Trump's Present and Future possible indictments

Donald woke up to THREE embarrassing realities this morningā€¦

1. Donors just learned Donald is wasting MILLIONS of their dollars to pay witnesses to praise him.

ABC News reported today that Donaldā€™s expert witnesses were paid an hourly rate ranging from $350 to $1,595 for their testimony on the NYC fraud trialā€¦ to a total of around $2.45 MILLION. Much of the money came from Donaldā€™s Save America PAC.

Why is this so bad for him?

Donaldā€™s wealth and fame come mostly from his convincing people he was much richer than he actually was. Now the curtain is finally pulled back on the humiliatingreality that Donald needs to crowd-source MILLIONS of dollars to pay ā€œexpertsā€ to testify on his behalf.

As Donaldā€™s flimsy house of cards teeters towards total collapse, Iā€™ll be on the front lines to report each and every humiliating detail.

2. The FEC could force Donald to pay back every dollar of donor money he uses:

Donald is receiving donations to his PAC, and then using that money for legal fees and expert witnesses. That is sketchy as hell.

The FEC could hear a case at any time to examine whether this is a legitimate use of campaign funds. With the costs heā€™d be forced to pay back, that would be devastating to him.

3. Spending millions on witnesses has BACKFIRED on Donaldā€¦ spectacularly:

On Friday, Letitia James dropped the bombshell that Donaldā€™s expert witnesses actually helped HER case and hurt his. šŸ˜‚

She explained that Donaldā€™s own witnesses proved his statement of financial condition was neither "proper nor reasonable." One of his witnesses, an accounting professor, admitted "the value of Donald Trump's triplex was inflated.ā€

Recent estimates say Donald has spent upwards of $37 Million of PAC money for his legal fees. Considering heā€™ll likely owe $250 Million after his fraud case is over, Donald will find himself BROKE.

Donald just announced on his bankrupt social media platform that he is canceling his court appearance, and will not go back on the witness stand Monday to testify in his $250 million civil fraud trial.

In an angry, all-caps Truth social post, Donald claimed, ā€œI already testified to everything & have nothing more to say other than this is a complete & total election interference (Biden campaign!) witch huntā€


Hereā€™s why we should all mock at Donald tonight:

Just Thursday, Donald attorney Alina Habba told the world Donald was not only ready to testify, but he was chomping at the bit.

ā€œHe will open himself up to whatever they want because heā€™s not afraid. People that are afraid cower. President Trump doesnā€™t cower,ā€ she said.

Iā€™m pretty sure Donaldā€™s reversal is the dictionary definition of ā€œcowering.ā€ And he ripped the rug out from his lawyer, too.

Thereā€™s more.

I asked legal expert Joe Gallina why he thought Donald ā€œchanged his mindā€ about testifying. His answer sounds about right:

ā€œWith the gag order back in place, there is no way Donaldā€™s testimony wouldnā€™t have landed him in jail.

ā€œHe would have attacked the court, he would have done exactly what he was told he couldnā€™t do, and he would have faced Engoronā€™s wrath,ā€ Gallina predicted. And, of course, thereā€™s an even bigger reason . . . The last time Donald was on the stand, he made a lot of questionable claims that damaged his case .ā€

What now? Donaldā€™s case should wrap up in the next few weeks and so far, itā€™s gone horribly for him.

While I know my uncle is a clown, I swear to you I thought this was a joke when I first heard it. But itā€™s true:

Donald, in his latest pathetic Truth Social post, announced the release of the ā€œMUGSHOT EDITIONā€ (sigh) of his ā€œTRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS.ā€ Anyone who buys all 47 of the complete set will include a piece of the suit he wore for his mugshot photo. "Donā€™t wait, theyā€™ll go FAST (I believe!),ā€ he added.

I know Donald. He has no shame and is equally comfortable putting his name of buildings, steaks, and fake universities. But this is a new low even for him ā€“ and it reeks of desperation.

Even Lower Low​

Despite the jokes about how hard-up Donald must be in order to sell the clothes off his back (literally), hereā€™s something the corporate media missed: Itā€™s not the suit.

Itā€™s the gala invite that came with the promotion. Thatā€™s right! He claims that anybody who purchases the complete set will ā€œget an invite to a Gala Dinnerā€ with him at Mar-a-Lago if you buy his trading cards with their delusional illustrations.

You, too, can win a chance (itā€™s a sweepstake, not a guarantee) to sit with the man and watch him eat well-done steak with extra ketchup at Mar-a-Lagoā€¦ assuming Letitia James hasnā€™t taken Mar-a-Lago away from him before then.

Donald will sell access to anybody if they chip in a few bucks if it will help him pay the people whose job it is to keep him out of an orange jumpsuit.

Readers of my Substack already know that Donaldā€™s legal bills are mounting and at least half of them are paid with donor money from his Save America PAC.

Why is this so bad for him?

Donald has to face the fact that not only do the courts know the Trump Organization inflated his assets and he lied about his wealth, but the public knows it too.

If thatā€™s not humiliating enough, now they know he must rely on donations to his PAC to help pay his mounting legal billsā€”because he canā€™t afford it.

To make matters even worse for Donald, his lawyers are doing a terrible job. This year alone:

  1. In NYC, The Trump Organization was found guilty of 17 criminal charges, including tax fraud and conspiracy. Now, only damages must be decided. Theyā€™ll be HUGE!
  2. Donald has lost BOTH gag order cases, and they are now in effect. Jail time in 3ā€¦ 2ā€¦
  3. A federal judge ruled that E. Jean Carroll's defamation lawsuit against Donald Trump can proceed, after she already won the first case. And heā€™s defamed her AGAIN.
  4. A federal judge in Florida fined Donald Trump and his attorney nearly $1 million for filing frivolous lawsuits against Hillary Clinton and others. But her emails!!
Donald once promised weā€™d get tired of winning.

No, Donald. We are not tired.

After all the pain youā€™ve inflicted on our country, weā€™re excitedā€¦ to watch you lose.

Per the Daily Beast:

ā€œNew tax filings show Trumpā€™s legal defense fund raised about $1.6 million over the last six monthsā€ but has reportedly ā€œspent just $28,578.ā€

The stated purpose of the fund, started by long-time Trump advisor Michael Glassner, is to help Donald with his enormous legal fees. However, it has spent ZERO dollars on legal fees. Instead, the fundā€™s largest expense was $18,136 for a party at Mar-a-Lagoā€”while the rest of the money is NOT being used for its intended purpose.

Why would a fund created by to supposedly cover legal fees instead put money directly into Donaldā€™s pocket? What does Donald know about it?

I shared these findings with attorney Joe Gallina. He saw immediate red flags:

RECEIPTS: The legal fundā€™s IRS form shows the top expense is Mar-a-Lago
Gallina said, ā€œNon-profits like the Patriot Legal Defense Fund have a fiduciary duty to their donors to use their resources for their stated purpose. This is a fundamental principle of non-profit law. If a non-profit misuses funds, it is FRAUD.ā€

The last time a Donald-related fund faced scrutiny, people went to prison.

BUILD THE WALL co-founder Brian Kolfage was sentenced to four years in prison for pocketing money raised to build a wall on the US-Mexico border, after falsely promising donors all funds would go to the project.

Two other co-defendants, Andrew Badolato and Timothy Shea, were sentenced to three and five years in prison respectively. Steve Bannon was also charged in the scheme received a last-minute pardon from Donald at the end of his term. Heā€™ll face NY state related charges in 2024 ā€” and Donald canā€™t pardon him on state charges.

This is the level of corruption and potentially criminal activity that Donald constantly surrounds himself with and condones.

It is up to us to make enough noise that these crimes donā€™t fall below the radar.

So hereā€™s my promise: I am not giving him a free pass, ever. Everyone needs to know about thisā€”and prosecutors shouldnā€™t ignore it.

What now?

The truth is out. Attorneys have seen the records of the fundā€™s expenses. Donald and his organizations are already hemorrhaging money in order to cover their legal bills. The possibility that this latest in a long line of Donaldā€™s grifts gets SHUT DOWN puts him in even greater danger of financial devastation. Sad.

Itā€™s long past time for all of the deceit, all of the crimes, and all of the fraud to be exposed. Itā€™s time for Donald and his accomplices and enablers to face justice. And we need to keep chipping away in order to make sure all the injustices are brought to light and all of the perpetrators are held accountable.

[The Federal Cases]

If all the criminal investigations into former President Donald Trump end in conviction, then Trump will be a true renaissance man of crime.

The FBI searched Mar-a-Lago, Trumpā€™s Florida residence because, as federal prosecutors said in a fiery court filing in August, they believed not only did the former president possess ā€œdozensā€ of boxes ā€œlikely to contain classified informationā€ but also that ā€œefforts were likely taken to obstruct the governmentā€™s investigation.ā€ In that search, the FBI said it did remove over 100 classified documents, some of which reportedly contained information about nuclear weapons. Thatā€™s all part of just one investigation into possible violations of the Espionage Act, the improper handling of federal records, and obstruction of a federal investigation.

Meanwhile, a second federal investigation is looking into the January 6 attack on the Capitol and broader efforts to overturn the 2020 election, an issue that obviously could implicate the man who spent most of the 2020 lame-duck period trying to erase his loss to President Joe Biden.

In November, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Jack Smith, a veteran prosecutor who previously oversaw war crimes prosecutions from an office in The Hague, as a special counsel in charge of these two Justice Department investigations into Trump.

In Georgia, a number of Trump allies were subpoenaed as part of a state criminal investigation into interference with the 2020 election in their state specifically. Trump consigliere Rudy Giuliani is a target of the investigation. Trump could also be implicated, and even criminally charged, before this Georgia investigation concludes. In a post-election call with Georgiaā€™s Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Trump told the stateā€™s top election official that he wants ā€œto find 11,780 votes.ā€ Biden defeated Trump in Georgia by 11,779 votes.

(On February 16, a Georgia judge released extremely limited excerptsfrom a report laying out this investigationā€™s conclusions. These brief excerpts, however, give very little insight into whether anyone will be charged with a crime, beyond a vague assertion that a majority of the grand jury overseeing the investigation ā€œbelieves that perjury may have been committed by one or more witnesses testifying before it.ā€)

Biden possesed dozens of Boxed containing classified material. In much less secure locations. Proof that Democrats are traitors.
Biden possesed dozens of Boxed containing classified material. In much less secure locations. Proof that Democrats are traitors.
So did Pence. So have others taken documents. But they returned instead of trying to keep them.

There, case solved.

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