Tulsi Gabbard accuses Joe Biden of 'tearing our country apart'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Tulsi Gabbard accuses Joe Biden of 'tearing our country apart'

11 Nov 2021 ~~ By Sydney Shea
President Joe Biden is "tearing our country apart."
At least that's what former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard , a Hawaii Democrat, said Wednesday. Gabbard was responding to a question about whether Biden has changed since his 2020 presidential campaign.
"You know, I’ve considered Joe Biden a friend for many years, and I’ve been disheartened to see the direction that he’s taken in this administration, that is undermining the fundamental principles of our country, that is actually tearing our country apart, rather than working to bring us together to find our way forward and have respectful dialogue, even as we may have disagreements or differences on different issues, but come together as Americans treating each other with respect," she said.

"Unaccountable bureaucrats" are being "more empowered to put their noses into" the public's private lives, she added.

Funny isn't it, Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists worked hard to make her a former Congresswoman. She is well educated, articulated, intelligent, honest, sincere, and straight forward to the point. For each and all these pluses was rejected by the PM/DSA Democrat Commies.
The center of gravity in the Democrat Party has moved further and further left, and their presidential candidates elbow each other out of the way to stake out more extreme Marxist Socialist positions (open borders, reparations, Green New Deal, taxpayer-funded partial-birth abortions in the 9th month, inflation, etc., etc.).
She always speaks with clarity and foresight. America needs conservatives like Tulsi. This woman could clearly be a shining star in any political party, WHY does she remain with the Democrats?

Tulsi Gabbard accuses Joe Biden of 'tearing our country apart'

11 Nov 2021 ~~ By Sydney Shea
President Joe Biden is "tearing our country apart."
At least that's what former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard , a Hawaii Democrat, said Wednesday. Gabbard was responding to a question about whether Biden has changed since his 2020 presidential campaign.
"You know, I’ve considered Joe Biden a friend for many years, and I’ve been disheartened to see the direction that he’s taken in this administration, that is undermining the fundamental principles of our country, that is actually tearing our country apart, rather than working to bring us together to find our way forward and have respectful dialogue, even as we may have disagreements or differences on different issues, but come together as Americans treating each other with respect," she said.

"Unaccountable bureaucrats" are being "more empowered to put their noses into" the public's private lives, she added.

Funny isn't it, Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists worked hard to make her a former Congresswoman. She is well educated, articulated, intelligent, honest, sincere, and straight forward to the point. For each and all these pluses was rejected by the PM/DSA Democrat Commies.
The center of gravity in the Democrat Party has moved further and further left, and their presidential candidates elbow each other out of the way to stake out more extreme Marxist Socialist positions (open borders, reparations, Green New Deal, taxpayer-funded partial-birth abortions in the 9th month, inflation, etc., etc.).
She always speaks with clarity and foresight. America needs conservatives like Tulsi. This woman could clearly be a shining star in any political party, WHY does she remain with the Democrats?

She's angry, she didn't get voted in as Potus. She needs to be a republican since she is on Fox, fake news.

Tulsi Gabbard accuses Joe Biden of 'tearing our country apart'

11 Nov 2021 ~~ By Sydney Shea
President Joe Biden is "tearing our country apart."
At least that's what former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard , a Hawaii Democrat, said Wednesday. Gabbard was responding to a question about whether Biden has changed since his 2020 presidential campaign.
"You know, I’ve considered Joe Biden a friend for many years, and I’ve been disheartened to see the direction that he’s taken in this administration, that is undermining the fundamental principles of our country, that is actually tearing our country apart, rather than working to bring us together to find our way forward and have respectful dialogue, even as we may have disagreements or differences on different issues, but come together as Americans treating each other with respect," she said.

"Unaccountable bureaucrats" are being "more empowered to put their noses into" the public's private lives, she added.

Funny isn't it, Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists worked hard to make her a former Congresswoman. She is well educated, articulated, intelligent, honest, sincere, and straight forward to the point. For each and all these pluses was rejected by the PM/DSA Democrat Commies.
The center of gravity in the Democrat Party has moved further and further left, and their presidential candidates elbow each other out of the way to stake out more extreme Marxist Socialist positions (open borders, reparations, Green New Deal, taxpayer-funded partial-birth abortions in the 9th month, inflation, etc., etc.).
She always speaks with clarity and foresight. America needs conservatives like Tulsi. This woman could clearly be a shining star in any political party, WHY does she remain with the Democrats?

Think she is going to be running on the dem ticket for president 2024. Or she could be a vp for Trump---she'd be an improvement over pence.
Yea well Tulsi, you voted for Biden. You spread lies about President Trump and attacked him, of all things calling his foreign policy “reckless” when he in fact never started any new wars, and never invaded Syria to overthrow Assad.

She’s certainly not as dumb as all the other Dems but she is very naive and slow if she doesn’t understand by now that the Democratic Party is about destroying America.

So until she renounces the Democratic Party and endorses MAGA policies, her words mean little to nothing.
Chicken littles running around like the sky is falling just because Trump lost may be the biggest problem we have right now. The full bore panic the right is in right now is entirely artificial and unwarranted.
Chicken littles running around like the sky is falling just because Trump lost may be the biggest problem we have right now. The full bore panic the right is in right now is entirely artificial and unwarranted.

We are making fun of you guys as your own turn on you. Your far left already stamped her as a traitor because she dared call your corrupt politicians out.

But on your side ALL MUST GOOSE STEP to the left.


We are making fun of you guys as your own turn on you. Your far left already stamped her as a traitor because she dared call your corrupt politicians out.

But on your side ALL MUST GOOSE STEP to the left.

She's a cheap political opportunist that's using your unreasoning fear to get speaking gigs.
She's a cheap political opportunist that's using your unreasoning fear to get speaking gigs.
She was the most logically minded candidate your side had. But you wanted to Harvest votes for the Drooling man Brandon.

Your side eats your own when they don't march in lock step with you. Same as the Blue Dogs that your side purged.
She was the most logically minded candidate your side had. But you wanted to Harvest votes for the Drooling man Brandon.

Your side eats your own when they don't march in lock step with you. Same as the Blue Dogs that your side purged.
My "side" is the American people. No one working the right wing wedge issues gets my vote.
My "side" is the American people. No one working the right wing wedge issues gets my vote.
BS. Your side has to import voters and register dead peeps to win. As you ignore the laws in this country and openly declare Sanctuary cities for them. Right now at 200k a month.

You are a stain on the Republic and Constitution. Your side are nothing more than AMERCA SUCKS PRVADA out of the communist playbook.
I like Tulsi but.............

For the most part Biden has been respectful in his dialog. I suppose one could convince me that I am simply comparing what he says to what so many others say and it appears very respectful compared to them.

Now she could make a point how she doesn't support his bigger government approach. She could truthfully do that though without making up lies such as he supports "taxpayer-funded partial-birth abortions in the 9th month,".

Biden was one of the 34 (D) Senators that voted for the PBA ban.

Tulsi Gabbard accuses Joe Biden of 'tearing our country apart'

11 Nov 2021 ~~ By Sydney Shea
President Joe Biden is "tearing our country apart."
At least that's what former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard , a Hawaii Democrat, said Wednesday. Gabbard was responding to a question about whether Biden has changed since his 2020 presidential campaign.
"You know, I’ve considered Joe Biden a friend for many years, and I’ve been disheartened to see the direction that he’s taken in this administration, that is undermining the fundamental principles of our country, that is actually tearing our country apart, rather than working to bring us together to find our way forward and have respectful dialogue, even as we may have disagreements or differences on different issues, but come together as Americans treating each other with respect," she said.

"Unaccountable bureaucrats" are being "more empowered to put their noses into" the public's private lives, she added.

Funny isn't it, Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists worked hard to make her a former Congresswoman. She is well educated, articulated, intelligent, honest, sincere, and straight forward to the point. For each and all these pluses was rejected by the PM/DSA Democrat Commies.
The center of gravity in the Democrat Party has moved further and further left, and their presidential candidates elbow each other out of the way to stake out more extreme Marxist Socialist positions (open borders, reparations, Green New Deal, taxpayer-funded partial-birth abortions in the 9th month, inflation, etc., etc.).
She always speaks with clarity and foresight. America needs conservatives like Tulsi. This woman could clearly be a shining star in any political party, WHY does she remain with the Democrats?

It isn't just him doing though. It's his entire administration and all the mayor's and governors on his side also.

You can pull the flowery head off a dandelion but unless you get the roots and all it will just grow right back. Biden is just the flowery part at the top everyone sees, but there is a lot more to the weed than that.
Tulsi Gabbard accuses Joe Biden of 'tearing our country apart'

He is continuing the work started in 1992. Every president since then has worked to divide the country, it is a clear and obvious action by each of them. The parties want us fighting each other and so many people are happy to comply.
He is continuing the work started in 1992. Every president since then has worked to divide the country, it is a clear and obvious action by each of them. The parties want us fighting each other and so many people are happy to comply.
Kinda hard not too when peeps go around burning and looting. And going postal on Covid. Which was what the Globalist wanted in the Plannedemic.

It's a disgrace.

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