Trump's new plan for legal immigrants

1st post
El Dumpster said that his new plan will now make it illegal for new immigrants to get welfare for their first 5 years.

Its been the law for years.

This is how fucking stupid Trump is & how easily duped the Trumpetts are as they cheered.

My God people.
Trump knows how stupid Americans are. Probably learned while slopping reality TV at them during The Apprentice. Look at Pismoe above. Dumb as a box of rocks.

of course the real way to win over your fellow countrymen is to call them idiots. Why don't you throw in a few ists/ics/ism's for good measure.

Cry me a river Marty.
I take it based on your post, you never read your fellow rightwinger posts,,never.
Try it sometime and then comeback and tell us again, it's not your side of the aisle that "call them idiots" or "few ists/ics/ism's for good measure", it's just the other side that does that!
It just drives me nuts, when people pull that shit. Get a life Marty in reality land for a change.

Do you have a point, or is this just a post to assuage your own timid ego?
Well he did say he loved the poorly educated

Slack jaws on display

rump called for a new law barring immigrants from receiving welfare for at least five years at a rally on Wednesday. But neither Trump nor nearly 6,000 of his die-hard supporters seemed to realize that the law has already existed for more than 20 years.

Trump received a standing ovation and pledged his administration would put the legislation into effect “very shortly.”


Trump proposes a law that's existed for 20 years
thing is that the old law was just never enforced by previous administrations including mexican lover 'gwb' and then mrobama who both want to flood the USA with mexicans and other third worlders . ------------ Just repeating what i said in an earlier post in this thread .
5th post
El Dumpster said that his new plan will now make it illegal for new immigrants to get welfare for their first 5 years.

Its been the law for years.

This is how fucking stupid Trump is & how easily duped the Trumpetts are as they cheered.

My God people.
That is not true. There are qualified and non-qualified categories. Legal immigrants who qualify are able to use tax payer funded assistance.

To qualify:

  • lawful permanent residents, or LPRs (people with green cards)
  • refugees, people granted asylum or withholding of deportation/removal, and conditional entrants
  • people granted parole by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for a period of at least one year
  • Cuban and Haitian entrants
  • certain abused immigrants, their children, and/or their parents
  • certain survivors of trafficking
Overview of Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs - National Immigration Law Center
maybe the law has never been enforced by mrobama and currently not enforced by mrobamas people that remain in positions of power . No matter what , we Deplorables liked the announcement being made . And it may send the message to the mrobama 'curs' that still have jobs in government that they better start enforcing the law . --------------------------- in ending my thoughts on Trumps announcement last night on imported people and welfare , it was a good thing to say at last nights 're election rally' RDave !!
Thats a nice spin try but not what Trump said. He presented this like it was a new idea and new rules that he was going to institute:

"I believe the time has come for new immigration rules which say those seeking admission into our country must be able to support themselves financially and should not use welfare for a period of at least five years,"


That was only one of the many lies/misrepresentations he had in his speech... The man in incapable of being honest.
-------------------------------you may not like that Trump is smarter than lefties but he is. You can read my thoughts in my first post and Trumps words are his words and his base loves Trumps words no matter what you think of them Slade .
I agree with you that his words are his words and that his base loves him no matter what he says. The problem is his words aren't often true or factual. This topic is a case in point. I don't give respect to people who cannot be honest who lie and manipulate to get what they want. You might think that makes him smart, I simply think it just makes him a bully
------------------------------------- a BULLY eh , oh no . You sound like a widdle kid as you say , he is a BULLY [chuckle] Slade .
El Dumpster said that his new plan will now make it illegal for new immigrants to get welfare for their first 5 years.

Its been the law for years.

This is how fucking stupid Trump is & how easily duped the Trumpetts are as they cheered.

My God people.
why do want to give tax dollars to illegals? Are you a traitor?
El Dumpster said that his new plan will now make it illegal for new immigrants to get welfare for their first 5 years.

Its been the law for years.

This is how fucking stupid Trump is & how easily duped the Trumpetts are as they cheered.

My God people.
That is not true. There are qualified and non-qualified categories. Legal immigrants who qualify are able to use tax payer funded assistance.

To qualify:

  • lawful permanent residents, or LPRs (people with green cards)
  • refugees, people granted asylum or withholding of deportation/removal, and conditional entrants
  • people granted parole by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for a period of at least one year
  • Cuban and Haitian entrants
  • certain abused immigrants, their children, and/or their parents
  • certain survivors of trafficking
Overview of Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs - National Immigration Law Center

1996 law: "After these laws’ enactment, most lawfully residing immigrants were barred from receiving assistance under the major federal benefits programs for five years or longer" From your article.

Law since 1996 yet your orange buddy said he had this great idea.
El Dumpster said that his new plan will now make it illegal for new immigrants to get welfare for their first 5 years.

Its been the law for years.

This is how fucking stupid Trump is & how easily duped the Trumpetts are as they cheered.

My God people.
why do want to give tax dollars to illegals? Are you a traitor?

My post said no such thing. You assholes don't know the difference between legal alien residents & undocumented aliens.
10th post
El Dumpster said that his new plan will now make it illegal for new immigrants to get welfare for their first 5 years.

Its been the law for years.

This is how fucking stupid Trump is & how easily duped the Trumpetts are as they cheered.

My God people.
why do want to give tax dollars to illegals? Are you a traitor?

My post said no such thing. You assholes don't know the difference between legal alien residents & undocumented aliens.
You support giving illegals tax dollars. Therefore you must be a traitor. Why do you support criminals? Why do you want to see the USA hurt? Why do you hate Americans?
thing is that the old law was just never enforced by previous administrations including mexican lover 'gwb' and then mrobama who both want to flood the USA with mexicans and other third worlders . ------------ Just repeating what i said in an earlier post in this thread .
Bullshit. You keep repeatring your crap does not make it any better than the first time.

Obama beefed up border security, Dumbass. Illegal immigration was down under Obama.
El Dumpster said that his new plan will now make it illegal for new immigrants to get welfare for their first 5 years.

Its been the law for years.

This is how fucking stupid Trump is & how easily duped the Trumpetts are as they cheered.

My God people.
why do want to give tax dollars to illegals? Are you a traitor?

My post said no such thing. You assholes don't know the difference between legal alien residents & undocumented aliens.
You support giving illegals tax dollars. Therefore you must be a traitor. Why do you support criminals? Why do you want to see the USA hurt? Why do you hate Americans?
Proving once again that Texans are idiots.
thing is that the old law was just never enforced by previous administrations including mexican lover 'gwb' and then mrobama who both want to flood the USA with mexicans and other third worlders . ------------ Just repeating what i said in an earlier post in this thread .
Bullshit. You keep repeatring your crap does not make it any better than the first time.

Obama beefed up border security, Dumbass. Illegal immigration was down under Obama.
----------------------------------- you are funny when you get mad and try acting like a bully [chuckle] . But let those that read the posted reasoning decide . Plus let those that know the traitorous dems , hilary , gwb , juan mccain and mrobama read and decide . There is no sense in YOU becoming mad and frantic as we all know you and your 'ilks' plans for the USA and future young American kids RealDave .
El Dumpster said that his new plan will now make it illegal for new immigrants to get welfare for their first 5 years.

Its been the law for years.

This is how fucking stupid Trump is & how easily duped the Trumpetts are as they cheered.

My God people.
why do want to give tax dollars to illegals? Are you a traitor?

My post said no such thing. You assholes don't know the difference between legal alien residents & undocumented aliens.
You support giving illegals tax dollars. Therefore you must be a traitor. Why do you support criminals? Why do you want to see the USA hurt? Why do you hate Americans?
Proving once again that Texans are idiots.
Can't stand the truth so you call all Texans liars.
thing is that the old law was just never enforced by previous administrations including mexican lover 'gwb' and then mrobama who both want to flood the USA with mexicans and other third worlders . ------------ Just repeating what i said in an earlier post in this thread .
Bullshit. You keep repeatring your crap does not make it any better than the first time.

Obama beefed up border security, Dumbass. Illegal immigration was down under Obama.
biggest lie today. obastard didn't do shit for the borders. the border patrol even said so.
El Dumpster said that his new plan will now make it illegal for new immigrants to get welfare for their first 5 years.

Its been the law for years.

This is how fucking stupid Trump is & how easily duped the Trumpetts are as they cheered.

My God people.
why do want to give tax dollars to illegals? Are you a traitor?

My post said no such thing. You assholes don't know the difference between legal alien residents & undocumented aliens.
You support giving illegals tax dollars. Therefore you must be a traitor. Why do you support criminals? Why do you want to see the USA hurt? Why do you hate Americans?
------------------------------------------ he loves diversity and its poor and uneducated third worlders . Heck , many of these third worlders are REALLY , really poor and will do anything for Free food , a pair of cheap Adidas , a few bucks , disposable diapers , bandaids and penicillan for their various diseases all paid for by American taxpayers RealDave .
Last edited:
Now here's what's been going on.

"A Center for Immigration Studies report found 51 percent of legal and illegal immigrant households used at least one welfare program in 2012.

Fox News
reported the White House would cite the report, which also found that immigrant households use food programs and Medicaid about twice as often as native households.

A more recent report found the average legal and illegal immigrant household costs taxpayers $6,234 in federal welfare benefits each year."

Trump Takes to the Stage and Makes a "5 Year" Proposal About Immigrants and Welfare

A few months ago I had to spend 4 days in Gaithersburg, MD. I stayed in the Holiday Inn at $139.00 per night and breakfast was $15.00. There were a bunch of scruffy looking people around the outside and in the parking lot and they would approach everyone and ask for cigarettes and money. One guy asked me if I had any pot. I went in to the desk and there were people in the lobby and in the breakfast room. I asked the desk clerk who those people were and she told me they were homeless from DC and they were staying there at the HI until more Section 8 housing became available in nearby Germantown. She told me they had been there a year and it would be another 6 months till the housing was ready. Each of them had a breakfast ticket too. School buses came to the front lobby to pick up kids and drop them off in the afternoon. I'll bet the average taxpayer doesn't know about this.
El Dumpster said that his new plan will now make it illegal for new immigrants to get welfare for their first 5 years.

Its been the law for years.

This is how fucking stupid Trump is & how easily duped the Trumpetts are as they cheered.

My God people.
why do want to give tax dollars to illegals? Are you a traitor?

My post said no such thing. You assholes don't know the difference between legal alien residents & undocumented aliens.
You support giving illegals tax dollars. Therefore you must be a traitor. Why do you support criminals? Why do you want to see the USA hurt? Why do you hate Americans?
Davey Boy will skip post #59

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