Two facts about fetuses Republicans never mention.

But none the less true. Citizenship is given at birth, not at conception. The fetus has no status as a Citizen in our country. Only after birth.
I didn't know that ........ so, has anyone told the Supreme Court this new revelation ???

Well, odds are its talking about human fetuses, OKA: Pre-born human life. And Human life is endowed by its creator, with inalienable human rights; which are the same rights as the proponent of murdering those pre-born human babies, for convenience.

Sadly, there is no potential for a right to take human life for convenience. Because THAT is murder and there is NO MORAL JUSTIFICATION in murder... (which is the defining trait OF murder).

It's all about being responsible and taking responsibility
1. Fetuses are not citizens.
2. Fetuses are undocumented.

Really? I have a picture of my daughter at one month. I have documents for her going all the way back to about two weeks after inception. I thought you were a scientist. Scientists THINK. They don't make stupid comments that are unfounded. Well, good ones don't.
Ahh. So if Mexicans jumping the border have an ultrasound of themselves in the womb, you'd consider them to be "documented" immigrants, right?
1. Fetuses are not citizens.
2. Fetuses are undocumented.

Now these Fetuses you're cryin' about, are they Human?

THey're human alright. But unlike human persons - they don't breathe air, live in water, share an organ with a person called a "woman", and early in their development, they can actually split in two.

What person do you know that can split into two persons? I don't.

But none the less true. Citizenship is given at birth, not at conception. The fetus has no status as a Citizen in our country. Only after birth.
I didn't know that ........ so, has anyone told the Supreme Court this new revelation ???

Its not a new revelation. The law grants citizenship to those BORN to U.S. citizens or those BORN on U.S. soil. Its been like that for a while.
1. Fetuses are not citizens.
2. Fetuses are undocumented.

Really? I have a picture of my daughter at one month. I have documents for her going all the way back to about two weeks after inception. I thought you were a scientist. Scientists THINK. They don't make stupid comments that are unfounded. Well, good ones don't.
Ahh. So if Mexicans jumping the border have an ultrasound of themselves in the womb, you'd consider them to be "documented" immigrants, right?


But none the less true. Citizenship is given at birth, not at conception. The fetus has no status as a Citizen in our country. Only after birth.

It's fucking stupid...much like you

So, lacking a cogent, logical , well thought argument you resort to name calling. I stated facts, you came back with must be a so-called "Christian" who believes in the Right To Life....which ends at birth.

GFY, loon. I don't give a rat's ass how smart you THINK you are. How's that? :)

The United States Constitution.

Section I.

14th. Amendment of The United States Constitution.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are Citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside. No State shall make enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of the United States.

It does not matter WHAT YOUR THINK.

On the matter of Citizenship for U.S. Citizens, such Citizenship is granted either by birth or naturalization.

Which is why when all you Jesus Freaks got your panties in a twist over anchor babies being granted Citizenship at birth. The only way to end that particular practice would have been to repeal the 14th. Amendment, thereby denying ALL AMERICANS BORN IN THE COUNTRY CITIZENSHIP.

I am foreve amazed by the total lack cognative thought process of Cons. The logical part of their brain must be removed at birth.

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