Trump’s Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year

Thank you for reminding us of that important point. Now that Trump's wall is off the table (for now) we have lost site of the cost of NOT building the wall.

And of course, before anyone cries that a wall will do no good, "Wall" is a phrase referring to a real wall plus multi-layered electronic warning systems
It’s a reminder of the fear, ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hate common to most on the right.

Not that a reminder was needed.
If Dems had allowed him to build it it would have worked. You do realize that most of it never got built right? Democrats blocked it.

You say you are a female. Are you happy that many girls illegally trafficked across the border are sold into slavery and prostitution?
He had two years of a compliant Congress and did nothing
This crisis much the like the oil supply crisis is another mess generally created by Trump and dumped on Biden...

62% of undocumented immigrants are just over staying there visas... The state dept handles that, Trump gutted the state dept while president.

The number of asylum seeker ad refugees has risen considerably, the most dangerous countries have people fleeing them, they feel less safe in there. Trump cut funding for security in those countries even though it is US paid for drug war that is causing that...

Adding to what you've posted, there is also a climate change fueled drought going on in Central America, and crops are getting fried to a crisp. There's nothing to eat.

It cannot be said often enough that MS13 is an AMERICAN gang, with their headquarters and leadership living in California. The USA deported gang violence to Central America, not the other way around.
If Dems had allowed him to build it it would have worked. You do realize that most of it never got built right? Democrats blocked it.

You say you are a female. Are you happy that many girls illegally trafficked across the border are sold into slavery and prostitution?

Another fact free post from our newest FuckBoi. Republicans held Congress and the Senate for two years and didn't give Trump one red nickel for his wall.

Democrats offered Trump $25 million to build his wall, and then Stephen Miller kiboshed the deal, because it gave the DACA kids a path to citizenship. Trump renegged on his agreement, as usual.

But Trump has NO ONE to blame but himself for the lack of funding. He had the funding and he threw it away.
He didn't have a compliant Congress. It was infested with Trump hating never-Trumpers.

Boo fucking hoo. It's always some lame excuse or another for Trump's failures. People are always out to get him. It's never Trump's fault if he's an incompetent clown and the business world laughs at him.

No one in history has lead 7 different corporations all around the world into bankruptcy. That takes a very special talent for fucking up badly. That's in addition to the more than $1 billion in losses that Fred Trump covered in the 1980's for Dumb Donald.

And after 500,000 people died, and your economy was crashed, you still believe that smart, sane Americans didn't vote the asshole out of office.

And you call the rest of the world "morons".
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Boo fucking hoo. It's always some lame excuse or another for Trump's failures. People are always out to get him. It's never Trump's fault if he's an incompetent clown and the business world laughs at him.
Facts are not "lame excuses," moron.
No one in history has lead 7 different corporations all around the world into bankruptcy. That takes a very special talent for fucking up badly. That's in addition to the more than $1 billion in losses that Fred Trump covered in the 1980's for Dumb Donald.
That never happened, shit for brains

And after 500,000 people died, and your economy was crashed, you still believe that smart, sane Americans didn't vote the asshole out of office.

And you call the rest of the world "morons".

Biden killed 1,500,000 people, dumbass.

You just keep posting the same debunked Dim talking points over and over.
If Dems had allowed him to build it it would have worked. You do realize that most of it never got built right? Democrats blocked it.

You say you are a female. Are you happy that many girls illegally trafficked across the border are sold into slavery and prostitution?

Why do idiots always say that if you don't support their wrong headed and stupid ideas, you're in favour of something heinous?

It is possible to think that girls are not being trafficked over the border in large numbers, and be fully opposed to human trafficking, just as it's possible to think that those who believe in "grooming of children" in schools are stupid and wrongheaded in their beliefs, without being in favour of pedophiles.

You can know what a failure Trump's wall really is without being in favour of open borders. There are other and better solutions available, which also happen to be cheaper, and more permanent.

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