Truth is the casualty and the enemy of the Dem party

You're a fruitcake. I'd neg you but I'm out of rep.

So that you can respond to that, but not my questions that actually pertain to your post? Seriously?

have you seen how she has basically gone and ignored me after i called her out on her bullshit? She has nothing.

Yeah, I don't understand it at all. I asked a basic question that she flat refuses to answer for some reason. I'm not trying to trick her or be sneaky or whatever she thinks I might be doing. Yet, not a peep from her except to pop up and attempt to insult me. It shows you the class of people we are dealing with on this site.
It's the same reason Willow refuses to answer my question as well. They're hypocrites who are only concerned about themselves and have no idea how the world really works.
Hey pissant! You cut my check yet? Send me back all my money with interest so you can quit bitching about me being on medicare.. I'm waiting.

Really? That's all you can say based on what I said? Why don't you answer my question either? Sad Willow, honestly very sad.

And now you neg me. I can see you have no answer for your hypocritical actions and have resulted to calling me names and attempting to degrade me with negative reputation.

YOU are what is wrong with this country. Be proud of yourself.

quit whining ya little tit baby. You got my money refund coming my way?
It's the same reason Willow refuses to answer my question as well. They're hypocrites who are only concerned about themselves and have no idea how the world really works.

That's sort of funny, because this hypocrite who is concerned only about herself and has no idea how the world really works actually DOES work, hence the absences.


Besides, I made my points. You guys are just little cockroaches picking at the scraps.
It's the same reason Willow refuses to answer my question as well. They're hypocrites who are only concerned about themselves and have no idea how the world really works.

That's sort of funny, because this hypocrite who is concerned only about herself and has no idea how the world really works actually DOES work, hence the absences.


Besides, I made my points. You guys are just little cockroaches picking at the scraps.

You sure? I could'a sworn they wuz dung beetles.. :eusa_eh:
You're a fruitcake. I'd neg you but I'm out of rep.

So that you can respond to that, but not my questions that actually pertain to your post? Seriously?

Why on earth should I honor your moronic trolling and mindless liberal jabbering with a response? You don't get it, you've proved it, time to move on.

Kind of like you bringing up something, then won't back up your claims with facts.
You're a fruitcake. I'd neg you but I'm out of rep.

So that you can respond to that, but not my questions that actually pertain to your post? Seriously?

Why on earth should I honor your moronic trolling and mindless liberal jabbering with a response? You don't get it, you've proved it, time to move on.

So, you start an OP, bring up statements to back up your OP, then can't answer questions about the OP?

"There are no death panels! What death panels? Pure fearmongering!"

ahem...truth is the casualty of the Dem party.

Have you proven the dems lied?
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So that you can respond to that, but not my questions that actually pertain to your post? Seriously?

Why on earth should I honor your moronic trolling and mindless liberal jabbering with a response? You don't get it, you've proved it, time to move on.

So, you start an OP, bring up statements to back up your OP, then can't answer questions about the OP?

"There are no death panels! What death panels? Pure fearmongering!"

ahem...truth is the casualty of the Dem party.

Have you proven the dems lied?

The Health Care bill lays out directives for panels who's only purpose is to decide what treatments will be authorized for payment and those that will not. The age, condition, and several other factors including cost will be taken into consideration. Sorry if it bothers you that someone called this provision a "Death Panel" provision. But the truth you want to avoid is that government will be making life and death decisions instead of physicians and patients, according to the Health Care bill. HMOs have been making these types of decisions for decades. This is one of the aspects of health care in the US that Obama and the Dems claimed they wanted to change. They also claimed that their law would decrease costs only to find out it increases costs drastically. It became so obvious that they had to stop talking about cost reductions in there campaigns. So in effect, they lied. It turns out the only change will be who makes life and death decisions, and how much all of this will cost us.
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Truth is a cuasualty in both parties when it is inconvenient to that party.

No, it's not. Nice attempt at derailment, however.

If you think it's a casualty in the party of the right, why don't you link that information, or start a thread on it? Otherwise, kindly be aware that I don't consider the truth to be subjective, nor do I fall for the idiocy that if one person is guilty of a particular behavior, that's evidence that everybody is. That's juvenile.

Another thing that's REALLY juvenile is acting like your shit doesn't stink. Glass houses and all that....
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Truth is the great enemy to the Democrat Party. Truth is the great enemy to the American left. They have to wipe out truth whenever they can and wherever they see it, because truth is not them.
We have the word of PATHOLOGICAL LIAR Stuttering LimpTard on that! :rofl:
Truth is the great enemy to the Democrat Party. Truth is the great enemy to the American left. They have to wipe out truth whenever they can and wherever they see it, because truth is not them.
We have the word of PATHOLOGICAL LIAR Stuttering LimpTard on that! :rofl:

Excellent point.

You really blew him out of the water with that response. :rolleyes:
No, it's not. Nice attempt at derailment, however.

If you think it's a casualty in the party of the right, why don't you link that information, or start a thread on it? Otherwise, kindly be aware that I don't consider the truth to be subjective, nor do I fall for the idiocy that if one person is guilty of a particular behavior, that's evidence that everybody is. That's juvenile.

All parties have 'truth' issues, Allie. That's a fact. It's the problem when you have individuals join a party. I cannot control what you say any more than you can control what I say. If we are both in the same party, and one of us lies, are we all responsible?

It's a complicated thing. It's very difficult to accuse one side of lying and remain honest.

No, it's not.

Because while individuals may lie, the fact of the matter is the parties are fundamentally different and have different agendas. One has an agenda that promotes liberty, freedom, honor.

The other has an agenda that promotes government control, oppression, and dysfunction.

Which one is which?
"I'm minding my own business, bothering nobody. This program does nothing but try to inspire people to be the best they can be.
What a pathological liar!!!

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

April 23, 2008
RUSH: I'm dreaming. (singing to the tune of White Christmas) "I'm dreaming of riots in Denver."

April 24, 2008
RUSH: (singing) "I'm dreaming of a ri-ots."

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