U.K. Parliament Holds Joe Biden* In Contempt Over Afghanistan

What about Hong Kong? Any rocket scientists in England going to admit that once again, they got it all wrong?

I support intelligence agencies and those pulling the rope together as a team. I despise some who believe themselves too smart for everyone else. Too often these loud people in the room are getting their way.

Englands intel have misguided for some time and they have advised others poorly and potentially for self gain, often cutting off their nose to spite their face. Instead of ensuring a strong America, they believed they should play both sides.

We need strong, patriotic intelligence agents. Those who understand that a strong, united Western Front will ensure all of our safety. Not tip-toeing around or looking at personal benefits over that of their nations.

They can criticize all they want, but they've been awfully silent on China. Especially in regards to REAL consequences for HK, Taiwan or the Wuhan Virus. Let's see them push for a boycott of 2022 Olympics, then we will see who is immune to the calls of contempt.

That's EXACTLY why Xi ordered Biden to fuck this up in the worst possible way

Time for Regime Change
So much for international allies

Thanks Dims.

I personally think Joe should respond to this by canceling whatever vacation he is on and go do another press conference without answering any questions once again, only to storm off and resume his vacation.

That was great!
he United Kingdom’s Houses of Parliament has officially voted to hold Joe Biden in contempt over his disastrous handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

As noted by The U.K. Telegraph, Biden’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal was condemned as “catastrophic” and “shameful” by the Brits, which are strong allies to the U.S.

“MPs and peers from across the political spectrum, including Boris Johnson, put some blame for the Taliban’s takeover and the chaos that followed on Britain’s closest ally. Mr. Biden was accused of “throwing us and everybody else to the fire” by pulling out US troops and was called “dishonorable” for criticizing Afghan forces for not having the will to fight,” the outlet reported.

“Former defense chiefs who led British troops in the Middle East were among those to speak out, while there were warnings that the West’s withdrawal would embolden Russia and China. The interventions mark a deterioration in UK-US relations almost exactly 20 years after Britain joined America in invading Afghanistan to root out terrorism after the September 11 attacks,” the outlet added.

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson also took a not-so-subtle swipe at the U.S.

“The West could not continue this US-led mission – a mission conceived and executed in support and defense of America – without American logistics, without US airpower, and without American might,” he said.

Labour Leader Keir Starmer said: “The US is, of course, an important ally, but to overlook the fighting of the Afghan troops and forces, and the fact that they have been at the forefront of that fighting in recent years, is wrong.”

Labour MP Chris Bryant slammed Biden for claiming that Afghan soldiers ran away and refused to fight the Taliban.

Bryant called Biden’s remarks “some of the most shameful comments ever from an American president.”

Former Defense Minister Khalid Mahmood said: “The Biden government have just come in and, without looking at what is happening on the ground, have taken a unilateral decision, throwing us and everybody else to the fire.”

Former Tory leader Lord Howard said Biden’s decision “is, and will be seen by history as, a catastrophic mistake which may well prove to be the defining legacy of his presidency.”

Bwahahahahhaha my God, Biden is going down in flames as the worst President ever.
Yes, what a Biden fuckup, how on earth can the likes of America employ such an ornamental fuckwit as president? Us Brits are laughing at America's current administration.

Tell that to the dems. That's only half of less of the country. And I undestand that the Muslims are running aground your gorgeous Nation?! you know, via the gang grooming fiasco, introducing Imams to "counsel" the British troops, etc. Tommy Robinson fighting by himself and treated like Cr*p for daring to by all of you. Is that something to be laughed at also? or maybe weep over?...

Otherwise I agree with you about the Joe Bin Laden Administration.
Even his former boss, Obongo Obama was caught in private saying about him:
"don't underestimate Joe's ability to f#$@ everything up."
But yet Mr. Potatohead just said in his presser that there was no foreign criticism of his leadership of the withdrawal.

Was he lying or did his handlers just simply kept the info from him?

He's too stupid to know what's going on so it wasn't really a lie
They did.
...and their military commanders in the field have the balls to send their elite troops outside the Kabal airport to rescue stranded Brits. Ours haven't yet permission to go farther than 200 yards in helicopters. Our General Milley is a WOKE liberal pinhead.
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Trump said the war needed to be ended. Biden apparently agreed and was simply following the orders from Trump. Unfortunately, Biden was clueless on how to do that without leaving behind thousands of Americans.

The best part though is him going on vacation during the entire catastrophe with lives hanging on the line.

Top notch. Gave me Benghazi goose bumps all over again.
Exactly, and his idiotic speak during that rinopolus interview, you know where he said "that was 4 days ago" reminded me of Hillary saying "what does it matter now" ? Yes Benghazi definitely came to mind in the parody.

What is it with these democrat's ?? People die because of them, and they just blow it off when confronted about it. The crazy thing is that it's their own loyal sheep that are asking the hard question's in which they can't answer.
No, war in Afghanistan is winnable. But it requires an investment in time, and money, that no one is willing to do
Either go in to win or stay out. Not having a winning mindset like we had in world war one, and world war two, has led to our downfall over time.

Losing site of the mission all due to corrupt politics has led to our downfall over time. When the nation is at war, all the bullcrap of politicizing it in the nation should stop, and we should respect the situational seriousness of war, and respect the war efforts... They should be supported until our troop's are victorious, our mission completed, and we get a win within a short period of time. If we find out that our politician's have led us in the wrong ways, then they should be held accountable for it big time.

Nation building with a corrupt mindset will always be a disastrous thing, because corruption isn't respected when it comes to war in the world.

It's all a falsehood that politician's are looked upon with respect in the world, because one has to be respectful in order to get respect, but corrupt politician's aren't respectful in their greed and crazy, even though they think that they are.

Without God in some capacity of their lives, then they are lost period, and they'll take everyone else down with them if they can. We are seeing it daily, but for some reason nothing is being done about it.

Wake up America.
What about Hong Kong? Any rocket scientists in England going to admit that once again, they got it all wrong?

I support intelligence agencies and those pulling the rope together as a team. I despise some who believe themselves too smart for everyone else. Too often these loud people in the room are getting their way.

Englands intel have misguided for some time and they have advised others poorly and potentially for self gain, often cutting off their nose to spite their face. Instead of ensuring a strong America, they believed they should play both sides.

We need strong, patriotic intelligence agents. Those who understand that a strong, united Western Front will ensure all of our safety. Not tip-toeing around or looking at personal benefits over that of their nations.

They can criticize all they want, but they've been awfully silent on China. Especially in regards to REAL consequences for HK, Taiwan or the Wuhan Virus. Let's see them push for a boycott of 2022 Olympics, then we will see who is immune to the calls of contempt.
The thread is not about Hong Kong.
...and their military commanders in the field have the balls to send their elite troops outside the Kabal airport to rescue stranded Brits. Ours haven't yet permission to go farther than 200 yards in helicopters. Our General Milley is a WOKE liberal pinhead.
Yeah, Milley is a disgrace to the uniform. He should be court-martialed for dereliction of duty.
Either go in to win or stay out. Not having a winning mindset like we had in world war one, and world war two, has led to our downfall over time.

Losing site of the mission all due to corrupt politics has led to our downfall over time. When the nation is at war, all the bullcrap of politicizing it in the nation should stop, and we should respect the situational seriousness of war, and respect the war efforts... They should be supported until our troop's are victorious, our mission completed, and we get a win within a short period of time. If we find out that our politician's have led us in the wrong ways, then they should be held accountable for it big time.

Nation building with a corrupt mindset will always be a disastrous thing, because corruption isn't respected when it comes to war in the world.

It's all a falsehood that politician's are looked upon with respect in the world, because one has to be respectful in order to get respect, but corrupt politician's aren't respectful in their greed and crazy, even though they think that they are.

Without God in some capacity of their lives, then they are lost period, and they'll take everyone else down with them if they can. We are seeing it daily, but for some reason nothing is being done about it.

Wake up America.
What is needed in our military command structure is a Commander in Chief that recognizes the inadequacies of politicians and executives to intelligently use the military forces to win a war.

Our Presidents have hamstrung the military in many of our past endeavors by arbitrarily limiting the rules of engagement to suit their political strategies. Vietnam is the prime example of that. LBJ was the epitome of a pitiful Commander in Chief. He presided over the war years when at least 36,756 of how soldiers were killed (of 58,220 recorded)
Screenshot 2021-08-21 at 23-06-32 Vietnam War U S Military Fatal Casualty Statistics.png

Nixon was only a bit better with 21,195 deaths recorded under his command.

Screenshot 2021-08-22 at 00-44-05 Vietnam War U S Military Fatal Casualty Statistics.png

Together, these two ran the war during the times when 99.54% of our US soldier deaths were recorded.

The war was halted in a stalemate under Ford.

When you go to war with an opposing army, you do what you can to WIN THE WAR and go home in peace. That requires leaving the military decisions to the field officers and not orchestrating the war from the Oval Office.


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