Trump's tax returns?

Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.

Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.


It isn't relevant. The continuous Red Scare tactics are going to have some repercussions.
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.
Not many on the right cared about his taxes. Why do libtards assume everyone is worked up over what they're worked up over? Ooops, guess I answered my own question.

Conflict of interest? He shouldn't have run for president since he came from the private sector?

Why not, you cared about Obama birth cert for years.
You're a goddamn liar. Nothing truthful ever comes off your keyboard. Never gave a shit about obie's BC. I have siblings born overseas and are just as much a citizen as I am so he could have been born on Mars, makes no difference.

I want to see his tax returns, but I guess they are non existent. Almost have to believe he didn't make enough to file tax returns. Probably only shows his SS check as income. He if he is smart would have everything in a trust, so no tax returns to see, and boy oh boy we know how smart he is, he just never shows it.
I guess that means you aren't going to vote for him?
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.
Not many on the right cared about his taxes. Why do libtards assume everyone is worked up over what they're worked up over? Ooops, guess I answered my own question.

Conflict of interest? He shouldn't have run for president since he came from the private sector?

By Law Trump Doesn't have to , but every single President has shown them in the past even Nixon...

Why do you continue to excuse his behavior..?

He released his financial report, but not his taxes....Why because it will show that he screwed to pay taxes and the oversea investments with Russia...plain and simple..
I'm not on defense here, nitwit. I don't need to excuse something I never cared about. You care, I don't. A financial report tells much more about an individual's worth than a tax return. He says he didn't release them because he was under audit, which makes sense. He's in no hurry to apparently but you are. I sorta hope he leaves you guys hanging like obama did with the birthers.
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.
Not many on the right cared about his taxes. Why do libtards assume everyone is worked up over what they're worked up over? Ooops, guess I answered my own question.

Conflict of interest? He shouldn't have run for president since he came from the private sector?

Why not, you cared about Obama birth cert for years.
You're a goddamn liar. Nothing truthful ever comes off your keyboard. Never gave a shit about obie's BC. I have siblings born overseas and are just as much a citizen as I am so he could have been born on Mars, makes no difference.
So, you voted for a man that thought otherwise. Why did you vote for someone that stupid?
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.
Not many on the right cared about his taxes. Why do libtards assume everyone is worked up over what they're worked up over? Ooops, guess I answered my own question.

Conflict of interest? He shouldn't have run for president since he came from the private sector?

Why not, you cared about Obama birth cert for years.
You're a goddamn liar. Nothing truthful ever comes off your keyboard. Never gave a shit about obie's BC. I have siblings born overseas and are just as much a citizen as I am so he could have been born on Mars, makes no difference.
So, you voted for a man that thought otherwise. Why did you vote for someone that stupid?

So, you got nothing, eh?
Only brainless leftists cared about his personal tax returns that he has no reason to show.
"he didn't pay more taxes than he is supposed to WWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH"
So the crowd that had a freakin fit over Hillary & the Clinton Foundation does not care if Trump's policies enrich his holdings. You don't care that when Trump meets with the Japanese PM that Ivanka tags along to get help pushing her fashion line in Japan. You don't care that Trumps talks to the Taiwan PM when he is trying to get in on a major development there.

You bitched for 8 years that you didn't see Obama's college transcripts for Christ's sake.

Not only is Trump a crybaby but those who voted for him are the world's greatest hypocrites.
So you want to compare government pay for play to personal enrichment through legal means? LMAO
The Japanese meeting was unofficial and it was at his home. Grow up.
Why would I care he talked to a leader from Taiwan?
I didn't bitch about that for 8 years you delusional retard.
And wtf does that have to do with his taxes? Derailing your own thread already?

Lets compare.

Lets compare donations to the Clinton Foundation from which the Clintons took no money to your orange blowhard buddy using his position as President Elect to enrich his own wallet. It does not make a difference if he met them ion his private office or spoke over the phone.
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.

You mean like you have demonstrated how much you care by identifying the law used to circumvent paying taxes?
You are are just plain stupid. It is not about paying taxes it is about his sources of income & where his investments are & to whom he owes money.

No wonder you voted for Trump. He did carry the uneducated voter bracket.

No. I didn't vote for Trump. You just happen to support Oligarchies as long as the players are on your team. Be the partisan hack you were meant to be.
Yet another Trumpette running away from their vote.
As I recall the Clinton Foundation is under investigation by the FBI. You might want to wait for their finding before you open your big mouth about how the Clintons never took money from the foundation?

Oh and how was Chelsea's wedding paid for?? Seems to me I heard it was with money from the Clinton Foundation.

Carry on dumbass.
He would have used a 2016 tax bracket to put his taxes on track, neither shows the people 1040 Schedules A-E, and his tax return throughout his campaign trails.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
Only brainless leftists cared about his personal tax returns that he has no reason to show.
"he didn't pay more taxes than he is supposed to WWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH"
So the crowd that had a freakin fit over Hillary & the Clinton Foundation does not care if Trump's policies enrich his holdings. You don't care that when Trump meets with the Japanese PM that Ivanka tags along to get help pushing her fashion line in Japan. You don't care that Trumps talks to the Taiwan PM when he is trying to get in on a major development there.

You bitched for 8 years that you didn't see Obama's college transcripts for Christ's sake.

Not only is Trump a crybaby but those who voted for him are the world's greatest hypocrites.
So you want to compare government pay for play to personal enrichment through legal means? LMAO
The Japanese meeting was unofficial and it was at his home. Grow up.
Why would I care he talked to a leader from Taiwan?
I didn't bitch about that for 8 years you delusional retard.
And wtf does that have to do with his taxes? Derailing your own thread already?

Lets compare.

Lets compare donations to the Clinton Foundation from which the Clintons took no money to your orange blowhard buddy using his position as President Elect to enrich his own wallet. It does not make a difference if he met them ion his private office or spoke over the phone.

You mean like this?
Hillary Clinton Noted That She Sat Down With All The Presidential Candidates In Haiti And Democracy Survived When Michel Martelly Became President. “But it was very complicated inside Haiti because the now president President Martelly, emerged as the top vote getter and there were a lot of people who said we're not going to go along with this, we can't accept the fact that a majority of people who voted in the election voted for him. So I sit down to meet with all of the candidates plus President Preval because I thought it was important to help them talk through what they were facing because it would have setback the recovery of Haiti, it would have dried up donors money, if the results of an election denied the people their vote and yet at the same time it wouldn't be helpful, I didn't think, to,
you know, stage press conferences and, you know, wave my arms and, you know, talk about the sanctity of the vote and condemn anybody who was trying to undermine it. I wanted to find a path to the right thing that would not embarrass anyone involved and give people a chance to save face. So we talked a lot about what it means to be a leader, with all the parties that were going to influence the final decision and in particular with President Preval who had given so much to his country and had suffered so much because of the earthquake, which leveled the Presidential Palace and killed so many people whom he knew and cared about. This was his defining moment. He was either going to be remembered as another in a long line of Haitian leaders who did not respect democracy or as the president, who, despite the worst possible circumstances, protected democracy. He had to choose. I think it was helpful that I was a former politician so I could sit there knee to knee and say, you know, I've won elections and I've lost elections, there's life after both. Democracy is not for the faint hearted. And I said, you got to do the hard thing because ultimately that will serve your country and your reputation. He agreed. Democracy - survived. Martelly became president.” [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 24-25]
Only brainless leftists cared about his personal tax returns that he has no reason to show.
"he didn't pay more taxes than he is supposed to WWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH"
So the crowd that had a freakin fit over Hillary & the Clinton Foundation does not care if Trump's policies enrich his holdings. You don't care that when Trump meets with the Japanese PM that Ivanka tags along to get help pushing her fashion line in Japan. You don't care that Trumps talks to the Taiwan PM when he is trying to get in on a major development there.

You bitched for 8 years that you didn't see Obama's college transcripts for Christ's sake.

Not only is Trump a crybaby but those who voted for him are the world's greatest hypocrites.
So you want to compare government pay for play to personal enrichment through legal means? LMAO
The Japanese meeting was unofficial and it was at his home. Grow up.
Why would I care he talked to a leader from Taiwan?
I didn't bitch about that for 8 years you delusional retard.
And wtf does that have to do with his taxes? Derailing your own thread already?

Lets compare.

Lets compare donations to the Clinton Foundation from which the Clintons took no money to your orange blowhard buddy using his position as President Elect to enrich his own wallet. It does not make a difference if he met them ion his private office or spoke over the phone.
You don't know what he is doing you partisan dumbfuck. He isn't even President yet FFS.
It was an unofficial meeting.
Goddamn dude, grow up.
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.
Not many on the right cared about his taxes. Why do libtards assume everyone is worked up over what they're worked up over? Ooops, guess I answered my own question.

Conflict of interest? He shouldn't have run for president since he came from the private sector?

Questions aren't answers and saying "not many cared" isn't a defense to why he's lying to your face and you believe he will ever release them as he said he would.

But, what do they say? Ah yes, don't take Trump's words seriously. But take them seriously.
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.

You mean like you have demonstrated how much you care by identifying the law used to circumvent paying taxes?
You are are just plain stupid. It is not about paying taxes it is about his sources of income & where his investments are & to whom he owes money.

No wonder you voted for Trump. He did carry the uneducated voter bracket.

No. I didn't vote for Trump. You just happen to support Oligarchies as long as the players are on your team. Be the partisan hack you were meant to be.
Yet another Trumpette running away from their vote.

You desperately run away from the truth.
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.

Setting aside that he is under no obligation to release his tax returns, how is not doing so "yet another example of how he lied to his base". Please be specific now.
He said he would release his returns. He has not.

He challenged Obama that if Obama released his birth certificate (long form) that he would release his tax returns. Obama has released his BC Trump's return release NEVER HAPPENED

In Jan of 2015, the giant Cheeto said he would release his returns imminently. "We're working on that now," he said. "I have big returns, as you know, and I have everything all approved and very beautiful and we'll be working that over in the next period of time." NOTHING

Your buddy is a liar. He never intended to release his returns. Being under audit ( if he was as he has never proved it) is no excuse. Nixon released his & they were under audit.
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.
Are you also upset about Big Ears refusal to release his college records from Occidental College, Harvard Law, and Columbia...his medical records, passport??? Or any scholarly articles he wrote.
Where are Trump's transcripts, scholarly articles, passport?
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.

You mean like you have demonstrated how much you care by identifying the law used to circumvent paying taxes?
You are are just plain stupid. It is not about paying taxes it is about his sources of income & where his investments are & to whom he owes money.

No wonder you voted for Trump. He did carry the uneducated voter bracket.

No. I didn't vote for Trump. You just happen to support Oligarchies as long as the players are on your team. Be the partisan hack you were meant to be.
Yet another Trumpette running away from their vote.

You desperately run away from the truth.

Feel free to point out the lies?
You mean like you have demonstrated how much you care by identifying the law used to circumvent paying taxes?
You are are just plain stupid. It is not about paying taxes it is about his sources of income & where his investments are & to whom he owes money.

No wonder you voted for Trump. He did carry the uneducated voter bracket.

No. I didn't vote for Trump. You just happen to support Oligarchies as long as the players are on your team. Be the partisan hack you were meant to be.
Yet another Trumpette running away from their vote.

You desperately run away from the truth.

Feel free to point out the lies?

You happen to support Oligarchies as long as the players are on your team.
Lets compare.

Lets compare donations to the Clinton Foundation from which the Clintons took no money to your orange blowhard buddy using his position as President Elect to enrich his own wallet. It does not make a difference if he met them ion his private office or spoke over the phone.
Where's your comparison? You meant compare opinions?
Are Trump's tax returns still being audited? In less than a month, Trump will control the agency auditing those same returns. That isn't a conflict of interest. Nooooooooooo.

The lying Trump will never release his returns as yet another example of how he lied to his base & they could care less.
As long as he doesn't appoint a tax cheat to head up the treasury. That would be bad....

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