over Latinos an Hispanics votes in 2016. Bush sacrificed our children for oil and millions for Cheney’s Halliburton and Backwater. The Radical Right is willing to sacrifice Americans for 20 million future Latino and Hispanic votes.

The Radical white man’s worse nightmare is coming true because they have failed to secure the border and enforce our immigration laws and are becoming a minority and losing control of the nation to Latinos and Hispanics. We are becoming more like south of the border with all the south of the border problems.

Americans greed will destroy America and we will never see it coming until it too late and it is already too late.

The economic impact of illegal immigration on taxpayers is catastrophic.
Ric Keller

LMAO.. I just reread her post and it's even funnier the second time around. She voted for Obama because of his skin color and then expects the right to stop Obama from doing what he said he was going to do. Do you think maybe she realizes that if Democrats can grow the Hispanic vote, then they won't need black people anymore. After all, Hispanics increase faster than blacks do because they don't abort so many of their babies. You knew that Obama embraced amnesty when you voted for him. It's not the right's job to stop you from damage incurred by your own stupidity. Elections have consequences.
Okay this is easy. Liberty solution: legalize all drugs. Bring every troop home, end all foreign aid and offensive military spending and use the military to defend the country from illegal people invading it, like it was designed to do.

Man being President would be so easy.

We have been invaded by Illegal Aliens, drug cartels, drug and human smugglers and we need to wage war against them the same way we waged war against those who attacked us on 911. Illegal Aliens and Mexican drug cartels are more dangerous to Americans and the economy than Al Qaeda.

We have a drug problem because drugs are entering the country because we are not able to secure the border and causing a drug problem. If drug addicts can’t get drugs the drug addiction will go away. Legalizing Marijuana will do nothing to solve the cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine problem.

Illegal Aliens have killed more Americans and raped more children than terrorist and have contributed to the failing economy. Legalization with a path to citizenship is legalizing murder, rape, gangs and drug dealing.

Since the Radical Right lost the election they are embracing amnesty as a way to win over Latinos an Hispanics votes in 2016. Bush sacrificed our children for oil and millions for Cheney’s Halliburton and Backwater. The Radical Right is willing to sacrifice Americans for 20 million future Latino and Hispanic votes.

The Radical white man’s worse nightmare is coming true because they have failed to secure the border and enforce our immigration laws and are becoming a minority and losing control of the nation to Latinos and Hispanics. We are becoming more like south of the border with all the south of the border problems.

Americans greed will destroy America and we will never see it coming until it too late and it is already too late.

The economic impact of illegal immigration on taxpayers is catastrophic.
Ric Keller

Fuck You--freaking old lady--you''re nothing but human debris that has lived your entire life off of the taxpayer dime. Your opinion on anything is meaningless.

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