Tyrannical Democrats continue to build Alliances with Draconian Islam

Anti-Semitism is a major component of their assault on The US. They want to separate The US from Israel so they can divide and conquer.

Trump is a threat to their plans to destroy The US and then destroy Israel.

I agree OT.
Here's the thing. we are actually past the point of a political solution. Too much power has been grabbed by government bureaucrats.
Try as he may, Trump has too many foes and insurgents working against him.

As I have said repeatedly for years.....America can no longer be saved by political choices or elections...we're too far gone for that now.

The ONLY path to save America lies solely in the hands of the American people themselves.
And as is painfully self evident, that's NOT gonna happen in spite of the warnings from the Founding Fathers, History and current events.

Look at World News and what's happening in France. I think the French people have had an awakening and are finally realizing what's happening there. Too bad Americans won't wake up like the French seem to have.

I'm convinced, a stunning fall is in the cards for America. The best is in the past. The hell coming in the future will have to be apparently.
be glad you lived during better times and are not a young person today.
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BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.

It's Republicans who are embracing Russian propaganda, and authoritarian dictatorship, both of which are the antithesis of American values.
You're the antithesis of American values. You're a fucking commie.
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.

It's Republicans who are embracing Russian propaganda, and authoritarian dictatorship, both of which are the antithesis of American values.
Either a Civil War happens or The Messiah returns in The 2nd Coming and anyone who cares about America is no longer on Earth but is in a place 1,000 times better than America in The Presence of God who inspired the very birth of America.

The wicked then will reign without opposition for a short time before Judgment Day comes.

The signs we see, Slander, Homosexuality, Abuse of Children, Infanticide, Propaganda and an entire machine built to propagate lies tell me The End Times are either here now or just beyond the horizon approaching fast and Hell & Death with it.

Anti-Semitism is a major component of their assault on The US. They want to separate The US from Israel so they can divide and conquer.

Trump is a threat to their plans to destroy The US and then destroy Israel.

I agree OT.
Here's the thing. we are actually past the point of a political solution. Too much power has been grabbed by government bureaucrats.
Try as he may, Trump has too many foes and insurgents working against him.

As I have said repeatedly for years.....America can no longer be saved by political choices or elections...we're too far gone for that now.

The ONLY path to save America lies solely in the hands of the American people themselves.
And as is painfully self evident, that's NOT gonna happen in spite of the warnings from the Founding Fathers, History and current events.

Look at World News and what's happening in France. I think the French people have had an awakening and are finally realizing what's happening there. Too bad Americans won't wake up like the French seem to have.

I'm convinced, a stunning fall is in the cards for America. The best is in the past. The hell coming in the future will have to be apparently.
be glad you lived during better times and are not a young person today.
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At the below link, we have a post by a Left Tard Denying The Holocaust, which I find ridiculous when it was proven to have occurred beyond a shadow of doubt with millions of people testifying it occurred, as well as physical evidence of the concentration camps, ovens, “gas” showers, and mass graves, piles of wedding rings, shoes, dentures, eyeglasses, just horrifying.

Yet this forum is full of Anti-Semites and Holocaust Deniers, and that tells you more than anything what kind of lunatics we are dealing with here every day.

Proof is in the puddin'- WARNING! Requires a LOT of reading!
Saudis in general are actually more moderate than most Middle Eastern Countries and continue to move towards Moderation, and granting its Citizens increasing levels of Civil Liberties. They also make a good ally and they oppose Iran, and their whacko idea of exterminating Israel.

Do they have their problems? Yes but all Islamic nations do.

Tyrannical Democrats continue to build Alliances with Draconian Islam


I wonder if they all shouted 'Allah Akbar ' together?

BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.
Funny thing, Bill Clinton knew about these Terrorists apparently, right after the first attempt on the WTC when Islamic Radicals tried to blow up a huge van loaded with explosives, in the garage under the WTC.

Yet he ignored the threat. He also had a chance to take out Bin Laden long before the 911 attack and passed on it.

Meanwhile years latter Dems elect Muslim Reps to the House and a President who is Anti-Israel and Anti-Semitic, but worse yet actually financed, financially supported armed and equipped Terrorist groups in The Middle East like Al Queda, and The Muslim Brotherhood.

And he illegally dumped $150 Billion in Iran’s lap which they used to find even more Terrorism and buy even more Russian Weapons.

Lastly, these 911 terrorists did not train in Saudi Arabia, they went to Iran and Iraq to train.

I suppose that really doesn’t matter though as Islam is arguably the most intolerant and corruptible and violent religion in The World.

There are Billions of Muslims so to
refuse to work with more moderate and sensible Islamic Nations would be idiotic.

But please Left Tard, continue to go off topic and troll the thread. It only helps my argument, not hurts it.

Saudi Arabia adopts landmark changes for women, including an end to travel restrictions

Japanese official: Saudi reforms 'opening up great trade opportunities'

As Saudi women take the wheel, activists say fight for gender equality continues
Americans standing up for the Saudi's

Saudi's standing up for America

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The thread was about Omar and her kind............making BS statements as a MOUTH PIECE for Islam in the United States........

I think Omar is a POS.......and only her dang district with a bunch of Muslims and the lunatic leftists thinks she is good for America..............

I could post some of her comments...........but those should already be known unless you live under a rock........So.......let's stop playing this PC game here...............FUCK ISLAM............AND THEIR THEOLOGY.............

Ok......I feel better .......now WHINE leftiies.
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |

Hmm, and yet it's actually Islam at the forefront of standing against Globalism, and Leftist values.
What kills me, is this:

Can you imagine a mere decade after WW II any political party in America electing Radical Japanese or Nazi Germans to The House of Reps or as President especially when they publicly held Anti-American and Anti-Semitic Sentiments and are not shy at all about spouting them off?

Yet The Democrats defend that shit! A little over a decade after 911 they are putting Muslims in Congress and The White House.

And then they Defend their Radical Islamic Candidates and defend their Islamic President who did everything he could to support terrorism, finance it and propagate it. And they defend their Anti-Semitism and attack anyone who wants to support and defend Israel.

The thread was about Omar and her kind............making BS statements as a MOUTH PIECE for Islam in the United States........

I think Omar is a POS.......and only her dang district with a bunch of Muslims and the lunatic leftists thinks she is good for America..............

I could post some of her comments...........but those should already be known unless you live under a rock........So.......let's stop playing this PC game here...............FUCK ISLAM............AND THEIR THEOLOGY.............

Ok......I feel better .......now WHINE leftiies.

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