U.S.-China trade war has cost up to 245,000 U.S. jobs: business group study

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Another Trump shambles.
I suppose this is the logical outcome when you send an infant to do a mans job. #MAGA my arse.
Trump was so mean to China!

Thankfully, Xi now has a pliable guy that he can "work with" in the US White House

Another Trump shambles.
I suppose this is the logical outcome when you send an infant to do a mans job. #MAGA my arse.

The Chinese virus cost us more jobs than anything. Biden will never bring those jobs back, he is a 47-year Washington bureaucrat who doesn't have a fucking clue.

Another Trump shambles.
I suppose this is the logical outcome when you send an infant to do a mans job. #MAGA my arse.


I suppose this is the logical outcome when you send an infant to do a mans job.

Another Trump shambles.
I suppose this is the logical outcome when you send an infant to do a mans job. #MAGA my arse.

"a study commissioned by the U.S-China Business Council..." :rolleyes:

Where have I seen that before? I mean, what could go wrong?

How the Allied multinationals supplied Nazi Germany ...

Business as Usual: Elite Universities (*Support of Germany*, parenthesis mine) during the 1930s

What did the leaders of America’s colleges and universities do while large segments of the U.S. population protested the barbaric acts of the Nazi regime? What leaders of universities have always done, carry on with business as usual. This meant not only ignoring all “opportunities to take a principled stand against the Hitler regime” and its excesses, but also consciously working to improve the image of Nazi Germany among Americans. Harvard President James Bryant Conant, a former chemistry professor at Harvard, openly sympathized with Nazi Germany, spending most of his time before the war entertaining Nazi German scholars in an effort to build relationships with leading German institutions. Conant is a unique and important figure in American and German history as he served as U.S. High Commissioner for Germany from 1953 to 1955 as well as US ambassador to the Federal Republic from 1955 to 1957. During his tenure in these appointments he was instrumental in securing early paroles for some of the most notorious convicted Nazi war criminals including elite leaders of the SS-Einsatzgruppen who were convicted at Nuremberg for crimes against humanity for their part in the genocidal murder of one million Soviet civilians during the war.
You are unable to list one benefit of trumps idiocy. This imbecility illustrates why trump was so popular amongst the hard of thinking.
There had NEVER been higher employment in American history than there was just before the Chinese Pandemic struck, but Tommy loves him some Biden/Zi cock.
The country can go down the sewer and fascists like mac and Tommy will still be worshipping their lord and savior, the Democratic Party.
Make China Great Again! - Biden 2020
Perhaps you could list the benefits of this bonehead policy.

The top goal is to bring US manufacturing home and to have companies hiring more Americans and paying taxes in the US.

After years of China manipulating its currency to make their products cheaper to buy, blocking access to the Chinese market, intellectual property theft and flooding the world with poorly made products, telling China that their practices will no longer be accepted is perfectly reasonable.

Beyond China's unfair trade practices you also have:
  • militarization of islands in international waters
  • incarceration and "reeducation" of more than a million of its citizens
  • forced sterilization of its citizens
  • aggression against neighboring countries
  • mounting environmental and civil problems as it relates to China's activities in Africa
  • ......
Any questions?

Trump led us to an extended manufacturing recession in 2019.

"Trade wars are easy to win", he had said.

Another example of the disgrace his four ugly years were.

They are easy to win, when China relies on American consumption and benevolence (stupidity?) in order to expand their economy. America was winning it, don't listen to any of these fools who would sell out their nation or a family member as any Good Little German would.

America had massive wage increases, record economic activity and employment was at an all-time high. While China was struggling and losing it's lustre on the world stage. They were blunted and frustrated. The Wuhan Virus, conveniently saved them, but ironically woke up some of the West who had been quiet, thanks to CITIZENS seeing the reality and pressuring their governments (in Canada for instance, trust of China is at an all time low according to polls, this effects politics)

Now they are laughing again, knowing their slave labour and Concentration Camps won't be an issue for the foreseeable future..

I don't care about those who want to cancel and attack others for calling it out. I will continue to speak out against China, which is really what all the anger about Trump is about. They dress it up as "he is turning his back on his allies". Really? Maybe it is the U.K who should wake up the global threat, even after betraying the Pro-Democracy groups in Hong Kong, only a few brave and principled ones in U.K dare speak up. Thats despicable.

If you don't stand up for principle and stand behind those who risk their lives for it, your word has no value. Don't think for a moment the Wests enemies aren't spreading this message to those who once fought for democracy, capitalism and dignity. I can't in good conscience, sit idle like too many in Germany did when we know what is going on.

If we don't call them out and demand change, none will come. How do you think Taiwan feels today?
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Trump led us to an extended manufacturing recession in 2019.

"Trade wars are easy to win", he had said.

Another example of the disgrace his four ugly years were.

They are easy to win, when China relies on American consumption and benevolence (stupidity?) in order to expand their economy. America was winning it, don't listen to any of these fools who would sell out their nation or a family member as any Good Little German would.

America had massive wage increases while economic activity and employment was at an all-time high. While China was struggling and losing it's lustre on the world stage. They were blunted and frustrated. The Wuhan Virus, conveniently saved them, but ironically woke up some of the West who had been quiet, thanks to CITIZENS seeing the reality and pressuring their governments (in Canada for instance, trust of China is at an all time low according to polls, this effects politics)

Now they are laughing again, knowing their slave labour and Concentration Camps won't be an issue for the foreseeable future..

I don't care about those who want to cancel and attack others for calling it out. I will continue to speak out against China, which is really what all the anger about Trump is about. They dress it up as "he is turning his back on his allies". Really? Maybe it is the U.K who should wake up the global threat, even after betraying the Pro-Democracy groups in Hong Kong, only a few brave and principled ones in U.K dare speak up. Thats despicable.

If you don't stand up for principle and stand behind those who risk their lives for it, your word has no value. Don't think for a moment the Wests enemies aren't spreading this message to those who once fought for democracy, capitalism and dignity. I can't in good conscience, sit idle like too many in Germany did when we know what is going on.

If we don't call them out and demand change, none will come. How do you think Taiwan feels today?
This is and was Trump's doing. Period.
Make China Great Again! - Biden 2020
Perhaps you could list the benefits of this bonehead policy.

The top goal is to bring US manufacturing home and to have companies hiring more Americans and paying taxes in the US.

After years of China manipulating its currency to make their products cheaper to buy, blocking access to the Chinese market, intellectual property theft and flooding the world with poorly made products, telling China that their practices will no longer be accepted is perfectly reasonable.

Beyond China's unfair trade practices you also have:
  • militarization of islands in international waters
  • incarceration and "reeducation" of more than a million of its citizens
  • forced sterilization of its citizens
  • aggression against neighboring countries
  • mounting environmental and civil problems as it relates to China's activities in Africa
  • ......
Any questions?

And his policies had zero success against any of that.In fact it cost 245000 American jobs.Action against China requires support from other nations, something that trump could not understand due to his idiocy.
The country can go down the sewer and fascists like mac and Tommy will still be worshipping their lord and savior, the Democratic Party.
Or you could list the benefits of his brain dead tariffs that he made Americans pay....................

The U.S. economy was stronger than ever when the China virus struck. Your article is a lie and you too are a cocksucking liar.
Make China Great Again! - Biden 2020
Perhaps you could list the benefits of this bonehead policy.

The top goal is to bring US manufacturing home and to have companies hiring more Americans and paying taxes in the US.

After years of China manipulating its currency to make their products cheaper to buy, blocking access to the Chinese market, intellectual property theft and flooding the world with poorly made products, telling China that their practices will no longer be accepted is perfectly reasonable.

Beyond China's unfair trade practices you also have:
  • militarization of islands in international waters
  • incarceration and "reeducation" of more than a million of its citizens
  • forced sterilization of its citizens
  • aggression against neighboring countries
  • mounting environmental and civil problems as it relates to China's activities in Africa
  • ......
Any questions?

And his policies had zero success against any of that.In fact it cost 245000 American jobs.Action against China requires support from other nations, something that trump could not understand due to his idiocy.

You're a liar and a fucking moron.
Make China Great Again! - Biden 2020
Perhaps you could list the benefits of this bonehead policy.

The top goal is to bring US manufacturing home and to have companies hiring more Americans and paying taxes in the US.

After years of China manipulating its currency to make their products cheaper to buy, blocking access to the Chinese market, intellectual property theft and flooding the world with poorly made products, telling China that their practices will no longer be accepted is perfectly reasonable.

Beyond China's unfair trade practices you also have:
  • militarization of islands in international waters
  • incarceration and "reeducation" of more than a million of its citizens
  • forced sterilization of its citizens
  • aggression against neighboring countries
  • mounting environmental and civil problems as it relates to China's activities in Africa
  • ......
Any questions?

And his policies had zero success against any of that.In fact it cost 245000 American jobs.Action against China requires support from other nations, something that trump could not understand due to his idiocy.

Yeah "support from other nations" Where in the F were the nations the last 30 years? Please, sell your British B.S somewhere else. It's insulting.

There had been NO country in the West who called out China in 25 years. Not in England, Not in Germany, Not in France. It's just a cold hard fact, and a reality that none of us should be proud of.

The whole "he should have rallied his allies" is hilarious and a symptom of what is wrong with the low brow thinking of Western arrogance. We all saw their rise, nobody said a word because, just like Germany before them; it was good money. When Trump called out China, why didn't these global leaders stand up and agree? Why all the silence and chants of "tariffs only hurts us" (but the loss of millions of jobs and 10's of thousands of factories to a communist enemy is "good" for us?)..

What is Britains excuse for losing Hong Kong? Did they fail to bring in allies, or did they once again, misread the tea leaves (you are far from alone, but you are certainly one of the leading nations of constant failure of intelligence)? I'm sure you had some in British intel who were warning about China, but they were probably dismissed as out of touch alarmists, just as Churchill was.
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You are unable to list one benefit of trumps idiocy. This imbecility illustrates why trump was so popular amongst the hard of thinking.
Want to know one benefit of trumps policies, before China, working with XiBiden to release the Kung Flu, the economy around the world was roaring, and unemployment was at an all time low, especially for minorities. But you wouldnt know that because your little island is full of inbred bucktooth morons who gives up to 75 of their income so some kid with a silver spoon up their ass, can live like a king or queen....

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