TrumpO losing to Obama’s job Growth Record. TrumpO is a loser. Who is to blame.

Of course Obama had more to do with getting there than your beloved TrumpO did if you understand how numbers work.

TrumpO doesn’t get there had Obama not led the way there for two thirds the way.

Math challenged much? The proper comparison is for the first 30 months of each of their terms.

At the end of January 2009, there were 142,152K employed people in the U.S. 30 months later there were 139,524K for a NET DECREASE in employment of (2,628K). That is Obama's first 30 months' result.

At the end of January 2017, there were 152,158K employed people in the U.S. 30 months later there were 157,288K for a NET INCREASE in employment of 5,160K. That is Trump's first 30 months' result.

Trump's economy resulted in a net employment of 7,778K more employed people than Obabble's.
WTF? You think it's reasonable to compare an economy coming out of a massive recession -- with a strong and growing economy? :cuckoo:
boedicca, post: 22992438
Math challenged much? The proper comparison is for the first 30 months of each of their terms.

No it isn’t. That is as absurd as it it rediculous.

There is no way realistically to compare a presidential term that started at over 2 percent negative GDP and the private sector losing up to a million jobs a month to a term that starts at over a percent positive GDP and a job growth history well over adding 150,000 jobs a month.

So you know TrumpO is such a loser he can’t compete on a level playing field.

Yes, there is a way to compare. What did Obabble accomplish in his first 30 months vs. Trump? A lot of damage via the ACA and Porkulus, that's what.
Over 30 months Obama added almost 1 million more jobs than Trump

Trump entered office on January 20, 2017, and starting with February 2017 he has been President for 30 months. Total job growth during that time has been 5.736 million or 191,000 per month with those results being helped by the tax cut.

Working back from January 2017, Obama’s last month in office, there had been 6.611 million jobs added or 220,000 per month. The difference for the 30 months is 875,000 more jobs or almost 30,000 more per month than Trump.

Note that back in January this year the total difference was only 194,000, which means over the past six months it has increased by 681,000. And looking at the next five months with Obama’s job numbers of 221,000 to 327,000 per month, the gap should only increase and cross 1 million.

Trump’s Economy Is Decelerating

Let’s hear the excuses as to why TrumpO’s greatest economy ever is not even as great as Obama’s for job creation.
Coloured fell, wan't he?
boedicca, post: 22998125
Yes, there is a way to compare. What did Obabble accomplish in his first 30 months vs. Trump? A lot of damage via the ACA and Porkulus, that's what.

There is a way to compare a little league is player to a major league player too. But if you do it as if they both play against the same level of competition then you are an idiot.
boedicca, post: 22998125
Yes, there is a way to compare. What did Obabble accomplish in his first 30 months vs. Trump? A lot of damage via the ACA and Porkulus, that's what.

There is a way to compare a little league is player to a major league player too. But if you do it as if they both play against the same level of competition then you are an idiot.

Statistically challenged much?
boedicca, post: 22998125
Yes, there is a way to compare. What did Obabble accomplish in his first 30 months vs. Trump? A lot of damage via the ACA and Porkulus, that's what.

There is a way to compare a little league is player to a major league player too. But if you do it as if they both play against the same level of competition then you are an idiot.

Statistically challenged much?

You might as well just admit you are an idiot.

TrumPo was welcomed to the White House by positive economic conditions. Obama was welcomed by the Great Bush Recession.

That’s why only an idiot wouid prefer to compare TrumpO’s first 30 months to Obama’s first 30 months.

It’s the only way TrumpO can brag about doing better on the economy than Obama.

TrumPo cannot beat Obama’s best quarters of GDP. That so far is a statistical fact.
boedicca, post: 22998125
Yes, there is a way to compare. What did Obabble accomplish in his first 30 months vs. Trump? A lot of damage via the ACA and Porkulus, that's what.

There is a way to compare a little league is player to a major league player too. But if you do it as if they both play against the same level of competition then you are an idiot.

Statistically challenged much?

You might as well just admit you are an idiot.

TrumPo was welcomed to the White House by positive economic conditions. Obama was welcomed by the Great Bush Recession.

That’s why only an idiot wouid prefer to compare TrumpO’s first 30 months to Obama’s first 30 months.

It’s the only way TrumpO can brag about doing better on the economy than Obama.

TrumPo cannot beat Obama’s best quarters of GDP. That so far is a statistical fact.

Condolences on the perpetual butthurt. I recommend you buy an industrial sized vat of:

Condolences on the perpetual butthurt. I recommend you buy an industrial sized vat of:

Why wouid I be butthurt over the fact ttat TrumPo can’t do any better than Obama on hardly anything. Unless of course your TrumPo lies about something of course.

btw you post assinine juvenile cartoons while I post real statistical charts:
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protectionist, post: 22992680
It was recovered by 2015, but then sunk back down in Obama's last (failure) year.

So in your poor white suffering head Obama erred in brings my the economy back too quickly. He shoulda slowed it down to Romney’s pace and had it peak in January 2017 following a perfectly steady climb.
boedicca, post: 22992438
Math challenged much? The proper comparison is for the first 30 months of each of their terms.

No it isn’t. That is as absurd as it it rediculous.

There is no way realistically to compare a presidential term that started at over 2 percent negative GDP and the private sector losing up to a million jobs a month to a term that starts at over a percent positive GDP and a job growth history well over adding 150,000 jobs a month.

So you know TrumpO is such a loser he can’t compete on a level playing field.

Yes, there is a way to compare. What did Obabble accomplish in his first 30 months vs. Trump? A lot of damage via the ACA and Porkulus, that's what.
Obama accomplished steering us out of the worst recession in our lifetime.... trump did not.
Be happy that we have a president with many years of BUSINESS EXPERIENCE, who can CONTROL an economy and keep it stable, unlike the previous president idiot, whose gdp quarters look like the scribblings of a 2 year old baby. (with GDP rates bouncing all over the place)
So in your poor white suffering head Obama erred in brings my the economy back too quickly. He shoulda slowed it down to Romney’s pace and had it peak in January 2017 following a perfectly steady climb.
He NEVER brought anything back. Economies recovering from severe recessions bounce back normally, regardless of who is president. After the economy recovered, we got to see the community organizers' report card grade -
So you idiots want to claim that Trump has been bad on the economy, and then run on that in 2020, huh ?

OK. You do that. Keep talking about the economy. Do that.
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Obama accomplished steering us out of the worst recession in our lifetime.... trump did not.

Just OPPOSITE is true. Obama left off in Jan. 2017 with a sinking ship economy, headed right straight back to recession.

Trump pulled us out of that in 2017, and has kept GDP rates fairly stable and much higher than 2016.





Obama accomplished steering us out of the worst recession in our lifetime.... trump did not.

Just OPPOSITE is true. Obama left off in Jan. 2017 with a sinking ship economy, headed right straight back to recession.

Trump pulled us out of that in 2017, and has kept GDP rates fairly stable and much higher than 2016.






Dumbfuck, Obama handed trump a record number of employed (and growing). You know, what you idiotically call a "sinking ship." :eusa_doh:
Obama handed trump a record number of employed (and growing). You know, what you idiotically call a "sinking ship." :eusa_doh:
You idiot. He handed Trump a recession. That is when GDP growth is falling (receding) and Obama's was just that. Even after cooking the numbers to favor Obama, as much as they could, the lefties in the BEA still acknowledge that. :auiqs.jpg:

He handed Trump a recession. That is when GDP growth is falling (receding) and Obama's was just that. Even after cooking the numbers to favor Obama, as much as they could, the lefties in the BEA still acknowledge that.
Quote the BEA saying that lie, or STFU!!!!!
It was Tramp who just got caught cooking the numbers so you worthless lying scum CON$ervoFascists have to accuse Obama of what Tramp is doing to muddy the waters!
Obama handed trump a record number of employed (and growing). You know, what you idiotically call a "sinking ship." :eusa_doh:
You idiot. He handed Trump a recession. That is when GDP growth is falling (receding) and Obama's was just that. Even after cooking the numbers to favor Obama, as much as they could, the lefties in the BEA still acknowledge that. :auiqs.jpg:

"He handed Trump a recession."


Poor, demented, gramps.... even the NBER thinks you're senile...

There was no recession in 2017.

And you claim to have taught economics.

protectionist, post: 23030961
He handed Trump a recession

Not true but if it were true that would mean your TrumpO has already handed himself a recession from the 2018 peak in GDP that was not as high as Obana’s peak in 2015.

You just might be dumber than TrumpO on economic matters . Were you one of his professors at the Trump University scam?

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