Trump's Damaged Soul and Disordered Personality.

When progs can't criticize for objective reasons, which they often cannot, their "souls" turn to the subjective, e.g., their opponents are racist & immoral.

Objective reasons? Are you serious? This is but one aspect of this mentally ill man's life, he is a narcissist, he is anti intellectual (like most of his supporters), he is debauched, he is immoral (paying for sex with a prostitute when his wife was about to give birth) he is utterly without empathy, nobody in the man's life even likes him (including his wife), and if you wanted to be "objective" and discuss how his two years as President have been, he could just as easily be excoriated for his decisions as President.

But discussing policy with his drooling, mouth breathing supporters is usually an utter waste of time, as they remain oblivious and have no interest in specifics.

Trump is SO mentally challenged that he consistently vocals what are declared ludicrous ideas, only to discover he was right all along. Doesn't slow down the prog. And progs sure know how to twist his words around don't they? Everyday is opposite day for the prog, add their reliance on the subjective.

Trump's proven. I'll take proven all day over he getting his dick wet in strange.

What the fuck are you even babbling about? Are you on drugs?
The ones with damaged souls are the socks creating the Dozen Daily Derangement threads involving Trump.
TDS on full display.
Now that the whole Russian narrative exploded in their face Wile E. Coyote style, in their derangement they try move the focus to Trumps mental health while ignoring their own insanity.
On his last physical scored perfect on cognitive ability even according to libtards favorite biased news site...

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The only mental illness is fully on display by progressives(regressive) on a daily basis.
When progs can't criticize for objective reasons, which they often cannot, their "souls" turn to the subjective, e.g., their opponents are racist & immoral.
I see that you're fairly new here and have limited experience on the board. A word of advise. We progressives and liberals are not stupid or subjective- or in denial about the obvious and horrendous reality that we are facing. You people have your collective heads up that smelly place where the sun don't shine . May the Gods and Goddesses help this country and this earth if you don't come to your senses

I take it you're gay. Doesn't matter to me, but damn dude-ish, you must have put a lot of time and effort into gay-speak.

ILMAO @ the rest of your nonsense too. Progs champion projection. Speak of delusional status and that, how's the Russian investigation going? When will the economy crash under Trump's weight as promised? How about WWIII? How many tissues did you use up the day Trump was elected? Is it hard for you to consider all his accomplishments, our world status, lack of foreign conflicts despite all the prog-speak? At what point was it safe to declare Trump racist? What's less, a 10B wall amortized 100+ years or 50-70 billion annually on illegals? How many genders can there really be? And when can we expect homosexual couples to be equal heterosexual couples?
That is quite an unhinged rant there lady. I can see why you're a Trump lackey-you're just like him. It takes a special kind of demented whacko to weave references to sexual orientation and gender identity into a thread that has nothing to do with either. Apparently you enjoy making a god damned fool of yourself, while contributing nothing to the actual topic. The USMB needs another one like you like I need a hole in my head.

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