Trump: Women Who Are Victims of Abuse Should Not Ruin Men's Careers

I wonder about some of the people posting on this thread.
  • I haven't seen anything to indicate that they know any of the people involved in this situation, yet they are absolutely sure that these incidents never happened.
  • They don't seem to be any bit upset that people who do not have security clearances handle classified information every day.
  • They don't acknowledge that two or three people have accused Porter of the exact same behavior or that there also is some documentation of it.
  • They don't acknowledge that this behavior calls Porter's character into question, which is particularly important because he handles classified information and has direct access to the president.
  • They don't acknowledge that the investigators seek out the people who know an applicant, not vice versa. As someone who has had federal investigators show up at my office without warning to interview me, I know this to be the case. Moreover, I sincerely doubt that this guy's ex-wives were interviewed together.
  • There is no evidence that calls into question the credibility of these women.
  • Their talk about due process is irrelevant inasmuch as there is no right to a security clearance. There is no criminal penalty.
  • They refuse to acknowledge the many millions of men who have never done such things and never have been accused of anything. They are the type of people whom we want in positions involving trust.
1st post
Here is more proof, as though any more were needed, that Trump- at best is a mindless, insensitive jerk- and at worse a shameless misogynist who has no respect for women.

‘Lives Are Being Shattered’: Trump Says Victims Of Domestic Abuse Should Stop Hurting Men’s Careers

By Conover Kennard on February 10, 2018 11:42 am ·

Six senior officials within the executive branch have resigned in the past 24 hours. Two of them resigned over allegations of domestic abuse and Donald Trump is throwing his support behind the alleged abusers. According to the former reality show star, speaking out against your abuser is a bad thing. White House speechwriter David Sorensen’s former wife, Jessica Corbett, claims her former husband put cigarettes out on her body and drove a car over her foot. Rob Porter, a high-ranking staffer just resigned amid a scandal about his alleged spousal abuse. Pictures of that abuse circulated online showing his former wife with a black eye. Two ex-wives and a former girlfriend have claimed they were physically and emotionally abused by Porter.

“People’s lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation,” the man who falsely accused former President Barack Obama of being born in Kenya tweeted. “Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused – life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?”

What!!?? He admits that at least some are true. Think about that!! Aside from the fact that victims deserve to be believed – he is suggesting that true or not, the women should have remined silent!! Seriously. Apparently, he has the same attitude towards women as the Islamic extremists-who he hates so much have. Maybe he also believes that they should not be allowed to leave the house unescorted by a related male. Maybe he thinks that they should not work outside of the home and be subservient to men. This is sick!!

Related: Trump Speechwriter Resigns Amid Domestic Abuse Allegations, Says HE Was The Victim
It's a little ironic that one of the defense responses to this incident has been to deflect to "Hey, what about the Muslims?"
When you measure their behaviors, there's not a lot of daylight between them. It's all just male control of females, their property.
That happens. Just like when someone puts up a fake news report here. You have to keep that possibility in the back of your mind.
I worked with victims of DV and their abusers for 10 years. I've known women who went through it. It makes me want to bang my head on the wall when women won't follow through with criminal charges, and ESPECIALLY when they decide after a week or two to go back to their husband for more. It's complicated. It is not usually "made up," although it is often recanted for all the crazy reasons women have for thinking they deserve to be a punching bag.
Dept. of Justice says approx 4% of criminal allegations are false. DV cases are no different.
People can dismiss all cases because of the 4%, or they can at least listen to them. Ironically, by refusing to listen, they are encouraging women NOT to press charges which again will deny the abusers their fair "day in court." Unless a woman is severely injured, most DA's won't prosecute without the victim's cooperation. In some states they can't. So both sides lose.
There's a lot to it, TN.
I dont believe that 4% number. It is a statistic impossibility to calculate those. Just because they get convicted, doesnt mean they actually did it.
Okay. If 4% doesn't fit with your world view, say it's not true. I'm not exactly shocked, but I am disappointed that you are taking that back door out of the argument.
Reality isnt a back door, OL.
First of all, you cant PROVE domestic violence without an eye witness or recording. I would wager 10 bucks 90% of the convictions are done so because the woman said they did and had a mark. Are you going to argue with that? Because we all know domestic violations are biased for the woman just like child custody hearings. Thats why woman use that as a THREAT.
Sorry, TN. I've heard too many survivor stories and seen too many real scars and real x-rays and read too many hospital reports to go along with your argument that false claims are as common place or as much of a worry as you think. I've heard women make a few in ugly divorce cases when there were custody disputes and they were clearly bullshit. No one including the judge believed them.
You're being misled.
Now, damnit, dont go putting words in my mouth. I didnt say it was common. I am disagreeing with FOUR PERCENT.
PROVE the man did those things. I will wait.

Exactly. You cant unless there is a witness or recording.
She could have done it to herself. And nobody would know a difference. Nor would they care because DV is bias against males.
My stupid bitch of an ex wife hit me about 30 times one day. I finally got mad and grabbed her by the throat and threw her into the wall. She said she was going to claw her face and call the cops. She didnt, but if she did, i wouldnt have been able to stop it, and you know it. I would have a criminal history of violence and didnt do a damn thing!

How do we know that you didn't instigate your wife to want to lie to the cops..?

Not really Harley, but how does that make you feel ? Now I would believe you of course , but to publicly be called a liar like this woman has with no reason to lie, she didn't go looking for a problem.

.I am sorry that happened to you, and yes there are people who were falsely accused like you could have been.

The FBI came after her for questions , Porter took the picture in Italy...
As the OP, I must say that I am disgusted by the stupidity, dishonesty and misogyny that I am witnessing here. I knew that there would be some defenders of, and apologist for abusers but this is over the top deplorable.

These women are not lying and there is no reason to believe that they are. I someone gets mugged on the street they are taken at their word, but a women being beaten at home, not so fast. What the fuck is wrong with you guys? And with Trump.

I have first hand knowledge of the effects of abuse on women. First, I worked in child protective services for many years. The women in homes where children are abused are often victims themselves. I have placed women and their children in shelters and testified against the male perpetrator. I have seen the trauma these women, and their children suffered.

Secondly, I am married to a women who was the victim of abuse at the hands of her first husband. It took here many years to get away from him due to her fears and his controlling nature. It was several years after she left him that we got together, and the effects of her experience were still evident. It took her a long time to trust me, to believe that I would not turn out to be like her first husband. In addition, she went to great lengths to cover her trail and hide her identity, even after moving to another state. Yet, for a long time she was fearful that he would find her.

Abuse is no joke. Abuse is real. Now shut the fuck up!
Evidently liberals are okay with doing away with the entire concept of due process. It's going on the same ash heap as free speech.

Horseshit Pay attention to what I’m saying Try to comprehend j

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You are arguing that pointing out that an accusation is all it takes to ruin a life is somehow ok when a woman does it.
It is not her fault that the accusation had consequences. You can't silence her because of what might happen.
She should not be silenced. Just taken in the context of a larger picture that does not center on her.
I dont believe that 4% number. It is a statistic impossibility to calculate those. Just because they get convicted, doesnt mean they actually did it.
Okay. If 4% doesn't fit with your world view, say it's not true. I'm not exactly shocked, but I am disappointed that you are taking that back door out of the argument.
Reality isnt a back door, OL.
First of all, you cant PROVE domestic violence without an eye witness or recording. I would wager 10 bucks 90% of the convictions are done so because the woman said they did and had a mark. Are you going to argue with that? Because we all know domestic violations are biased for the woman just like child custody hearings. Thats why woman use that as a THREAT.
Sorry, TN. I've heard too many survivor stories and seen too many real scars and real x-rays and read too many hospital reports to go along with your argument that false claims are as common place or as much of a worry as you think. I've heard women make a few in ugly divorce cases when there were custody disputes and they were clearly bullshit. No one including the judge believed them.
You're being misled.
Now, damnit, dont go putting words in my mouth. I didnt say it was common. I am disagreeing with FOUR PERCENT.
PROVE the man did those things. I will wait.

Exactly. You cant unless there is a witness or recording.
She could have done it to herself. And nobody would know a difference. Nor would they care because DV is bias against males.
My stupid bitch of an ex wife hit me about 30 times one day. I finally got mad and grabbed her by the throat and threw her into the wall. She said she was going to claw her face and call the cops. She didnt, but if she did, i wouldnt have been able to stop it, and you know it. I would have a criminal history of violence and didnt do a damn thing!

How do we know that you didn't instigate your wife to want to lie to the cops..?

Not really Harley, but how does that make you feel ? Now I would believe you of course , but to publicly be called a liar like this woman has with no reason to lie, she didn't go looking for a problem.

.I am sorry that happened to you, and yes there are people who were falsely accused like you could have been.

The FBI came after her for questions , Porter took the picture in Italy...
IDK much about that particular case. And i honestly had no idea that tweet from trump was relative to it.
5th post
As the OP, I must say that I am disgusted by the stupidity, dishonesty and misogyny that I am witnessing here. I knew that there would be some defenders of, and apologist for abusers but this is over the top deplorable.

These women are not lying and there is no reason to believe that they are. I someone gets mugged on the street they are taken at their word, but a women being beaten at home, not so fast. What the fuck is wrong with you guys? And with Trump.

I have first hand knowledge of the effects of abuse on women. First, I worked in child protective services for many years. The women in homes where children are abused are often victims themselves. I have placed women and their children in shelters and testified against the male perpetrator. I have seen the trauma these women, and their children suffered.

Secondly, I am married to a women who was the victim of abuse at the hands of her first husband. It took here many years to get away from him due to her fears and his controlling nature. It was several years after she left him that we got together, and the effects of her experience were still evident. It took her a long time to trust me, to believe that I would not turn out to be like her first husband. In addition, she went to great lengths to cover her trail and hide her identity, even after moving to another state. Yet, for a long time she was fearful that he would find her.

Abuse is no joke. Abuse is real. Now shut the fuck up!

What is even more deplorable and disgusting are political hacks who would use accusations as a basis for their baseless hatred of a duly elected US President and his staff.
Here is more proof, as though any more were needed, that Trump- at best is a mindless, insensitive jerk- and at worse a shameless misogynist who has no respect for women.

‘Lives Are Being Shattered’: Trump Says Victims Of Domestic Abuse Should Stop Hurting Men’s Careers

By Conover Kennard on February 10, 2018 11:42 am ·

Six senior officials within the executive branch have resigned in the past 24 hours. Two of them resigned over allegations of domestic abuse and Donald Trump is throwing his support behind the alleged abusers. According to the former reality show star, speaking out against your abuser is a bad thing. White House speechwriter David Sorensen’s former wife, Jessica Corbett, claims her former husband put cigarettes out on her body and drove a car over her foot. Rob Porter, a high-ranking staffer just resigned amid a scandal about his alleged spousal abuse. Pictures of that abuse circulated online showing his former wife with a black eye. Two ex-wives and a former girlfriend have claimed they were physically and emotionally abused by Porter.

“People’s lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation,” the man who falsely accused former President Barack Obama of being born in Kenya tweeted. “Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused – life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?”

What!!?? He admits that at least some are true. Think about that!! Aside from the fact that victims deserve to be believed – he is suggesting that true or not, the women should have remined silent!! Seriously. Apparently, he has the same attitude towards women as the Islamic extremists-who he hates so much have. Maybe he also believes that they should not be allowed to leave the house unescorted by a related male. Maybe he thinks that they should not work outside of the home and be subservient to men. This is sick!!

Related: Trump Speechwriter Resigns Amid Domestic Abuse Allegations, Says HE Was The Victim

What a surprise...theRegressiveTraitor sides with feminist ***** in destroying men’s careers and lives with mere allegations by other feminist *****.

theHawk Do not bypass the word filter.
But it's ok if women's lives are destroyed, right?
As the OP, I must say that I am disgusted by the stupidity, dishonesty and misogyny that I am witnessing here. I knew that there would be some defenders of, and apologist for abusers but this is over the top deplorable.

These women are not lying and there is no reason to believe that they are. I someone gets mugged on the street they are taken at their word, but a women being beaten at home, not so fast. What the fuck is wrong with you guys? And with Trump.

I have first hand knowledge of the effects of abuse on women. First, I worked in child protective services for many years. The women in homes where children are abused are often victims themselves. I have placed women and their children in shelters and testified against the male perpetrator. I have seen the trauma these women, and their children suffered.

Secondly, I am married to a women who was the victim of abuse at the hands of her first husband. It took here many years to get away from him due to her fears and his controlling nature. It was several years after she left him that we got together, and the effects of her experience were still evident. It took her a long time to trust me, to believe that I would not turn out to be like her first husband. In addition, she went to great lengths to cover her trail and hide her identity, even after moving to another state. Yet, for a long time she was fearful that he would find her.

Abuse is no joke. Abuse is real. Now shut the fuck up!

It is the same with anything... cancer, death, violent abuse, becoming a parent ect ect

You are going to judge it until it personally happens to you..I see some people on this thread who are republican defending the wifes.
I think much of the denials and support are those who never dealt with it..

Here is more proof, as though any more were needed, that Trump- at best is a mindless, insensitive jerk- and at worse a shameless misogynist who has no respect for women.

‘Lives Are Being Shattered’: Trump Says Victims Of Domestic Abuse Should Stop Hurting Men’s Careers

By Conover Kennard on February 10, 2018 11:42 am ·

Six senior officials within the executive branch have resigned in the past 24 hours. Two of them resigned over allegations of domestic abuse and Donald Trump is throwing his support behind the alleged abusers. According to the former reality show star, speaking out against your abuser is a bad thing. White House speechwriter David Sorensen’s former wife, Jessica Corbett, claims her former husband put cigarettes out on her body and drove a car over her foot. Rob Porter, a high-ranking staffer just resigned amid a scandal about his alleged spousal abuse. Pictures of that abuse circulated online showing his former wife with a black eye. Two ex-wives and a former girlfriend have claimed they were physically and emotionally abused by Porter.

“People’s lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation,” the man who falsely accused former President Barack Obama of being born in Kenya tweeted. “Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused – life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?”

What!!?? He admits that at least some are true. Think about that!! Aside from the fact that victims deserve to be believed – he is suggesting that true or not, the women should have remined silent!! Seriously. Apparently, he has the same attitude towards women as the Islamic extremists-who he hates so much have. Maybe he also believes that they should not be allowed to leave the house unescorted by a related male. Maybe he thinks that they should not work outside of the home and be subservient to men. This is sick!!

Related: Trump Speechwriter Resigns Amid Domestic Abuse Allegations, Says HE Was The Victim

Trump is supporting Due Process under the Rule of Law.

Get a grip.
Nice to see him do that as a change of pace.
Read it again. He is blaming the victims for fault accusing the perps. You just don’t want to see that

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You really are a moron :rolleyes:

You guys keep saying all you want Does Not Chang reality

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I call shenanigans. I dare you to diagram each sentence and to logically demonstrate exactly where and how he blames the alleged victims.

I did that already You are just choosing to hear what you’re biased. Women hating ears want to hear

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Maybe one day you’ll be accused of something that ruins whatever passes for your reputation, destroys your livelihood, and perhaps your relationship with loved ones, and then you find you are also denied due process.
Maybe when your life is lying in tatters and you discover an accusation alone was more than enough to condemn you, you will start to think like a rational grown up - even though by then it will be too late for you.
It seems that’s what it would take for you to appreciate such injustice - but even you wouldn’t deserve that.
And if I'm accused of something and it's looked at by the FBI who then recommends I not get a security clearance and there's more than one person who accused me and there's a restraining order AND pictures.....I deserved it.
it really is pretty funny and these current issues like Porters are confirmation that liberals and their kids are going to get what they deserve . ------------ just a comment .
I love it when frightened cowards hint at violence.
------------------------------------------- got nothing to do with violence . You and your kids will get what you deserve because of changing rules , laws , population and the disappearance of Western Law and Rule of LAW in the USA . I mean , hey look as 'innocent till proven guilty' and Due Process is dismantled as well as Freedom of Speech is looked down on . No violence coming from me as i watch the USA become third world Bodecea .
it really is pretty funny and these current issues like Porters are confirmation that liberals and their kids are going to get what they deserve . ------------ just a comment .
I love it when frightened cowards hint at violence.
------------------------------------------- got nothing to do with violence . You and your kids will get what you deserve because of changing rules , laws , population and the disappearance of Western Law and Rule of LAW in the USA . I mean , hey look as 'innocent till proven guilty' and Due Process is dismantled as well as Freedom of Speech is looked down on . No violence coming from me as i watch the USA become third world Bodecea .
Sure hun.....where's that Due Process in "Lock Her Up!"? Point it out to me.
but like i speculate , hey its YOU and your kids that are going to get the non western world / USA that i predict Bodecea .
Here is more proof, as though any more were needed, that Trump- at best is a mindless, insensitive jerk- and at worse a shameless misogynist who has no respect for women.

‘Lives Are Being Shattered’: Trump Says Victims Of Domestic Abuse Should Stop Hurting Men’s Careers

By Conover Kennard on February 10, 2018 11:42 am ·

Six senior officials within the executive branch have resigned in the past 24 hours. Two of them resigned over allegations of domestic abuse and Donald Trump is throwing his support behind the alleged abusers. According to the former reality show star, speaking out against your abuser is a bad thing. White House speechwriter David Sorensen’s former wife, Jessica Corbett, claims her former husband put cigarettes out on her body and drove a car over her foot. Rob Porter, a high-ranking staffer just resigned amid a scandal about his alleged spousal abuse. Pictures of that abuse circulated online showing his former wife with a black eye. Two ex-wives and a former girlfriend have claimed they were physically and emotionally abused by Porter.

“People’s lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation,” the man who falsely accused former President Barack Obama of being born in Kenya tweeted. “Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused – life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?”

What!!?? He admits that at least some are true. Think about that!! Aside from the fact that victims deserve to be believed – he is suggesting that true or not, the women should have remined silent!! Seriously. Apparently, he has the same attitude towards women as the Islamic extremists-who he hates so much have. Maybe he also believes that they should not be allowed to leave the house unescorted by a related male. Maybe he thinks that they should not work outside of the home and be subservient to men. This is sick!!

Related: Trump Speechwriter Resigns Amid Domestic Abuse Allegations, Says HE Was The Victim

What a surprise...theRegressiveTraitor sides with feminist ***** in destroying men’s careers and lives with mere allegations by other feminist *****.

theHawk Do not bypass the word filter.
But it's ok if women's lives are destroyed, right?

What women’s lives are being destroyed by accusations?

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