Trump's Moment of do his supporters handle it?

Your response is typical of the right wing response. After years of angrily insisting that the Iraq war was either right, well managed, and a success, dispite moutains of evidence to the contrary, the same far right wingers who went down with the Bush ship are now cheering Donald Trump for saying what these same right wingers condemned Barack Obama for saying. The hypocricy is astounding, obvious, and undeniable!!!!!
was responsible for four american deaths

Quit spewing lies. Prove that Hillary was responsible for four American deaths.....even a Republican committee on Benghazi found no you're just blabbering drivel.

Facts? Or is it hearsay?
Then, what is all of this?
Please scroll down to the declassified transcripts of the top nine military personnel who oversaw Benghazi, who testified under oath with verified evidence to the Armed Servies Benghazi Commitee.
Those are the facts. Read them.
Committee Oversight of Benghazi Attack - Committee Actions - Armed Services Republicans
The fucking LIBs have been screaming it 'was the moment of truth' for Trump for months.
The real moment of truth is when all you LIB pussies are sitting on your couches next January watching Trump's inauguration.
I wonder how many of you assholes will be on 'suicide watch' by then?
The next SCJ will be Trump's and the Senate's choice. In the following eight years up to 5-6 more REP SCJ's. Decades of conservative SC rulings.
All because stupid Debbie told Biden to fuck off. She told him: "This election belongs to someone with a c**T!"
A Biden/Warren ticket would have won it for the DEMs hands down.
Typical LIBs: A dollar short and a day late.
Your response is typical of the right wing response. After years of angrily insisting that the Iraq war was either right, well managed, and a success, dispite moutains of evidence to the contrary, the same far right wingers who went down with the Bush ship are now cheering Donald Trump for saying what these same right wingers condemned Barack Obama for saying. The hypocricy is astounding, obvious, and undeniable!!!!!
Your response is typical of the right wing response. After years of angrily insisting that the Iraq war was either right, well managed, and a success, dispite moutains of evidence to the contrary, the same far right wingers who went down with the Bush ship are now cheering Donald Trump for saying what these same right wingers condemned Barack Obama for saying. The hypocricy is astounding, obvious, and undeniable!!!!!

Hillary saw the exact same intel that everyone else did.
Still going to vote for her???????????
was responsible for four american deaths

Quit spewing lies. Prove that Hillary was responsible for four American deaths.....even a Republican committee on Benghazi found no you're just blabbering drivel.

Facts? Or is it hearsay?
Then, what is all of this?
Please scroll down to the declassified transcripts of the top nine military personnel who oversaw Benghazi, who testified under oath with verified evidence to the Armed Servies Benghazi Commitee.
Those are the facts. Read them.
Committee Oversight of Benghazi Attack - Committee Actions - Armed Services Republicans
so curious, did you read all of that, just wondering if you took the time. State Department knew of an issue August 6th. Read General Ham's testimony,

Page 31

"Mr. 1ssa. So it's fair to say that as of. August 6th, 2012, DOD
and the State Department had an acute awareness that Title 10· personnel,
and I don't want to put words in your mouth, but needed to be protected
from any activity that could, absent same agreement that wasn't in place,
put them in peril of domestic arrest and prosecution?"
Not really.......but on such a major that Republican/conservatives have been defending?
not all of them have....and the ones who have may not be one issue people and have decided that regardless of that past happening they like the rest of what the guy is saying....just my take...personally i wont even consider the guy,to old and talking about doing things that will not be done...

The majority of Republican/conservatives on this Forum defend Bush and claim that he didn't know there were no WMDs and I'm pretty certain that many of them support Trump. And it just shows that they are quick to dismiss something they used to hold dear, to embrace someone they think is going to give them a victory, even though most of what Trump says is just said because he knows that's what they like to hear.
thats not it.....they support bush's contention that they were there because before bush clinton and many other leaders were saying he had them too......and many democrats/liberals here do the same thing with the people they people from both parties have many of the same characteristics like...."my party is right,your party is the one who has it wrong".....we see this all day long here from these people,EVEN IF their party is wrong....mostly i am talking about the farther left and right with this...

Congressmen voted on the war of Iraq because they were lied to by Bush/Cheney. Congress and any one that voted with the information provided them by Bush/Cheney is not to blame....only Bush/Cheney are to blame for their lies. They knew the truth and lied. Republicans/conservatives that are uninformed and less educated have claimed that Bush didn't lie....and now their hero Trump is telling them different and they can either call him a liar or agree with CK did. Most of them don't have the guts to do so.
so pres.clinton and all those others in the world were lying too right?....

They weren't the ones continuing to claim that Saddam still had WMDs.....only Bush and Cheney.
Er, we don't have any wacka-doodles running on the "blue" side........:cool:


Would that any of the Republican candidates were 1/100th as smart as Bernie.

Sanders is a loon, plain and simple. The man is the most extreme candidate running in this race and the fact that half your party is lining up behind him says all we to know about today's Democrats. You guys have taken nuttery to a whole new level.

He only seems extreme to those who side with the rigid, anal-retentive regressive right. And, the same can be said about the wrong-wing.......the majority support the looniest of them all, who promises everything and his supporters believe that he is going to pay for everything.:badgrin:
and you believe Hillary. Just makes you a hypocrite.

If Bernie gets the nomination I will vote for him. Mickey Mouse would be a better president than any of the Republican candidates on the clown bus.
was responsible for four american deaths

Quit spewing lies. Prove that Hillary was responsible for four American deaths.....even a Republican committee on Benghazi found no you're just blabbering drivel.

You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

Until you can post a link showing that Hillary was found responsible for four American deaths your posts continuing to say that will be considered drivel...that is what it is.
Er, we don't have any wacka-doodles running on the "blue" side........:cool:


Would that any of the Republican candidates were 1/100th as smart as Bernie.

Sanders is a loon, plain and simple. The man is the most extreme candidate running in this race and the fact that half your party is lining up behind him says all we to know about today's Democrats. You guys have taken nuttery to a whole new level.

He only seems extreme to those who side with the rigid, anal-retentive regressive right. And, the same can be said about the wrong-wing.......the majority support the looniest of them all, who promises everything and his supporters believe that he is going to pay for everything.:badgrin:

He is extreme to any sane person with at least a first grade understanding of how money works.
He has proposed to raise taxes.....that plus reducing the military will generate enough money to pay for the things he suggests. I'm not a Sanders supporter, but will vote for him over any of the Republican clowns with no experience and regressive ideologies.

And as far as Trump goes, he has a few positions that are quite out there himself, but he isn't so much an extremist as he is a blustering, pompous asshat.
Trump is the looney one....he promises to reduce taxes and hasn't explained where he is going to get the money to pay for all his promises. I have to agree that he is a blustering, pompous ass.
He has proposed to raise taxes.....that plus reducing the military will generate enough money to pay for the things he suggests. I'm not a Sanders supporter, but will vote for him over any of the Republican clowns with no experience and regressive ideologies.

The tax increases he has proposed won't even come close to paying for what he suggests, but what they will do is plunge our economy into a depression. If you think the middle class is shrinking now there won't be one left in this country if that asshat gets his way.

It really amazes me how people can fall for this shit.
not all of them have....and the ones who have may not be one issue people and have decided that regardless of that past happening they like the rest of what the guy is saying....just my take...personally i wont even consider the guy,to old and talking about doing things that will not be done...

The majority of Republican/conservatives on this Forum defend Bush and claim that he didn't know there were no WMDs and I'm pretty certain that many of them support Trump. And it just shows that they are quick to dismiss something they used to hold dear, to embrace someone they think is going to give them a victory, even though most of what Trump says is just said because he knows that's what they like to hear.
thats not it.....they support bush's contention that they were there because before bush clinton and many other leaders were saying he had them too......and many democrats/liberals here do the same thing with the people they people from both parties have many of the same characteristics like...."my party is right,your party is the one who has it wrong".....we see this all day long here from these people,EVEN IF their party is wrong....mostly i am talking about the farther left and right with this...

Congressmen voted on the war of Iraq because they were lied to by Bush/Cheney. Congress and any one that voted with the information provided them by Bush/Cheney is not to blame....only Bush/Cheney are to blame for their lies. They knew the truth and lied. Republicans/conservatives that are uninformed and less educated have claimed that Bush didn't lie....and now their hero Trump is telling them different and they can either call him a liar or agree with CK did. Most of them don't have the guts to do so.
so pres.clinton and all those others in the world were lying too right?....

They weren't the ones continuing to claim that Saddam still had WMDs.....only Bush and Cheney.
they were no longer in office were they?.....regardless they were saying the same shit were they not?....
The majority of Republican/conservatives on this Forum defend Bush and claim that he didn't know there were no WMDs and I'm pretty certain that many of them support Trump. And it just shows that they are quick to dismiss something they used to hold dear, to embrace someone they think is going to give them a victory, even though most of what Trump says is just said because he knows that's what they like to hear.
thats not it.....they support bush's contention that they were there because before bush clinton and many other leaders were saying he had them too......and many democrats/liberals here do the same thing with the people they people from both parties have many of the same characteristics like...."my party is right,your party is the one who has it wrong".....we see this all day long here from these people,EVEN IF their party is wrong....mostly i am talking about the farther left and right with this...

Congressmen voted on the war of Iraq because they were lied to by Bush/Cheney. Congress and any one that voted with the information provided them by Bush/Cheney is not to blame....only Bush/Cheney are to blame for their lies. They knew the truth and lied. Republicans/conservatives that are uninformed and less educated have claimed that Bush didn't lie....and now their hero Trump is telling them different and they can either call him a liar or agree with CK did. Most of them don't have the guts to do so.
so pres.clinton and all those others in the world were lying too right?....

They weren't the ones continuing to claim that Saddam still had WMDs.....only Bush and Cheney.
they were no longer in office were they?.....regardless they were saying the same shit were they not?....

Not at the time that Bush was wanting to invade Iraq. Clinton said it back in 1998, before Operation Desert, no, he wasn't the one that was saying it in 2002 when Bush/Cheney were using it as an excuse to invade Iraq.
thats not it.....they support bush's contention that they were there because before bush clinton and many other leaders were saying he had them too......and many democrats/liberals here do the same thing with the people they people from both parties have many of the same characteristics like...."my party is right,your party is the one who has it wrong".....we see this all day long here from these people,EVEN IF their party is wrong....mostly i am talking about the farther left and right with this...

Congressmen voted on the war of Iraq because they were lied to by Bush/Cheney. Congress and any one that voted with the information provided them by Bush/Cheney is not to blame....only Bush/Cheney are to blame for their lies. They knew the truth and lied. Republicans/conservatives that are uninformed and less educated have claimed that Bush didn't lie....and now their hero Trump is telling them different and they can either call him a liar or agree with CK did. Most of them don't have the guts to do so.
so pres.clinton and all those others in the world were lying too right?....

They weren't the ones continuing to claim that Saddam still had WMDs.....only Bush and Cheney.
they were no longer in office were they?.....regardless they were saying the same shit were they not?....

Not at the time that Bush was wanting to invade Iraq. Clinton said it back in 1998, before Operation Desert, no, he wasn't the one that was saying it in 2002 when Bush/Cheney were using it as an excuse to invade Iraq.
why would he have to?....he wasnt president anymore.....he never denied he said it....
Trump is captain hindsight. Quick to criticize, quick to insult, quick to judge. But no plan, no leadership, no substance. He reiterates whatever he hears and claims it as his.

I hear that he has leadership skills. What are those? I hear he is a business genius, so why doesn't he talk about what he knows in relation to the job as president? I hear he wrote books but why are other authors names on all his books?

Is he studying the issues? Is he studying the foreign policy and different leaders across the world? Is he studying how the cabinet works, the military chain of command? His role and responsibility as president? I think if he wins he will quit in 6 months and blame everybody but himself.

He thinks he knows it all so he isn't studying or looking up anything. I am critical of trump but also all the other canidates for repub and dem. I don't see any person that stands out. Sad that this is the best they have for the American people.
If his supporters thought that Trump stood with them on every issue, they had a surprise coming when Trump was reminded of his previous stance during the latest GOP debate. He reiterated what the left has been saying and the right-wing has been denying for years. Bush lied....and there were no WMDs.

How do Trump staunch supporters respond to this? Do they agree with Trump or do they dismiss it since he caters to most of their other hate-filled beliefs and ideas?

Who will they defend now? G W Bush or Trump?:popcorn:

Moderator John Dickerson asked Trump point blank if he stood by his 2008 comments that Bush deserved to be impeached for allegedly misleading the public about the reasons for going into Iraq, a reminder that Trump has spent much of his life as a left-leaning critic of the GOP.

Trump didn’t restate his call for impeachment. But he didn’t disavow it, either. “You do whatever you want,” he said, seeming to provide Dickerson with the option of impeaching Bush himself. “You call it whatever you want."

Then Trump went on to say something even more unusual in a Republican primary. He suggested that the former GOP president, George W. Bush, directly lied to the American public in order to overthrow Saddam Hussein.

“I will tell you. They lied. And they said there were weapons of mass destruction and there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction,” Trump said.

Donald Trump: Bush Lied, People Died
If you think objecting to code pink and democrat propaganda phony talking points is 'right wing' then you are a hopeless lefty shill.
thats not it.....they support bush's contention that they were there because before bush clinton and many other leaders were saying he had them too......and many democrats/liberals here do the same thing with the people they people from both parties have many of the same characteristics like...."my party is right,your party is the one who has it wrong".....we see this all day long here from these people,EVEN IF their party is wrong....mostly i am talking about the farther left and right with this...

Congressmen voted on the war of Iraq because they were lied to by Bush/Cheney. Congress and any one that voted with the information provided them by Bush/Cheney is not to blame....only Bush/Cheney are to blame for their lies. They knew the truth and lied. Republicans/conservatives that are uninformed and less educated have claimed that Bush didn't lie....and now their hero Trump is telling them different and they can either call him a liar or agree with CK did. Most of them don't have the guts to do so.
so pres.clinton and all those others in the world were lying too right?....

They weren't the ones continuing to claim that Saddam still had WMDs.....only Bush and Cheney.
they were no longer in office were they?.....regardless they were saying the same shit were they not?....

Not at the time that Bush was wanting to invade Iraq. Clinton said it back in 1998, before Operation Desert, no, he wasn't the one that was saying it in 2002 when Bush/Cheney were using it as an excuse to invade Iraq.

He also said it on Larry King in 2003

Bill Clinton In 2003: ‘We’re Pretty Sure’ Saddam Has WMDs
Congressmen voted on the war of Iraq because they were lied to by Bush/Cheney. Congress and any one that voted with the information provided them by Bush/Cheney is not to blame....only Bush/Cheney are to blame for their lies. They knew the truth and lied. Republicans/conservatives that are uninformed and less educated have claimed that Bush didn't lie....and now their hero Trump is telling them different and they can either call him a liar or agree with CK did. Most of them don't have the guts to do so.
so pres.clinton and all those others in the world were lying too right?....

They weren't the ones continuing to claim that Saddam still had WMDs.....only Bush and Cheney.
they were no longer in office were they?.....regardless they were saying the same shit were they not?....

Not at the time that Bush was wanting to invade Iraq. Clinton said it back in 1998, before Operation Desert, no, he wasn't the one that was saying it in 2002 when Bush/Cheney were using it as an excuse to invade Iraq.

He also said it on Larry King in 2003

Bill Clinton In 2003: ‘We’re Pretty Sure’ Saddam Has WMDs

Clinton wasn't president at that time.....and everyone, including Congress and yourself was going by the information being provided by the WH (Bush/Cheney) to try and blame someone else is what Republican/conservatives do best, because they can't admit that Bush/Cheney were major fuck ups. But, they are quick to blame Hillary for Benghazi...and wail and lament over 4 being killed while glossing over the thousands that are dead due to Bush/Cheney.
He has proposed to raise taxes.....that plus reducing the military will generate enough money to pay for the things he suggests. I'm not a Sanders supporter, but will vote for him over any of the Republican clowns with no experience and regressive ideologies.

The tax increases he has proposed won't even come close to paying for what he suggests, but what they will do is plunge our economy into a depression. If you think the middle class is shrinking now there won't be one left in this country if that asshat gets his way.

It really amazes me how people can fall for this shit.

That the money doesn't add up is what Hillary has said, and why I support her. She is the most qualified of the whole lot....any of the conservative clowns will spend all our tax money trying to repeal Obamacare and continue investigating that is "real looney" - at least Sanders will be trying to do something for the middle-class, not just for his party.

And yes, it is amazing how many people fall for Trump's pie-in-the-sky shit......he seems to be the likely Republican candidate!

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