Turkey Warns Europe Of New “Holocaust” If They Don’t Accept Islam


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are

"Islam and migrants have been a reality in Europe for centuries. As long as the continent of Europe doesn't approach segments which are different from the majority with tolerance, particularly in regards to religion, an occurrence of new inquisitions and Holocausts, as well as incidents evoking Srebrenica, are probable," Gül said yesterday.

His strongly worded remarks came as he delivered a keynote speech at the opening of a two-day international symposium on "Migration, Islam and Multiculturality in Europe" arranged by Hacettepe University's Migration and Politics Research Center.

Turkey Warns Europe Of New ?Holocaust? If They Don?t Accept Islam?
I'm of the opinion that some Moslems who believe in strict interpretations of Islam are simply incompatable citizens in secular societies.

It is they, rather than their adopted society, who must learn tolerance.
Cameron to re-define the membership of UK in the EU...
The realities of re-negotiating Europe
17 May 2013 - At some point in the future - and particularly if David Cameron wins the election in 2015- the UK will attempt to re-negotiate the terms of its membership of the EU.
It will be a long, tortuous process, strewn with potential difficulties. In most areas, although not all, returning powers to Westminster will require a change to EU treaties. The British Government is convinced that fixing the eurozone crisis will need treaties to be altered. Officials in London and Brussels believe that closer EU integration is necessary for the eurozone's survival and that will require a new legal underpinning.

The European Commission has said it will come up with proposals for treaty change by next May, The German government, too, believes that banking union will require a change to the treaties at some stage. That will open the door for the UK to raise its own demands. Treaty change would trigger an inter-governmental conference and any country can bring its own list of proposals. Treaty change requires unanimity and that is both a strength and a weakness for the UK.

Unforgivable sin

If the UK did not get concessions it could potentially block the treaty change but, if that was regarded as essential to helping the eurozone, it would make Britain extremely unpopular. As far as Berlin is concerned that would be the unforgivable sin. At his lengthy news conference on Thursday, French President Francois Hollande said: "I can understand countries don't want to join the euro, but they cannot impede the consolidation and strengthening of the eurozone and if they want to go further and refuse powers, then the risk is of a splintered Europe." In any event, some countries are opposed to any moves which would make the UK a special case. It will be tough to get all 28 countries to agree to Britain winning back some powers.

Also, any significant change to the Lisbon Treaty - the constitutional basis of the EU - would almost certainly trigger referendums. France, in particular, wants to avoid this. The government in Paris is wary of consulting French voters at a time when the mood is increasingly sceptical of Europe. President Hollande has not forgotten that the French people rejected an EU constitution in a referendum. So the French would only want an adjustment to the existing treaties. In one area - justice and home affairs - the UK already has an opt-out, set out in the Lisbon Treaty. It means Britain can stand aside from the European arrest warrant for example.

Arousing suspicions
As long as Gul is calling for tolerance, I don't see what the issue is.

He is right that any society which is intolerant towards minorities leaves itself open to attack, isn't he?

It's interesting to see that few mainstream media consider the speech newsworrthy, wheras the blogs are spinning this for all they are worth.

Although the quote appears to be legitimate, Lipush's source here looks extremely dubious, and not one I would use.
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As far as I can see, he was not threatening attacks from Muslims, he was warning about attacks against Muslims.

Understanding the context would help. The Srebrenica massacre was a massacre of Muslims, not by Muslims.
As far as I can see, he was not threatening attacks from Muslims, he was warning about attacks against Muslims.

Understanding the context would help. The Srebrenica massacre was a massacre of Muslims, not by Muslims.

Exactly that.

I understood his reference to the Holocaust to refer to the intolerance shown by Germans towards Jews - not the other way around.

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