TrumpO losing to Obama’s job Growth Record. TrumpO is a loser. Who is to blame.

The Carter recession was the shortest in history and ended July 1980. Reagan took over Jan 1981 and the Great Reagan Recession peaked in Nov and Dec 1982. Carter was NOT president in 1982.
/——/ You didn’t read the link, did you? Let me help.
Early 1980s recession - Wikipedia
The early 1980s recession was a severe global economic recession that affected much of the developed world in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The United States-and Japan exited the recession relatively early, but high unemployment would continue to affect other OECD nations until at least 1985.[1]
Your link never mentions Carter, but it does reference Reagan's 10.8% unemployment rate in December 1982, actually Nov and Dec 1982, so clearly your own link was referring to the Great Reagan Recession and not Carter's shortest recession in history.
/——/ I’m happy to educate you kids.
Failed to control inflation and unemployment
On assuming office in 1977, President Carter inherited an economy that was slowly emerging from a recession. He had severely criticized former President Ford for his failures to control inflation and relieve unemployment, but after four years of the Carter presidency, both inflation and unemployment were considerably worse than at the time of his inauguration. The annual inflation rate rose from 4.8% in 1976 to 6.8% in 1977, 9% in 1978, 11% in 1979, and hovered around 12% at the time of the 1980 election campaign. Although Carter had pledged to eliminate federal deficits, the deficit for the fiscal year 1979 totaled $27.7 billion, and that for 1980 was nearly $59 billion. With approximately 8 million people out of work, the unemployment rate had leveled off to a nationwide average of about 7.7% by the time of the election campaign, but it was considerably higher in some industrial states.
Jimmy Carter on Budget & Economy
So Carter's unemployment rate of 7.7% is BAD, but Reagan's 10.8% UE rate is GOOD. Carter's $59 billion deficit is BAD, but Reagan's
  • FY 1989 - $153 billion.
  • FY 1988 - $155 billion.
  • FY 1987 - $150 billion.
  • FY 1986 - $221 billion.
  • FY 1985 - $212 billion.
  • FY 1984 - $185 billion.
  • FY 1983 - $208 billion.
  • FY 1982 - $128 billion. deficits are GOOD. :cuckoo:

So Carter's unemployment rate of 7.7% is BAD, but Reagan's 10.8% UE rate is GOOD.

Well, after Carter's 7.7%, Carter lost 44 states.
After Reagan's 10.8%, Reagan won 49 states.
Proof of Tramp's claim that the election is rigged! :)
"They" was NOT CBS, "they" was Con$ervative pundit Michael Barone who CBS gave a voice to present the Right-wing whack job point of view, but you knew that already.
I will try one last time.
You claim your numbers prove your crazy assertion. So then if Barrow Alaska has temperatures below usual then we can say there is no global warming. If no one is hiring in Bugtussel Tenesse then that means there are no jobs
My source of numbers is ONE MORE than your source of numbers which was ZERO!!!!!!!
i will try this one more time. Part of me just wants to see what the next childish thing you will pull.
So according to you if Barrow Alaska has temperatures lower then normal we can say there is no global warming. If Afton Wyoming has no jobs available then there is no jobs available in the U.S. If the high school in Portland has not had a school shooting in five years then there never has been a school shooting.

Here is another news agency posting that one of the largest retailers is changing policies because of ACA. Obamacare Is Turning Walmart Workers Into Temps
You might notice that they were at one time backers of the proposed healthcare act.
Again another Right-wing rag, Forbes, parroting the same GOP scripted lie.
The actual data shows PT jobs for economic reasons DECLINED after the PPACA became law and are STILL declining to this very day with the PPACA still in effect.
You have no actual FACTS to back up your lies, only opinions from dishonest Right-wing sources.
So let me guess no matter what news agency I post you will claim they are right wing and lying.

Even showing you that one set of numbers does not create an accurate picture of anything you still insist that they backup everything.

Child you are just completely off the wall.
All you have shown is to you NO set of numbers paints a more accurate picture than actual data . :cuckoo:
all you have shown is nothing will change your delusion. Facts are not something you can say lalalalala I don't believe it. As I have said a incomplete set of numbers is only partial actual data. But hey pretend that you have the answers. Too many understand the real world.
There is nothing incomplete in the BLS data I posted. Your numbers on the other hand are so incomplete you don't have any data at all, not even one scintilla of data.
/——/ However they lost their jobs, Obozo counted the part time jobs as new jobs created.

Obama counted jobs same as always using BLS data.

Why must you lie about Obama all the time?
/—-/ I posted the links proving it earlier. You’re going to dismiss them out of hand because of your need to protect Obozo from criticism.
I posted the links proving it earlier. You’re going to dismiss them out of hand because of your need to protect Obozo from criticism.

You posted nothing that proves Obama counted part time jobs as new jobs in some nefarious way.

Obama counts new jobs exactly how the BLS counts new jobs. So you lied. Why do you do it.
ACA forced many employers to hire part time and do away with full time workers because they could not stay in business paying for healthcare. So part time meant more jobs.
If Obama's job numbers were actually bad you wouldn't have to lie about them!!!!!
The fact that you do lie about them proves you know they were better than Tramp's.
Thank you.
BTW, as you well know, After the PPACA was passed the number of workers working PT who wanted FT went DOWN.
BS-where are your supporting numbers or witnesses?
You know, you could have just looked this up yourself....

ACA passed in March, 2010...

Number of part timers wanting full time work was:

3/2010: 9,233,000
3/2011: 8,645,000
3/2012: 7,775,000
3/2013: 7,722,000
1/2014: ACA goes into effect
3/2014: 7,435,000
3/2015: 6,629,000
3/2016: 6,066,000

What we see is that figure dropped every year; despite ACA and despite a growing labor force.

---/ With Obozo, folks lost their careers and took two part-time jobs to make some money. You libtards call that job growth. Trump creates full-time careers.

You are a liar. Careers were being lost in the millions until Obama ended the Great Job Killing Recession that GWB left behind.
/——/ However they lost their jobs, Obozo counted the part time jobs as new jobs created.
Are you saying that under Trump that's not true? Can you point to the BLS announcement of this change in methodology?

And go do realize that the number of multiple job holders and the percent of part time workers went down under Obama?
/—-/ It frustrating when you libtards pretend to be uninformed. Stop playing stupid. The information is just a google search away: Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract By

brain-dead maniac, that the study covered the years 2005-2015. According to you, the "Obama era" began at least 4 years before he became president and ended two year before the end of his second term. :cuckoo:
I always get a good laugh at how the left always lays the blame for the recession on GWBush and give 44 all the credit for ending it. Seems they tend to forget that the left felt that everyone should be able to own a house so they changed the requirements for loans of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. People bought houses with little down.
I always get a good laugh at how the Right always accuse Obama of doing what Bush did. It was BUSH who gave no downpayment loans to people with BAD credit for more than the property was worth.

Bush seeks to increase minority homeownership
By Thomas A. Fogarty, USA TODAY
In a bid to boost minority homeownership, President Bush will ask Congress for authority to eliminate the down-payment requirement for Federal Housing Administration loans.
In announcing the plan Monday at a home builders show in Las Vegas, Federal Housing Commissioner John Weicher called the proposal the "most significant FHA initiative in more than a decade." It would lead to 150,000 first-time owners annually, he said.
Nothing-down options are available on the private mortgage market, but, in general, they require the borrower to have pristine credit. Bush's proposed change would extend the nothing-down option to borrowers with blemished credit.
I am going to point you to only one of many such.
Democrats Were Wrong On Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac
From your link...

Congress has cooperated only once. In spring 2007, as House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank likes to point out, the House did pass a bill in response.

Thanks for proving Congress took no action on that matter until Democrats took control of both chambers of Congress in 2007.

But you want to blame Democrats, not Republicans who controlled Congress for the 12 years leading up to 2007?
/——/ You didn’t read the link, did you? Let me help.
Early 1980s recession - Wikipedia
The early 1980s recession was a severe global economic recession that affected much of the developed world in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The United States-and Japan exited the recession relatively early, but high unemployment would continue to affect other OECD nations until at least 1985.[1]
Your link never mentions Carter, but it does reference Reagan's 10.8% unemployment rate in December 1982, actually Nov and Dec 1982, so clearly your own link was referring to the Great Reagan Recession and not Carter's shortest recession in history.
/——/ I’m happy to educate you kids.
Failed to control inflation and unemployment
On assuming office in 1977, President Carter inherited an economy that was slowly emerging from a recession. He had severely criticized former President Ford for his failures to control inflation and relieve unemployment, but after four years of the Carter presidency, both inflation and unemployment were considerably worse than at the time of his inauguration. The annual inflation rate rose from 4.8% in 1976 to 6.8% in 1977, 9% in 1978, 11% in 1979, and hovered around 12% at the time of the 1980 election campaign. Although Carter had pledged to eliminate federal deficits, the deficit for the fiscal year 1979 totaled $27.7 billion, and that for 1980 was nearly $59 billion. With approximately 8 million people out of work, the unemployment rate had leveled off to a nationwide average of about 7.7% by the time of the election campaign, but it was considerably higher in some industrial states.
Jimmy Carter on Budget & Economy
So Carter's unemployment rate of 7.7% is BAD, but Reagan's 10.8% UE rate is GOOD. Carter's $59 billion deficit is BAD, but Reagan's
  • FY 1989 - $153 billion.
  • FY 1988 - $155 billion.
  • FY 1987 - $150 billion.
  • FY 1986 - $221 billion.
  • FY 1985 - $212 billion.
  • FY 1984 - $185 billion.
  • FY 1983 - $208 billion.
  • FY 1982 - $128 billion. deficits are GOOD. :cuckoo:

So Carter's unemployment rate of 7.7% is BAD, but Reagan's 10.8% UE rate is GOOD.

Well, after Carter's 7.7%, Carter lost 44 states.
After Reagan's 10.8%, Reagan won 49 states.
Proof of Tramp's claim that the election is rigged! :)
/——/ Mueller Report you libtards squawk about you dizzy little girl.
ACA forced many employers to hire part time and do away with full time workers because they could not stay in business paying for healthcare. So part time meant more jobs.
If Obama's job numbers were actually bad you wouldn't have to lie about them!!!!!
The fact that you do lie about them proves you know they were better than Tramp's.
Thank you.
BTW, as you well know, After the PPACA was passed the number of workers working PT who wanted FT went DOWN.
BS-where are your supporting numbers or witnesses?
You know, you could have just looked this up yourself....

ACA passed in March, 2010...

Number of part timers wanting full time work was:

3/2010: 9,233,000
3/2011: 8,645,000
3/2012: 7,775,000
3/2013: 7,722,000
1/2014: ACA goes into effect
3/2014: 7,435,000
3/2015: 6,629,000
3/2016: 6,066,000

What we see is that figure dropped every year; despite ACA and despite a growing labor force.

So, does that mean Obama did a bad job? It felt like it back then.
ACA forced many employers to hire part time and do away with full time workers because they could not stay in business paying for healthcare. So part time meant more jobs.
If Obama's job numbers were actually bad you wouldn't have to lie about them!!!!!
The fact that you do lie about them proves you know they were better than Tramp's.
Thank you.
BTW, as you well know, After the PPACA was passed the number of workers working PT who wanted FT went DOWN.
BS-where are your supporting numbers or witnesses?
You know, you could have just looked this up yourself....

ACA passed in March, 2010...

Number of part timers wanting full time work was:

3/2010: 9,233,000
3/2011: 8,645,000
3/2012: 7,775,000
3/2013: 7,722,000
1/2014: ACA goes into effect
3/2014: 7,435,000
3/2015: 6,629,000
3/2016: 6,066,000

What we see is that figure dropped every year; despite ACA and despite a growing labor force.

So, does that mean Obama did a bad job? It felt like it back then.
I thought he did pretty good considering the mess he inherited; and how things generally grew better during his last 7 years in office.
Remember 4%, 5%, maybe even 6%?


Considering what was estimated and what’s actual, I wonder if Trump will even make Obama’s average of 2%?

And this is why we added trillions and trillions of dollars of debt.
In all fairness, the economy was recovered by the time Obama left office.

Of course Obama had more to do with getting there than your beloved TrumpO did if you understand how numbers work.

TrumpO doesn’t get there had Obama not led the way there for two thirds the way.

Math challenged much? The proper comparison is for the first 30 months of each of their terms.

At the end of January 2009, there were 142,152K employed people in the U.S. 30 months later there were 139,524K for a NET DECREASE in employment of (2,628K). That is Obama's first 30 months' result.

At the end of January 2017, there were 152,158K employed people in the U.S. 30 months later there were 157,288K for a NET INCREASE in employment of 5,160K. That is Trump's first 30 months' result.

Trump's economy resulted in a net employment of 7,778K more employed people than Obabble's.
boedicca, post: 22992438
Math challenged much? The proper comparison is for the first 30 months of each of their terms.

No it isn’t. That is as absurd as it it rediculous.

There is no way realistically to compare a presidential term that started at over 2 percent negative GDP and the private sector losing up to a million jobs a month to a term that starts at over a percent positive GDP and a job growth history well over adding 150,000 jobs a month.

So you know TrumpO is such a loser he can’t compete on a level playing field.

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