Two Major Trends Libs Need To Comprehend; Trumps Enemies Are Over and White Nationalism is Ascendant


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Even Slim Carlos is going over to being a Trump supporter now, just like Mittens has.

Trump meets with Carlos Slim as Mexican leaders seek better relations
After Trump’s unexpected victory, Slim’s tone toward the president-elect changed. In recent comments, Slim has spoken optimistically about Trump’s presidency. “If Trump is able to grow the United States economy and jobs, that would be fantastic for Mexico,” Slim told a business forum.

Slim’s evolution comes as the Mexican government is undertaking an extensive effort to preserve NAFTA by proving Mexico’s worth to the U.S. economy. Since Trump’s win, Mexican diplomats have sought to spread the message to immigrants, through the network of 50 consulates in the United States, about their rights and legal protections.

The Mexican government has enlisted business executives in both countries to talk about the economic benefits of free trade in what one Mexican official described as “the language that the new president speaks: deals and entrepreneurial vision.”


And white nationalists are rising up in Europe as people are so fed up with the Oligarchs Big Media lies that they are just voting their heart and just say to hell with what the news media tells them any more.

Europe’s Far-Right Anger Is Moving Mainstream

In the wake of the Brexit vote in Britain and the recent Italian referendum, and with national elections looming in 2017 in the Netherlands, France, and Germany, there is concern that Europe may be inundated by a populist wave, driven in large part by right-wing parties exploiting anti-globalization, anti-immigrant, and anti-Muslim sentiments. Indeed, the strategy seems to be working: Polls show that people who have a favorable view of the National Front (FN) in France, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) in Germany, and the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands tend to be more negative about immigrants, refugees, and Muslims than their fellow countrymen. In addition, they are more euro-skeptic and more wary of globalization than their compatriots.

While the often nasty, nativist rhetoric of Marine Le Pen, the leader of the FN, or Geert Wilders, the founder of the Dutch Party for Freedom, is certainly key to attracting supporters, the intensity and breadth of right-wing, populist sentiments among party sympathizers — as well as a substantial minority of the general public — is notable in France, Germany, and the Netherlands.

We can best head this off here in the US by adapting some more even handed approaches to our own Identity Politics which so far is the sole domain of minorities and feminazis. But as long as the ID gurus continue to rule out any white perspectives or white presence that does not demonize whites, the more radical elements will continue to ascend in popularity and status.
Here come the Brownshirts!
BTW, Jim, I think you need to get the dictionary out and check the definition of 'adapt'. Then have a look at 'adopt'..
. . . or maybe, just maybe, there was a plot to put him in office all along.

Sure, the heads up their ass liberal media believes it was the Russians, that makes the victory easier to swallow for the SJW's who are all emotional now, but maybe, the political, corporate and financial elites that were linked into the intel. elements within the Deep State that hacked the emails and released them to Wikileaks, knew all along how the shift was going to go, and they were secretly behind what was fait accompli. . .

--- Just a thought.
Here come the Brownshirts!
BTW, Jim, I think you need to get the dictionary out and check the definition of 'adapt'. Then have a look at 'adopt'..
There needs to be ADAPTING to the new political and social environment, dude, as in "the lung fish responded to his new air environment by adapting lungs."

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