U.K. expert ...We may have over reacted to the kung flu. "Monumental Mistake On A Global Scale"

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
UK Govt Scientist Admits Lockdown Was A "Monumental Mistake On A Global Scale"

Gee ya think

Thiers post upon post of us waycist enemy's of the state saying the same friggin thing
I said Jesus friggin christ we've all been played


Months later the university "expert " and a go to guy for the u.k. government chimes in
Read it all


Heart attack deaths , suicides ,divorce, crushed lil independent businesses.tip of the ice berg ...
Golly ge whiz none of us saw that coming either...........no wait we did

Good thing we wisley put millions out of work, destroyed thousands of businesses and spent those billions upon billions of government cheese on Jack shit

Oh yeah also the cdc said leave non mask wearers alone
Leave everyone without a mask the fuck alone karens ....
The shutdowns, "living in a bubble" in sports and everything else, has ensured even more consequences to society. From rabid rioters to abusers of others, crime, God knows what, that they might NOT have engaged in without the extreme shut downs.

It's difficult to know how to operate early on, it was such an unknown, as time went on and it was clear it wasn't a death sentence if you contracted it and the clear high risk populations were known, smart leaders in the world should have steered course or at the very least, turned down the rhetoric.
I never did listen to those in authority because I have yet to meet anyone in authority worth listening to. No lockdown for me or where I live. I suggest you be more leary of those professionals.
I never did listen to those in authority because I have yet to meet anyone in authority worth listening to. No lockdown for me or where I live. I suggest you be more leary of those professionals.
Gee ya think
But it seems all we got from your fellow leftards was "listen to the experts"......who couldn't keep thier stories straight ....but like retarded lemmings whatever they said and cnn and socail media giants moderator approved was gospel ....or else

Where is that civil war ...indeed

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