Tucker Carlson Goes for Deep State, Exposes Schwab, World Economic Forum, and Vaccine ID Agenda


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

Who is behind the last two years of lockdowns, the hasty massive roll-out of now-known-to-be-deadly, inadequately tested injections for a 99.9% recovery rate virus which leading scientists are opposing in droves, and the rapidly unfolding cashless society tied to “social credit scores” and controlled by a single, central bank? Tucker Carlson and mRNA vaccine platform inventor Dr. Robert Malone go for the head of the beast, and start to unravel a part of what has become commonly known as the “Deep State,” the politicians and the powers behind them in government, media, and business who advance the wishes of the world’s wealthiest elite.

I saw a video of Schwab recently where he was bragging about how easy it was to infiltrate legislatures.

Actually, I looked for it and found it....

Here he boasts about how proud he is that he was able to penetrate the cabinets of young ''leaders'' like Trudeau. He casually mentions that over half of Prime Minister Trudeau's cabinet supports the WEF agenda.

"Vee penetrate zee cabinets" he says.....
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Why is this in "conspiracy theories" sub-forum??? This is not conspiracy theory, it is irrefutable conspiracy fact, they do not even hide this, they brag about it openly! This thread belongs in "politics!"
The WEF Global Leader Program is in no way at all a conspiracy theory.

In fact, I showed a video of Schwab openly admitting that the WEF is infiltrating legislatures of young global leaders. He even mentioned specific names, like Prime Minister Trudeau's cabinet. He also mentioned the president of Argentina.

And that's precisely what Tucker and Malone were discussing. The WEF Global Leader Program.
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