Trumps deal was not what you think.

They listened to Sleepy Joe, who gave them the impression that the withdrawal would be orderly and not an overnight collapse.

I guess they should have guessed the libs were lying, but fortunately, we still have great Americans like Erik Prince and Dr. Glenn Beck working hard to rescue hostages.

It's never been orderly.
I have yet to make any changes cause for Biden failure or Trump stupidity but let be clear Biden failed at what he was supposed to do and yet you blame Trump, so you should stop the excuses you mindless drone!

My only blame for Trump was in not doing it himself.
Lets start...

Trump signed the deal and was the one who was in charge of the intelligence for a year before... Steve Miller is proudly exclaiming that he broke the system to take in US Friendlies...

You are giving out why Biden din't fix the mess quick enough... Why are you saying who caused the mess?

Trump wanted all the troops home by last Christmas... What would have been like in Kabul in August with no troops?

Biden's mistake is not realising how much a mess Trump left him quick enough..

US Citizens weren't leaving, look at Grandpa link... Those kids flew to Afghanistan in July...

And who is the President now and why did the State Department under Biden administration allow those kids to fly to a country that Biden was planning to pull the troops out of?

See you even shot yourself in the damn foot and know this is Biden failure!
Federal response to COVID under Biden has been a great success..

  • Everyone that wants a vaccine can get one...
  • There is clear message coming from the WH, "Get Vaccinated"
  • COVID is reducing in high vaccinated areas

Actually, Biden has been a complete Failure as far as Corona Virus.

Its still around after more than 8 months of Bidenist rule.

But even worse, Operation Warp Speed has been replaced with Operation Snail's Pace.

No new vaccines, no new therapeutics have been introduced and none are on the near horizon. Sleepy Joe has shown no urgency whatsoever, even though the Delta Variant was known about since inauguration day.
And if he had and the same shit would have happened the OP would call Trump execution of the withdrawal a failure which it was!

The OP likely would have and the Trump supporters would say what a great guy he was for getting us out. It's stuff like this that will bring about the end of the country.
Those private citizens are obligated to stay. They can leave without the permission of Sleepy Joe's regime or the illegitimate Taiibastard Caliphate if they contract with Erik Prince, Dr. Glenn Beck or other great Americans who want to abandon them there.
Until someone puts a human face to these people I have to assume they are not all that interested in being publicly known. Still lots of money to be made there for those willing to take the risk.
The OP likely would have and the Trump supporters would say what a great guy he was for getting us out. It's stuff like this that will bring about the end of the country.
And I would have said Trump failed like he failed with the Kurds!

One thing is for damn sure Biden is President and he could have and should have ordered his administration to do better than what they did and this is never acceptable!
Until someone puts a human face to these people I have to assume they are not all that interested in being publicly known. Still lots of money to be made there for those willing to take the risk.

There is definitely a possibility of profiting in Afghanistan right now. There is $85 billion worth of firearms, helicopters and other equipment that Biden abandoned. If I ran an unlicensed gun dealership out of the trunk of my car, I'd see the possibility of building my inventory.
Yep. This was all on purpose. But it was so GD stupid. If Democraps don't see this blowing up in their faces yet..That's how mother fucking stooopid they are
I know...

Joe Biden should have know only one rule... "Everything Trump touches turns to shit...."

The deal Trump made was bad, real bad... But there was no safe passage in the deal... This was highly unusual but the way Steve Miller was talking this was done more by design rather neglect...

Biden was in a hopeless situation by the time he came in charge... He had only 2500 troops in the country... They were effectively guests of who ever was in charge and that was changing fast... Biden had no leverage to renegotiate with Taliban, that ship had sailed.

But I have asked, normally incoming administration carry on the policies of the previous administrations in the trust that they were doing things right... Biden obviously didn't know how much the previous administration had screwed the whole thing up and was concentrating on COVID and other domestic matter first... In that he was wrong...

But we have asked... What could Biden have done that differently?
He wasn't allowed to significantly increase troop numbers and the definitely weren't fighting Taliban on the ground. They had a deal...

Please explain what he could have done which would have meant less life lost. At the moment this has been relatively low loss of life compared to how bad this could be..
I know...

Joe Biden should have know only one rule... "Everything Trump touches turns to shit...."

The deal Trump made was bad, real bad... But there was no safe passage in the deal... This was highly unusual but the way Steve Miller was talking this was done more by design rather neglect...

Biden was in a hopeless situation by the time he came in charge... He had only 2500 troops in the country... They were effectively guests of who ever was in charge and that was changing fast... Biden had no leverage to renegotiate with Taliban, that ship had sailed.

But I have asked, normally incoming administration carry on the policies of the previous administrations in the trust that they were doing things right... Biden obviously didn't know how much the previous administration had screwed the whole thing up and was concentrating on COVID and other domestic matter first... In that he was wrong...

But we have asked... What could Biden have done that differently?
He wasn't allowed to significantly increase troop numbers and the definitely weren't fighting Taliban on the ground. They had a deal...

Please explain what he could have done which would have meant less life lost. At the moment this has been relatively low loss of life compared to how bad this could be..

Biden was commander in chief, he was allowed to increase troops if he wanted.

He could have asked his allies in Europe that he bragged about having a great relation with to send in men.

He could have threatened the Taliban with destruction if they acted out.
There is definitely a possibility of profiting in Afghanistan right now. There is $85 billion worth of firearms, helicopters and other equipment that Biden abandoned. If I ran an unlicensed gun dealership out of the trunk of my car, I'd see the possibility of building my inventory.
The Afghan government and military abandoned the weapons we left them to fight the Taliban. Remember them?
you retarded, scum demonRATS believe anything scum demonRATS tell pathetic...
xiden is in DC...not TRUMP....xiden FUCKED afghanistan up.... not TRUMP
xiden left thousands of AMERICANS in afghanistan...not TRUMP
xiden left billions of dollars in military weapons....not TRUMP
xiden ruined TRUMPS GREAT ECONOMY....not TRUMP
xiden shits ITS diapers....not TRUMP
anything else you retarded, scum demonRATS want to deny? i'm sure there is
The Afghan government and military abandoned the weapons we left them to fight the Taliban. Remember them?
what part of---XIDEN FUCKED UP AFGHANISTAN, do you not understand?
it is quite obvious, that you live your life in denial of the TRUTH....
stupid, gullible retards believe the scum demonRATS ....nobody else does
The Afghan government and military abandoned the weapons we left them to fight the Taliban. Remember them?

They got beat , but that is no reason for Biden to have allowed the weapons to fall into the hands of the Islamic State.
Still no one has said anything about who all these Americans are who stayed way past the point any reasonable person would have jumped on a plane. Why should their lack of action be the problem of the government? Who are they and why should we care?
what a shame those people don't consist of any1 in your family....your tune would change then....
your bi-polar way of thinking shines on
what part of---XIDEN FUCKED UP AFGHANISTAN, do you not understand?
it is quite obvious, that you live your life in denial of the TRUTH....
stupid, gullible retards believe the scum demonRATS ....nobody else does
Just blaming Biden might be fine for simpletons only interested in partisan bullshit but for those who never want another stupid endless war it is crucial to place the blame where it belongs. People like you will beg for the next war and if you live long enough to see it end you will not have learned a thing.
And who is the President now and why did the State Department under Biden administration allow those kids to fly to a country that Biden was planning to pull the troops out of?
The State Dept doesn’t control the movements of Americans.

We aren’t some shitty authoritarian country.

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