U.S attorney general Barr likens stay-at-home orders to slavery

Staying at home is slavery? How out of touch must you be to compare lounging at home to slaves. What kind of fantasy world do they live in? Seriously, you don't get much uglier than Trump and his bunch.
You Democrats are the experts on slavery, so I guess you should know.
I said nothing about China, that's you, Rawley. Please try to stay aware and on track.

LOL "We have 4% of the population of the world with 20% of the deaths"

You don't count the Chinese in the world's population? That's pretty fucking racist of you, Rainmen.

What are you even talking about?

Rawley apparently is toking or drinking or both. He brought up China for some reason, which is very unclear to me. Maybe you can get him semi-coherent of now Barr thinks the stay at home directives are akin to slavery,

I am sure the slaves would have loved to have been sent home.
I hear a lot of Democrats chirping about the evils of slavery even though their political positions will enslave every American. Don't believe the false promises of equality. Your freedom will be gone under Biden. MAGA
Libs are the party of slavery and segregation

Southern Democrats in Congress were always Conservatives. Few people owned slaves fewer still owned large number of slaves.

Few people owned slaves. Thats true.

Slave owners were not libs. Libs were the abolitionist, like Lincoln.
Wrong. The abolitionists were Christian conservatives. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, you can’t hide that fact. Even today the Dems support China and their use of slave labor.

The traditions of slavery go back to pre-history and is accepted in the bible. The Southern Conservative slave owners were steeped in Christianity as well. The Abolitionist ideals were progressive as well as liberal.

Yes, and there's noting liberal about the Democrat party. You are authoritarian leftists.

Also, the opposition to slavery was rooted in Christianity as well

Liberal believe that the people should rule themselves, not Kings or Dictators for Life. We are a liberal Democracy. Both parties have folks with authoritarian tenancies. Banana Republicans are exponentially worse.

How many slaves did Jesus free? How many times did he speak out against it? Slavery and the slave class was just an accepted part of civilization for much longer than civilization has not accepted it.

We? LOL. The last thing you are is a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist. I'm a liberal. We have nothing in common.

Liberals believe in individual freedom. You believe in elitism for your all powerful rulers backed by mob rule. There is nothing liberal about you at all

Goose stepping Banana Republicans like to claim they are real liberals. We are a liberal democracy because our Constitution declares the people have the right to rule themselves, not some King on high or powerful, wealthy groups of elitist vying for control of the information age.
Do you support mandated mask wearing and businesses being ordered to shut down?

The Feds don't have the authority to do either of those things. However I do support wearing masks in public where may you come in close contact, and spread your germs to others. I never supported shuttering small shops while letting corporate giants operate.

I disagree. I do believe that the federal government has the right to do this if it is done in good faith. That is the marker that Chief Justice John Roberts has espoused in his opinions on lockdowns.

I agree. It says right there twice in the constitution. Once in the preamble and again in the taxation section. Our government is supposed to promote the general welfare of the nation.

If protecting our people from dying from a virus isn't promoting the general welfare of our nation, nothing is.

Acting in the general welfare is a restriction on government power, it is not a government power. Anything could be justified if you just have to claim it's in the general welfare. The founders said even if something is technically allowed, if it's not in the general welfare then the government shouldn't be doing it.

According to you, the founders wrote a carefully orchestrated document of enumerated powers. One of which was "anything the fuck it wants." Why did they bother writing a Constitution then? That makes no sense
Requiring face masks is an acceptable government action for the general welfare.

Right, but what is the Constitutional Authority the Federal government has to require masks?

I'd say you really need to stay away from Constitutional issues since you know so little about them and focus on things you know more about, but I don't have a clue what you know more about.

What about tattoos? Do you have any?
Libs are the party of slavery and segregation

Southern Democrats in Congress were always Conservatives. Few people owned slaves fewer still owned large number of slaves.

Few people owned slaves. Thats true.

Slave owners were not libs. Libs were the abolitionist, like Lincoln.
Wrong. The abolitionists were Christian conservatives. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, you can’t hide that fact. Even today the Dems support China and their use of slave labor.

The traditions of slavery go back to pre-history and is accepted in the bible. The Southern Conservative slave owners were steeped in Christianity as well. The Abolitionist ideals were progressive as well as liberal.

Yes, and there's noting liberal about the Democrat party. You are authoritarian leftists.

Also, the opposition to slavery was rooted in Christianity as well

Liberal believe that the people should rule themselves, not Kings or Dictators for Life. We are a liberal Democracy. Both parties have folks with authoritarian tenancies. Banana Republicans are exponentially worse.

How many slaves did Jesus free? How many times did he speak out against it? Slavery and the slave class was just an accepted part of civilization for much longer than civilization has not accepted it.

We? LOL. The last thing you are is a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist. I'm a liberal. We have nothing in common.

Liberals believe in individual freedom. You believe in elitism for your all powerful rulers backed by mob rule. There is nothing liberal about you at all

Goose stepping Banana Republicans like to claim they are real liberals. We are a liberal democracy because our Constitution declares the people have the right to rule themselves, not some King on high or powerful, wealthy groups of elitist vying for control of the information age.
Do you support mandated mask wearing and businesses being ordered to shut down?

The Feds don't have the authority to do either of those things. However I do support wearing masks in public where may you come in close contact, and spread your germs to others. I never supported shuttering small shops while letting corporate giants operate.

I disagree. I do believe that the federal government has the right to do this if it is done in good faith. That is the marker that Chief Justice John Roberts has espoused in his opinions on lockdowns.

I agree. It says right there twice in the constitution. Once in the preamble and again in the taxation section. Our government is supposed to promote the general welfare of the nation.

If protecting our people from dying from a virus isn't promoting the general welfare of our nation, nothing is.

Acting in the general welfare is a restriction on government power, it is not a government power. Anything could be justified if you just have to claim it's in the general welfare. The founders said even if something is technically allowed, if it's not in the general welfare then the government shouldn't be doing it.

According to you, the founders wrote a carefully orchestrated document of enumerated powers. One of which was "anything the fuck it wants." Why did they bother writing a Constitution then? That makes no sense
Requiring face masks is an acceptable government action for the general welfare.
^^ Big Government Jakey. We always knew you were a Fake.

Yes, and massive hypocrite as Jake the Fake was all angry Trump would mandate anything to the States. Jake is a hypocrisy inside a partisan Democrat all rolled up into a big old dumb ass
kaz demeonstrates he has not even read the Constitution. And his hypocrisy in supporting Trump EOs is amazing.

The general welfare clause gives the fed government the power to enforce such regulations on all federal activities.
Barr seems to have gone completely political,
is it really ok to just work for the people who support your party? shouldn't people in power work in the best interest of all Americans.

Does the corruption in the FBI and CIA ring any bells?
Libs are the party of slavery and segregation

Southern Democrats in Congress were always Conservatives. Few people owned slaves fewer still owned large number of slaves.

Few people owned slaves. Thats true.

Slave owners were not libs. Libs were the abolitionist, like Lincoln.
Wrong. The abolitionists were Christian conservatives. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, you can’t hide that fact. Even today the Dems support China and their use of slave labor.

The traditions of slavery go back to pre-history and is accepted in the bible. The Southern Conservative slave owners were steeped in Christianity as well. The Abolitionist ideals were progressive as well as liberal.

Yes, and there's noting liberal about the Democrat party. You are authoritarian leftists.

Also, the opposition to slavery was rooted in Christianity as well

Liberal believe that the people should rule themselves, not Kings or Dictators for Life. We are a liberal Democracy. Both parties have folks with authoritarian tenancies. Banana Republicans are exponentially worse.

How many slaves did Jesus free? How many times did he speak out against it? Slavery and the slave class was just an accepted part of civilization for much longer than civilization has not accepted it.

We? LOL. The last thing you are is a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist. I'm a liberal. We have nothing in common.

Liberals believe in individual freedom. You believe in elitism for your all powerful rulers backed by mob rule. There is nothing liberal about you at all

Goose stepping Banana Republicans like to claim they are real liberals. We are a liberal democracy because our Constitution declares the people have the right to rule themselves, not some King on high or powerful, wealthy groups of elitist vying for control of the information age.
Do you support mandated mask wearing and businesses being ordered to shut down?

The Feds don't have the authority to do either of those things. However I do support wearing masks in public where may you come in close contact, and spread your germs to others. I never supported shuttering small shops while letting corporate giants operate.
I didn’t say anything about the Feds, although Joe Biden has promised nationwide mask and lockdown mandates if he deems it necessary. I don’t care if you “support wearing masks”, I asked if you supported mandates forcing them.
You won’t answer the question directly, which means you are full of shit when you say you aren’t for some King or high elites controlling us.

Like I said it's up to the States, mostly the Governors, and sometimes like in Texas it's been left up to the locals. I support states rights to determine what is best for the citizens of their state. Joe said he's like to but, he knows the limits of federal power.

When Biden said he'd mandate masks nationally he knew the limits of Federal power?

And when you say you support "states rights to determine what is best for the citizens of their state," you admit Democrats are full of shit when they blame Trump for the coronavirus?

I asked you that before and must have somehow missed your answer ...
Everyone knows that Trump is responsible for the exponential spread of CV19
Libs are the party of slavery and segregation

Southern Democrats in Congress were always Conservatives. Few people owned slaves fewer still owned large number of slaves.

Few people owned slaves. Thats true.

Slave owners were not libs. Libs were the abolitionist, like Lincoln.
Wrong. The abolitionists were Christian conservatives. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, you can’t hide that fact. Even today the Dems support China and their use of slave labor.

The traditions of slavery go back to pre-history and is accepted in the bible. The Southern Conservative slave owners were steeped in Christianity as well. The Abolitionist ideals were progressive as well as liberal.

Yes, and there's noting liberal about the Democrat party. You are authoritarian leftists.

Also, the opposition to slavery was rooted in Christianity as well

Liberal believe that the people should rule themselves, not Kings or Dictators for Life. We are a liberal Democracy. Both parties have folks with authoritarian tenancies. Banana Republicans are exponentially worse.

How many slaves did Jesus free? How many times did he speak out against it? Slavery and the slave class was just an accepted part of civilization for much longer than civilization has not accepted it.

We? LOL. The last thing you are is a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist. I'm a liberal. We have nothing in common.

Liberals believe in individual freedom. You believe in elitism for your all powerful rulers backed by mob rule. There is nothing liberal about you at all

Goose stepping Banana Republicans like to claim they are real liberals. We are a liberal democracy because our Constitution declares the people have the right to rule themselves, not some King on high or powerful, wealthy groups of elitist vying for control of the information age.
Do you support mandated mask wearing and businesses being ordered to shut down?

The Feds don't have the authority to do either of those things. However I do support wearing masks in public where may you come in close contact, and spread your germs to others. I never supported shuttering small shops while letting corporate giants operate.

I disagree. I do believe that the federal government has the right to do this if it is done in good faith. That is the marker that Chief Justice John Roberts has espoused in his opinions on lockdowns.

I agree. It says right there twice in the constitution. Once in the preamble and again in the taxation section. Our government is supposed to promote the general welfare of the nation.

If protecting our people from dying from a virus isn't promoting the general welfare of our nation, nothing is.

Acting in the general welfare is a restriction on government power, it is not a government power. Anything could be justified if you just have to claim it's in the general welfare. The founders said even if something is technically allowed, if it's not in the general welfare then the government shouldn't be doing it.

According to you, the founders wrote a carefully orchestrated document of enumerated powers. One of which was "anything the fuck it wants." Why did they bother writing a Constitution then? That makes no sense
Requiring face masks is an acceptable government action for the general welfare.

Right, but what is the Constitutional Authority the Federal government has to require masks?

I'd say you really need to stay away from Constitutional issues since you know so little about them and focus on things you know more about, but I don't have a clue what you know more about.

What about tattoos? Do you have any?

On July 27, the Court declined to issue an injunction against the mask mandate. Citing Jacobsen v. Massachusetts, the Court found that “no constitutional right is infringed by the Mask Ordinance’s mandate … and that the requirement to swear such a covering has a clear rational basis based on the protection of public health.” More to the point, the Court continued, “constitutional rights and the ideals of limited government do not … allow (citizens) to wholly shirk their social obligation to their fellow Americans or to society as a whole…. After all, we do not have a constitutional right to infect others.”
Libs are the party of slavery and segregation

Southern Democrats in Congress were always Conservatives. Few people owned slaves fewer still owned large number of slaves.

Few people owned slaves. Thats true.

Slave owners were not libs. Libs were the abolitionist, like Lincoln.
Wrong. The abolitionists were Christian conservatives. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, you can’t hide that fact. Even today the Dems support China and their use of slave labor.

The traditions of slavery go back to pre-history and is accepted in the bible. The Southern Conservative slave owners were steeped in Christianity as well. The Abolitionist ideals were progressive as well as liberal.

Yes, and there's noting liberal about the Democrat party. You are authoritarian leftists.

Also, the opposition to slavery was rooted in Christianity as well

Liberal believe that the people should rule themselves, not Kings or Dictators for Life. We are a liberal Democracy. Both parties have folks with authoritarian tenancies. Banana Republicans are exponentially worse.

How many slaves did Jesus free? How many times did he speak out against it? Slavery and the slave class was just an accepted part of civilization for much longer than civilization has not accepted it.

We? LOL. The last thing you are is a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist. I'm a liberal. We have nothing in common.

Liberals believe in individual freedom. You believe in elitism for your all powerful rulers backed by mob rule. There is nothing liberal about you at all

Goose stepping Banana Republicans like to claim they are real liberals. We are a liberal democracy because our Constitution declares the people have the right to rule themselves, not some King on high or powerful, wealthy groups of elitist vying for control of the information age.
Do you support mandated mask wearing and businesses being ordered to shut down?

The Feds don't have the authority to do either of those things. However I do support wearing masks in public where may you come in close contact, and spread your germs to others. I never supported shuttering small shops while letting corporate giants operate.
I didn’t say anything about the Feds, although Joe Biden has promised nationwide mask and lockdown mandates if he deems it necessary. I don’t care if you “support wearing masks”, I asked if you supported mandates forcing them.
You won’t answer the question directly, which means you are full of shit when you say you aren’t for some King or high elites controlling us.

Like I said it's up to the States, mostly the Governors, and sometimes like in Texas it's been left up to the locals. I support states rights to determine what is best for the citizens of their state. Joe said he's like to but, he knows the limits of federal power.
So you do support such mandates from governors, or “kings” as you put it.

Why do you think an elected official is a King. I accept his authority to make such an order or to delegate that authority to local mayors or county judges to make the determination as needed. It's not like mask and shelter in place orders are anything new.

No, masks and government economic shutdowns are not new, they are in fact very old.

When the government did it as a short term reaction to a virus from China we knew little about, that was one thing. But Democrats have turned it into a long term way to control our daily lives and as an election strategy. Yet now we know the actual death rate is far below 1% and we need to protect retirement communities, not the general population. But Democrats have a powerful tool of total government control and won't give it up
DBA describes himself well: indoctrinated barely sentient lemming. Watch Redfish stagger around after DBA.

DBA's comment has nothing to do with the OP. I am sure the slaves would have loved to be sent home from the fields.
DBA describes himself well: indoctrinated barely sentient lemming. Watch Redfish stagger around after DBA.

Those that follow the MSM word for word are lemmings. That would be you and your ilk. Those that think anyone could have stopped COVID in the US is more along the lines of an idiot than a lemming. Not sure those folks are even smart enough to follow.

DBA's comment has nothing to do with the OP. I am sure the slaves would have loved to be sent home from the fields.

Nobody currently living in this country knows what it is like being a slave, other than sex slaves.

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