Two Thirds Of Americans Still Believe Jesus Was Born of a Virgin, Merry Christmas!

You do understand Mary's virginity is not the reason for Christmas , right? We all know, or most of us that Isa 7:14 means young woman, not virgin. The virgin birth is the birth of a new religion , Christianity. Also it was widely accepted in those days to have virgin births, Gods mating with virgins.
The context in which the word was used implied a virgin, much like it is implied today with the phrase 'young maiden', or at least used to be.

Are there any virgins left in America these days?
So much hatred. Good to know none of you will be celebrating Christmas.
Would you want to celebrate Christmas with bastards who think it's funny to joke in the crudest terms possible about something that is the most important thing in the world to so many people?

I wouldn't. No wonder they hate Christmas. It has to be awful watching other people celebrate the joy of salvation, when you have none yourself.
Do you not do that every day? What is special about Christmas?
The lights. And no, I do not celebrate peace, hope and goodwill every day. We get too busy, don't we? It doesn't hurt to have a holiday to remind us of what is really important.
Who are "we?" Good to know when you hand out gifts in celebration of hope, peace, and never say, "Merry Christmas." :)
Why wouldn't I say Merry Christmas?

And okay, if you are so perfect that you NEVER forget, good for you. I will not include you any longer with average humanity.
Why would you, since you're not celebrating it.

You do understand Mary's virginity is not the reason for Christmas , right? We all know, or most of us that Isa 7:14 means young woman, not virgin. The virgin birth is the birth of a new religion , Christianity. Also it was widely accepted in those days to have virgin births, Gods mating with virgins.

good point------Christianity at that time developed as a product of ROMAN "CULTURE"
Some of the older religions still had a fertility rite that involved a priestess being impregnated by a "God" each spring. It wouldn't have been such a leap to believe it.
Judaism was not much like these other religions though in many ways.

They had Temple virgins dedicated to God back then, much like Nuns are today.

Marys pregnancy was a double disgrace under normal circumstances.
IMO, she cheated and she was too cowardly to admit her misdeeds. The lies obviously corrupted the poor Jesus' mind.
Then again, im now .01 percent Jewish so im biased :afro:
As long as Joseph bought it, all was well.
All joking aside, Mary was a teen age girl in a society where adulteresses were stoned to death if not shunned the rest of their lives.

She displayed a huge amount of courage in going through with the pregnancy.

They had old hags with twigs even back then.
Joseph protected her, I guess, whether the baby was his or not. That was mighty nice of him.
If I were going to believe in any of this, or pray to anyone, it would be Mary.
Do you not do that every day? What is special about Christmas?
The lights. And no, I do not celebrate peace, hope and goodwill every day. We get too busy, don't we? It doesn't hurt to have a holiday to remind us of what is really important.
Who are "we?" Good to know when you hand out gifts in celebration of hope, peace, and never say, "Merry Christmas." :)
Why wouldn't I say Merry Christmas?

And okay, if you are so perfect that you NEVER forget, good for you. I will not include you any longer with average humanity.
Why would you, since you're not celebrating it.

You do understand Mary's virginity is not the reason for Christmas , right? We all know, or most of us that Isa 7:14 means young woman, not virgin. The virgin birth is the birth of a new religion , Christianity. Also it was widely accepted in those days to have virgin births, Gods mating with virgins.
Christians celebrate the birth of their Savior. Jews celebrate the rededication of their Temple. Muslims celebrate killing each other so there are fewer of them.

Atheists celebrate nothing. Rejoice.
You do understand Mary's virginity is not the reason for Christmas , right? We all know, or most of us that Isa 7:14 means young woman, not virgin. The virgin birth is the birth of a new religion , Christianity. Also it was widely accepted in those days to have virgin births, Gods mating with virgins.
The context in which the word was used implied a virgin, much like it is implied today with the phrase 'young maiden', or at least used to be.

Are there any virgins left in America these days?

Isa 7:14 NABRE 2011

13Then he said: Listen, house of David! Is it not enough that you weary human beings? Must you also weary my God? 14Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign;* the young woman, pregnant and about to bear a son, shall name him Emmanuel. * he will eat so that he may learn to reject evil and choose good;

[7:14] Isaiah’s sign seeks to reassure Ahaz that he need not fear the invading armies of Syria and Israel in the light of God’s promise to David (2 Sm 7:1216). The oracle follows a traditional announcement formula by which the birth and sometimes naming of a child is promised to particular individuals (Gn 16:11; Jgs 13:3). The young woman: Hebrew ‘almah designates a young woman of marriageable age without specific reference to virginity. The Septuagint translated the Hebrew term as parthenos, which normally does mean virgin, and this translation underlies Mt 1:23. Emmanuel: the name means “with us is God.” Since for the Christian the incarnation is the ultimate expression of God’s willingness to “be with us,” it is understandable that this text was interpreted to refer to the birth of Christ.
1 Corinthians 3:19

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God For it is written, "He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS";

Isaiah 47:10

"You felt secure in your wickedness and said, 'No one sees me,' Your wisdom and your knowledge, they have deluded you; For you have said in your heart, 'I am, and there is no one besides me.'
IMO, she cheated and she was too cowardly to admit her misdeeds. The lies obviously corrupted the poor Jesus' mind.
Then again, im now .01 percent Jewish so im biased :afro:
As long as Joseph bought it, all was well.
All joking aside, Mary was a teen age girl in a society where adulteresses were stoned to death if not shunned the rest of their lives.

She displayed a huge amount of courage in going through with the pregnancy.

They had old hags with twigs even back then.
Joseph protected her, I guess, whether the baby was his or not. That was mighty nice of him.
If I were going to believe in any of this, or pray to anyone, it would be Mary.

"protected her" from what?. Joseph and Mary were----according to the NT---"betrothed" Even if they had screwed a bit before marriage------
such an act would not really have been considered a BIG CRIME
IMO, she cheated and she was too cowardly to admit her misdeeds. The lies obviously corrupted the poor Jesus' mind.
Then again, im now .01 percent Jewish so im biased :afro:
As long as Joseph bought it, all was well.
All joking aside, Mary was a teen age girl in a society where adulteresses were stoned to death if not shunned the rest of their lives.

She displayed a huge amount of courage in going through with the pregnancy.

They had old hags with twigs even back then.
Joseph protected her, I guess, whether the baby was his or not. That was mighty nice of him.
If I were going to believe in any of this, or pray to anyone, it would be Mary.
God protected her and Joseph.
The lights. And no, I do not celebrate peace, hope and goodwill every day. We get too busy, don't we? It doesn't hurt to have a holiday to remind us of what is really important.
Who are "we?" Good to know when you hand out gifts in celebration of hope, peace, and never say, "Merry Christmas." :)
Why wouldn't I say Merry Christmas?

And okay, if you are so perfect that you NEVER forget, good for you. I will not include you any longer with average humanity.
Why would you, since you're not celebrating it.

You do understand Mary's virginity is not the reason for Christmas , right? We all know, or most of us that Isa 7:14 means young woman, not virgin. The virgin birth is the birth of a new religion , Christianity. Also it was widely accepted in those days to have virgin births, Gods mating with virgins.
Christians celebrate the birth of their Savior. Jews celebrate the rededication of their Temple. Muslims celebrate killing each other so there are fewer of them.

Atheists celebrate nothing. Rejoice.

Actually the holiest day of Christianity is Easter Sunday.
IMO, she cheated and she was too cowardly to admit her misdeeds. The lies obviously corrupted the poor Jesus' mind.
Then again, im now .01 percent Jewish so im biased :afro:
As long as Joseph bought it, all was well.
All joking aside, Mary was a teen age girl in a society where adulteresses were stoned to death if not shunned the rest of their lives.

She displayed a huge amount of courage in going through with the pregnancy.

They had old hags with twigs even back then.
Joseph protected her, I guess, whether the baby was his or not. That was mighty nice of him.
If I were going to believe in any of this, or pray to anyone, it would be Mary.
God protected her and Joseph.

they took off and went to Egypt, no one knew them there.
IMO, she cheated and she was too cowardly to admit her misdeeds. The lies obviously corrupted the poor Jesus' mind.
Then again, im now .01 percent Jewish so im biased :afro:
As long as Joseph bought it, all was well.
All joking aside, Mary was a teen age girl in a society where adulteresses were stoned to death if not shunned the rest of their lives.

She displayed a huge amount of courage in going through with the pregnancy.

They had old hags with twigs even back then.
Joseph protected her, I guess, whether the baby was his or not. That was mighty nice of him.
If I were going to believe in any of this, or pray to anyone, it would be Mary.

"protected her" from what?. Joseph and Mary were----according to the NT---"betrothed" Even if they had screwed a bit before marriage------
such an act would not really have been considered a BIG CRIME

You're confusing Mary with the sluts who service muslims.

Mary was a virgin. Angels visited not only Joseph and Mary...they also visited Mary's cousin Elizabeth...and the shepherds.

Shepherds were considered low caste...yet they were visited by an angel and told to look for Christ. Which they did.

These are all separate events. It wasn't a bunch of low life losers like the people you know, who huddle around in their basements coming up with lies and strategies to con someone.
1 Corinthians 3:19

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God For it is written, "He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS";

Isaiah 47:10

"You felt secure in your wickedness and said, 'No one sees me,' Your wisdom and your knowledge, they have deluded you; For you have said in your heart, 'I am, and there is no one besides me.'

Aren't you a Satanist?
Who are "we?" Good to know when you hand out gifts in celebration of hope, peace, and never say, "Merry Christmas." :)
Why wouldn't I say Merry Christmas?

And okay, if you are so perfect that you NEVER forget, good for you. I will not include you any longer with average humanity.
Why would you, since you're not celebrating it.

You do understand Mary's virginity is not the reason for Christmas , right? We all know, or most of us that Isa 7:14 means young woman, not virgin. The virgin birth is the birth of a new religion , Christianity. Also it was widely accepted in those days to have virgin births, Gods mating with virgins.
Christians celebrate the birth of their Savior. Jews celebrate the rededication of their Temple. Muslims celebrate killing each other so there are fewer of them.

Atheists celebrate nothing. Rejoice.

Actually the holiest day of Christianity is Easter Sunday.
And in Judaism it is the Passover. Muslims celebrate killing each other so there are fewer of them.

Atheists celebrate Nothing.

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