Trump's Real Appeal: No PC/BS


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
What the Washington elite and bumper sticker morons don't get is that a large portion of the public is fed up with the politically correct BS that has been propagated throughout this country for the past 50 years: Welfare is called an "entitlement;" spending is called an "investment;" increases in spending are called "cuts;" honest debate is called "racism;" failing to pander to a special interest group is called making "war" on them; people who run out their unemployment insurance are counted as "employed;" and health insurance is equated with health "care."

A growing number of people are waking up to the fact that they have been subjected to misleading propaganda for so long that they can't trust anything the government, major political parties or mainstream media say. At least, Donald Trump says what he means without running every phrase past a focus group to determine how best to mislead voters.

The question is whether any other candidate can and will do the same, even if it "offends" some people. Unless and until someone else does, I'll stick with Trump.
A talent for offending people and not giving a fuck is hardly a good reason to give this man the presidency. Also PC used to just be called politeness and consideration, alas the gentlemanly arts are wasted on you spam munching, light beer swilling, wraslin' watching, sister marrying ignoramuses.
What the Washington elite and bumper sticker morons don't get is that a large portion of the public is fed up with the politically correct BS that has been propagated throughout this country for the past 50 years: Welfare is called an "entitlement;" spending is called an "investment;" increases in spending are called "cuts;" honest debate is called "racism;" failing to pander to a special interest group is called making "war" on them; people who run out their unemployment insurance are counted as "employed;" and health insurance is equated with health "care."

A growing number of people are waking up to the fact that they have been subjected to misleading propaganda for so long that they can't trust anything the government, major political parties or mainstream media say. At least, Donald Trump says what he means without running every phrase past a focus group to determine how best to mislead voters.

The question is whether any other candidate can and will do the same, even if it "offends" some people. Unless and until someone else does, I'll stick with Trump.
Trump's tax plan will reduce his tax to 15% from about 40%. His tax plan will bankrupt the country and push the national debt out of sight, while making him much richer. I think that he is in it for the money....
A talent for offending people and not giving a fuck is hardly a good reason to give this man the presidency. Also PC used to just be called politeness and consideration, alas the gentlemanly arts are wasted on you spam munching, light beer swilling, wraslin' watching, sister marrying ignoramuses.

You spam munching, light beer swilling, wraslin' watching, sister marrying ignoramuses.

I'm just enjoying the Trump man stirring things up....
And for the record...she's my step sister....
Kinda,well sorta....
OK she's my sister....

But you really didn't need to go there....
We're happy and that's what matters...

A lot of times it seems like those complaining about PC just want to act like assholes without being called on it. I see it as an attempt to infringe on my freedom of speech. No one is stopping you from saying what you want. Why shouldn't I be able to give my opinion? You just don't want to face the consequences of your actions. IMO, it's just another instance of the wussification of the right and more proof that all this talk of personal responsibility only applies to "the other guy".
Freedom of speech these days is only for people on the left....
Anyone who says anything the left disagrees with is hammered.
When someone said all lives matter the left shit all over the guy....
And like a pussy he apologized.
A talent for offending people and not giving a fuck is hardly a good reason to give this man the presidency. Also PC used to just be called politeness and consideration, alas the gentlemanly arts are wasted on you spam munching, light beer swilling, wraslin' watching, sister marrying ignoramuses.
"you spam munching, light beer swilling, wraslin' watching, sister marrying ignoramuses."

Your gentlemanly arts are showing.
Freedom of speech these days is only for people on the left. Anyone who says anything the left disagrees with is hammered. When someone said all lives matter the left shit all over the guy. And like a pussy he apologized.
How did he lose his freedom of speech? He acted like an asshole. He got called on it. He thought better of what he said. Anyone remember what happened to the Dixie Chicks when they said something the right didn't like?
Trumps real 'appeal': no substance, no facts, only an appeal to ignorance, hate, fear, and emotionalism.
Not at all. People are angry nothing is getting done for our country. This PC is just out of sight. People are offended when someone says ALL LIVES MATTER?!
Trump has a history of successes, can deal with people, will not take the office for financial gain, and is beholden to no one with an agenda. People feel that FINALLY, the country is the agenda of the next POTUS.
I'll tell you, he is a breath of fresh air!
A talent for offending people and not giving a fuck is hardly a good reason to give this man the presidency. Also PC used to just be called politeness and consideration, alas the gentlemanly arts are wasted on you spam munching, light beer swilling, wraslin' watching, sister marrying ignoramuses.
"you spam munching, light beer swilling, wraslin' watching, sister marrying ignoramuses."

Your gentlemanly arts are showing.

Hehe heh .... well said.

Reminds me of an Ed Schultz show on MSNBC a while back....

He was going to a commercial break and he was finishing up his thought about how we should be respectful to each other
and use better language....

This is what he said.....or somethng like it....

When we come back we will talk about the crazy right wing nutball lunatic,whackjob,off the deep end loser congresswoman
who disagrees with ObamaCare....

How bout that?
Trumps real 'appeal': no substance, no facts, only an appeal to ignorance, hate, fear, and emotionalism.
Where We Are Coming From:

Faculty leaders of the University of California consider certain statements racism and feel they should not be used in class. They call it micro-aggression.

To them, micro-aggressive racist statements are: "America is the land of opportunity." That is seen as perpetuating the myth of meritocracy.

"There is only one race, the human race." Such a statement is seen as denying the individual as a racial/cultural being.

"I believe the most qualified person should get the job." That's "racist" because it gives the impression that "people of color are given extra unfair benefits because of their race."

These expressions don't exhaust the list of micro-aggressions. Other seemingly innocuous statements deemed unacceptable are:

"Everyone can succeed in this society, if they work hard enough,"

"When I look at you, I don't see color," or "Affirmative action is racist."

Perhaps worst of all is, "Where are you from or where were you born?"

For more of this, see a document releasedby The College Fix titled "Diversity in the Classroom," UCLA Diversity and Faculty Development.

Walter E. Williams - Academic Fascism

This is an example of how bad it is. Walter Williams is a wonderful writer and right on the spot with this thing called "Offensiveness!"

We are waking up and tired of it!
Real Estate agents are no longer allowed to use the term Master bedroom when showing a house....

Some more terms that we can no longer use....

Politically Incorrect Dictionary

I guess at some point I will have to say I'm not white...
I will have to say....
Unfortunately I'm not a person of color....damm
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A talent for offending people and not giving a fuck is hardly a good reason to give this man the presidency. Also PC used to just be called politeness and consideration, alas the gentlemanly arts are wasted on you spam munching, light beer swilling, wraslin' watching, sister marrying ignoramuses.
"you spam munching, light beer swilling, wraslin' watching, sister marrying ignoramuses."

Your gentlemanly arts are showing.

Hehe heh .... well said.

Reminds me of an Ed Schultz show on MSNBC a while back....

He was going to a commercial break and he was finishing up his thought about how we should be respectful to each other
and use better language....

This is what he said.....or somethng like it....

When we come back we will talk about the crazy right wing nutball lunatic,whackjob,off the deep end loser congresswoman
who disagrees with ObamaCare....

How bout that?
Can I say, it would be expected? Consider the source!
Real Estate agents are no longer allowed to use the term Master bedroom when showing a house....

Some more terms that we can no longer use....

Politically Incorrect Dictionary

I guess at some point I will have to say I'm not white...
I will have to say....
Unfortunately I'm not a person of color....damm
Some of them are a hoot!

Check out :

midget - vertically challenged

failure - success deferred

criminal - behaviorally challenged

janitor - custodial artist

For how long now on this site has the left joined forces and united and set their avatars to show republican candidates with clown faces
and every post mentioning clown car candidates.
They boasted about Hillary running away with the election...

Well ....
Why are you guys even spending time bitching about Trump?

He's the head clown....

Or are you getting a bit nervous about Queen Hillary and her coronation?
For how long now on this site has the left joined forces and united and set their avatars to show republican candidates with clown faces
and every post mentioning clown car candidates.
They boasted about Hillary running away with the election...

Well ....
Why are you guys even spending time bitching about Trump?

He's the head clown....

Or are you getting a bit nervous about Queen Hillary and her coronation?
The clown faces were a just reprisal for the Obama joker faces, sure.


ABC as mi esposa says: Anybody But Clinton

Her fall from grace will open the Democratic primaries. Let the center left actually have a choice like the GOP.

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